Radio stars (Oct 1935-Sept 1936)

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RADIO STARS OLD MOTHER HUBBARD HAS FILLED HER BARE CUPBOARD WITH ONIONS AND STEAKS AND CHEESES; HER STOMACH FEELS GRAND SINCE SHE KEEPS TUMS ON HAND . . . SHE EATS WHAT SHE DARN WELL PLEASESI NO ALKALIES FOR ACID INDIGESTION! MILLIONS have found they do not need to drench their stomachs with strong, caustic alkalies. Physicians have said this habit often brings further acid indigestion. So much more safe and sensible to simply carry a roll of Turns in your pocket. Munch 3 or 4 after meals — or whenever troubled by heartburn, gas, scur stomach. Try them when you feel the effects of last night's party, or when you smoke too much. Turns contain a wonderful antacid which neutralizes acid in the stomach, but never over-alkalizes stomach or blood. Pleasant to eat as candy. Only 10c at any drug store. FOR THE TUMMY TUMS TUMS ARE ANTACID . . NOT A LAXATIVE FREE: Beautiful 6 color 1935-36 Calendar -Thermometer with the purchase of a 10c roll of Turns or 25c box of NR< the all-ve*etable laxative). At your drnsrciBt b. Hair OFF t:" Chin Vn loved waxes, liquids . . I once looked like this. Ugly hair on face . . . unloved . . . discouraged. Nothing helped. Depilatories, . even razors failed. Then I discovered a simple, painless, inexpensive method. It worked! Thousands have won beauty and love with the secret. My FREE Book,"HowtoOvercomeSuperfluous Hair," explains the method and proves actual success. Mailed in plain envelope. Also trial offer. No obligation. Write Mile. AnnetteLanzette.P.O.Box 4040, Merchandise Mart, Dept. 187. Chicago. MercolizedWax Keeps Skin Young Absorb blemishes and discolorations using Mercolized Wax daily as directed. Invisible particles of aged skin are freed and all defects such as blackheads, tan, freckles and large pores disappear. Skin is then beautifully clear, velvety and so soft — face looks years younger. Mercolized Wax brings out your hidden beauty. At all leading druggists. Phelactine removes hairy growths — takes them out— easily, quickly and gently. Leaves the skin hair free. I — Powdered Saxolite— i I Reduces wrinkles and other age-signs. Sim I I ply dissolve one ounce Saxolite in half -pint I I witch hazel and use daily as face lotion. | 88 (Continued from page 86) 8:30 EST (y?) — One Night Stand with Pick and Pat; Joseph Bunime orchestra. (Dill's Best and Model Smoking Tobacco.) WABC WNAC WADC WOKO WCAO WGR WKRC WHK CKLW WDRC WCATJ WJAS WEAN TVFBL WSPD WJSV WLBZ WICC WBT WHP WMBG WHEC WMAS WORC. 7:30 CST — WBBH KFAB KMBC. 9:00 EST <y2) — A & P Gypsies Orchestra, direction Harry Horlick. Guest stars. WEAF WTIC WTAG WEEI KYW WHIO WRC WJAR WCAE WCSH WWJ WGY WBEN WTAM. 8:00 CST — KSD WOW WDAF WHO WMAQ WSAI WIRE. 9:00 EST (1) — Lux Radio Theater. WABC WADC WOKO WCAO WNAC WKBW WKRC WHK WCAU WJAS WEAN WFBL WSPD WJSV WQ AM WDAE WICC WBT WBNS CKAC WDBJ WHEC CFRB WORC CKLW WDRC. 8:00 CST — WBBM KRNT WFBM KMBC WHAS KFAB KMOX WGST WBRC KRLD KTRH KTUL KLRA WREC WISN WCCO WLAC WDSU KOMA KTSA WNAX. 7:00 MPT — KLZ KSL. 6:00 PST — KHJ KOIN KGB KFRC KOL KFPY KVI KERN h.MJ KFBK KDB. 9:00 EST (y2) — Sinclair Greater Minstrels; old time minstrel show. WJZ WGAR WWNC WSYR WRVA WAPI KTHS WJR WMAL WTAR WLW WIS WJAX WIOD WFLA WBAL WBZ WBZA KDKA WSOC WPTF. 8:00 CST — WSB WLS KWK WREN KSO KVOO KSTP WEBC WDAY KPRC KTBS KOIL KFYR WTMJ WFAA WMC WSMB WJDX WOAI WKY WMT WIBA WSM. 7:00 MST — KOA KDYL. 9:30 EST <y2) — Princess Pat Players. Dramatic sketch. WJZ WBAL WSYR WJR WMAL WFIL WBZ WBZA WHAM KDKA WGAR WENR WCKY. 8:30 CST— KSO KWK WREN KOIL WMT. 9:30 EST (%) — Grace Moore (Vick Cliem. Co.) NBC Service from Hollywood to WEAF. WRVA WPTF WTAR WSOC WWNC WIS WJAX WIOD WFLA WTAG WEEI WJAR WCSH KYW WRC WFER WGY WBEN WCAE WTAM WWJ WHIO WLW. 8:30 CST — WIRE WMAQ KSD WHO WOW WDAF WTMJ WIBA KSTP WEBC WDAY KFYR WAVE WSM WMC WSB WJDX WSMB KVOO WKY KTBS KPRC WOAI. 7:30 MST — KOA KDYL KGIR KGHL. 6:30 PST — KPO KFI KOMO KHQ KFSD KTAR KGW. 10:00 EST (V») — Wayne King's orchestra. (Lady Esther.) WABC WADC WOKO WCAO WAAB WCAU WEAN WSPD WBNS WKBW WKRC WHK CKLW WDRC WJAS WFBL WJSV. 9:00 CST— WBBM KMBC WHAS KMOX KFAB WCCO WIBW WDSU KRLD WFBM. 8:00 MST — KLZ KSL. 7:00 PST — KERN KM J KHJ KOIN KGB KFRC KOL KFPY KVI KFBK KDB KWG. 10:00 EST (%) — Contented Program. Lullaby Lady; male quartet; Morgan L. Eastman orchestra; Jean Paul King, announcer. (Carnation Co.) WEAF WTAG WEEI WJAR WSAI WRVA WPTF WWNC WIS WJAX WIOD WFLA WTAR WCSH WCAE WFBR WRC WTIC WGY WBEN WTAM WWJ KYW. 9:00 CST — WMAQ. KSD WHO WOW WDAF WFAA 8:00 MST— KOA KDYL 7:00 PST— KPO KFI KGW KOMO KHQ. 10:30 EST OA) — The March of Time. Dramatizations. WABC WADC WOKO WCAO WNAC WCAU WJAS WEAN WFBL WSPD WKBW WKRC WHK CKLW WDRC. 9:30 CST — WBBM KRNT WGST KRLD WCCO WDSU WFBM KMBC WHAS KFAB KMOX WJSV. 8:30 MST— KLZ KSL. 7:30 PST— KERN KM J KHJ KOIN KFBK KGB KFRC KDB KOL KFPY KVI KWG. 11:00 EST (y4)— Myrt and Marge. WBBM WFBM KMBC WHAS KFAB KMOX WGST WBRC KRLD KLZ KTRH KLRA WREC WCCO WALA WSFA WLAC WDSU KOMA KSL KERN KM J KHJ KOIN KFBK KGB KFRC KDB KOL KFPY, KWG KVI. (Continued on page 90) Phil Baker finds himself somewhat handicapped for his broadcast! The extraordinary idea originated in the fertile brains of Beetle and Bottle.