Radio stars (Oct 1935-Sept 1936)

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RADIO STARS _ ii (Continued from page 84) GLORIOUS Heartbreak — at the sight of his Brother's Wife! Cynthia and Jeff were alone in the garden. Their hour was upon them; two who had loved spoke fiercely, quickly . . . Cynthia told him simply "You must have thought me a fool, bringing me to this place so offhand. You might have known I'd find out all about you if I came here." Jeff replied, "Why, honey, I was only keen about her the way a kid is! Then Tod came along and fell for her, and I passed out of the picture." "And you've regretted it ever since." Cynthia said hotly. "Being noble. Giving up your brother's wife! You regret it now!" "If that's the way you feel," he commented, "There's not much for me to say, is there?" But there was more to say. . . . Cold, cruel words that left their pride, their love in tattered shreds. Did these two who loved each other so deeply, who hated each other so bitterly, ever forgive each other the dreadful words each had spoken? Read STRANGER, TAKE MY HEART! by Ellen Hogue in Jtu/eet/ieGtt STORIES December Now on Sale . . . 10c 86 day's news. (Sun Oil.) WJZ WLW CRCf WBAL WBZ KDKA WHAM WJR WSYR WBZA WJAX WFLA WMAL WGAR WRVA WIOD. 7:00 EST (%) — Amos 'n' Andy. (Pepsodent.) WEAF and network. (See also 11:00 P.M. EST.) 7:00 EST (Vk) — Myrt and Marge. Dramatic Series. (Win. Wrigley, Jr., Co.) WABC WADC WOKO WCAO WNAC WGR WKEC WHK WJR WDRC WCAU WJAS WEAN WFBL WSPD WJSV WQAM WDBO WDAE WBT WTOC WWVA. 7:15 EST (Vt) — The Ivory Stamp Club with Capt. Tim Healy — stamp and adventure talks. WJZ WFIL WBAL WMAL WBZ WBZA WSYR WHAM KDKA WXTZ WENR WMT KSO KWK KOIL (station list incomplete). 7:15 EST (%) — "Uncle Ezra's Radio Station E-Z-R-A." (Dr. Miles Laboratories.) WEAF WJAR WTAG WEEI WBEN WCAE WRC WCSH WGT WTAM KYW WHIO WFBR WLW. 6:15 CST — WHO WOW WDAF WMAQ. 7:30 EST (%) — Singin' Sam, songs. (Wasey Products, Inc. — Barbasol.) WABC WADC WOKO WCAO WNAC WGR WBBM WKRC WHK KRNT AVJR WDRC WFBM WHAS KFAB WCAU WJAS WEAN KMOX WFBL WSPD WJSV WCCO. 7:30 EST (V4) — Lum and Abner — comedy sketch. NBC Service Chicago Studios to WJZ WBZ WBZA WSYR WENR. 7:45 EST (V4) — Dangerous Paradise with Elsie Hitz and Nick Dawson. (Woodbury's.) WJZ WLW WBAL WMAL WFIL WBZ WBZA WSYR WHAM KDKA. 6:45 CST — WENR KTBS KWK KSO KOIL WREN WSM WSB WSMB WBAP. 7:45 EST (*4) — Boake Carter, commentator on the news. (Philco Radio and Television Corp.) WABC WCAO WNAC WDRC WEAN WFBL, WKRC WJSV WHK CKLW WCAU WJAS WBT WGR. 6:45 CST— KMBC WBBM WHAS KMOX KRLD KOMA WCCO. 8:00 EST (%) — Hammerstein's Music Hall. (American Home Products.) WEAF and basic red network. 8:00 EST (%) — Fibber McGee and Mollycomedy sketch with Marion and Jim Jordan: Lynn Martin, contralto; mixed sextette; Ulderico Marcelli's orchestra. NBC Service Chicago Studios to WJZ WGAR WFIL WBAL WMAL WBZ WBZA WHAM KDKA WCKY. 7:00 CST — WLS WMT KSO KOIL WREN. 6:00 MST — KOA KDYL. 5:00 PST — KFI KGW KOMO KHQ KPO WSYR. 8:00 EST (Vi) — Esso Marketers present Lombardo Road. (Standard Oil Co. of N. J.) WABC WOKO WCAO WNAC WGR WMAS WFBC WLBZ WMBG WDBJ WHEC WICC WDRC WCAU WJAS WEAN WFBL WJSV WPG WBT WDNC WBIG WHP. 7:00 CST— WDOD WNOX KLRA WREC WNBf WLAC WDSU KWKH WIBX WWVA WSJS WORC WCHS WESG WCSC. 8:30 EST (Vi) — Firestone Concert; Margaret Speaks, soprano; Win. Daly's orchestra. (Firestone Tire Rubber Co.) WEAF WTIC WTAG WEEI WRVA WJAR WCSH WFBR WRC WHIO WGY WBEN WTAM WW.I WLW WCAE CRCT CFCF WPTF WWNC WIS WJAX WIOD WFLA WSOC WTAR. 7:30 CST — WMAQ WHO WPRC KSD WEBC WTMJ WIBA KFYR WSM WMC WSB W.IDX WSMB WAVE WKY KTBS WOAI KYW WDAF WDAY KSTP WOW WIRE WFAA WAPI KTHS. 8:30 EST (%) — Evening in Paris — Odette Myrtil, the Pickens Sisters, Murk Warnow and orchestra. (Bourjois Sales Corp.) WJZ and network. (Continued on page 88)