Radio stars (Oct 1935-Sept 1936)

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m a 1 FREE, EASY LESSON . by the TINTEX COLOR MAGICIAN JQie&d. how you can give new fashionable color to faded apparel and home decorations '11 Go over your entire wardrobe . . . ™ select your dresses, sweaters, lingerie, "undies," stockings, etc., that are faded or whose colors are dingy or out -of date .... And don't forget your home decorations. Are curtains and drapes faded? .... Would you like to change the color-scheme of slip-covers, luncheon sets, tablescarfs, etc.? .... It's very simple! Now. . . . here's all you do. Choose the colors you want from the 41 brilliant Tintex Colors. Dissolve the powder in a basin of water, according to directions then just "tint as you rinse." Faded things become their original color. Or you can give anything an entirely different color if you wish. That's all there is to it. Easy, isn't it? And what perfect results .... just sheer color magic. But be sure you use Tintex. Don't accept substitutes. Tintex, the world's largest selling Tints and Dyes have been proven "best by test" of millions of women. IVor/Js Largest Selling TINTS and DYES PARK & TILFORD, Distributors AT ALL DRUG, NOTION AND TOILET GOODS COUNTERS