Radio stars (Oct 1935-Sept 1936)

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RADIO STARS ARE MATCHING LIPS AND FINGER TIPS Narural N<"Ur Wail P»lish •„,al Na'l 1 / AYB E it's the touch of matchmaking in it that appeals to every woman! Anyway, you'll want to come out — right now — in the new Cutex matching lips and finger tips. Abandon any fears that the matching idea may be complicated to work out! Just choose one of the 6 smart shades of Cutex Polish. Then complete your color ensemble by smoothing on matching Cutex Lipstick. Could anything be simpler? A Perfect match in quality, too Cutex Polish, you'll find, flows onto your nails with positively divine smoothness. It leaves no rim or streaking of color. It won't peel or chip. And every smart shade is authentic, selected by the World's Manicure Authority. Cardinal The new Cutex Lipstick is just as expertly made as the polish. It's smooth, creamy . . . yet never messy or greasy. And it stays on — without drying your lips. It's a perfectly grand lipstick at about half the price you usually pay! Get Cutex Liquid Polish . . . Crime or Clear... with patented metal-shaft brush that holds the bristles in tightly, and Cutex matching Lipstick, in a smart black enamel case, at any Toilet Goods Department. Start off with your favorite shade of Cutex Polish and matching Cutex Lipstick— and you'll soon see what an adventure in smartness it turns out to be! Begin today! Northam Warren, New York, Montreal, London, Paris CUTEX 57