Radio stars (Oct 1935-Sept 1936)

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RADIO STARS riage. Band-Leader Marries Soeiety Girl ... It made the sort of reading the public loves. Only Eddy Duchin knew the newspaper stories weren't true at all. He hadn't married a society girl. He had married Marjorie, the girl who had been his friend for six years. "People who don't know her talk of Marjorie as an aristocrat," he said. "But if ever there was a working girl at heart, that girl is Marjorie. She's always worked. First in the shop her mother owned on Madison Avenue and later on her own as an interior decorator. She paints and she's written short stories and I've never seen her idle for a moment since I first met her. Right now she's making plans for decorating a hotel. "The fact that she is in the Social Register didn't give her glamor in my eyes and she wasn't thrilled because I was a band-leader. We were two people with a lot in common, who understood each other and what we were doing pretty thoroughly. We had mutual friends. She had known my professional ones before she met me, just as I had become friends with her crowd before I ever gave her that first lesson. We didn't have to cross any bridges to get together. There weren't any to cross. "The day after we were married, Marjorie left on the road with me, on a tour through the middle west, and she loved every minute of it — the one-night stands, the hustling around, the long bus trips when we couldn't make train connections. "Marjorie was the only woman in the band, but no one seemed to think anything of it. She was such a good sport that the boys treated her like one of us. "She was so interested in the little towns we went through and it was fun roaming through new streets, visiting shops, buying things we were going to use together. "It's grand to be married to a girl like that, a girl who finds her own interests and her own work when my work keeps me away from her. A girl who understands my work as well as she understands me. A girl you always want to talk to!" It isn't strange that Eddy Duchin has found happiness in his marriage. Any more than that he has found success in his career ! His suite at the Plaza is charming with its English chintzes, its old crystal candelabras, its bowls of flowers, its concert grand piano. It's charming with other things, too. With new books and magazines, with vivid wool tumbling out of the knitting basket on the divan, with a girl's bright hat flung carelessly on a chair and Kiltie, the Scottie, growling at any stranger who dares intrude in all his happiness. They're all a part of the thing Eddy and Marjorie have built for themselves, the life which two smart young moderns have fashioned to their own desires. Watch for the August issue of RADIO STARS for fascinating and authentic stories of your favorite stars. Here's Joan Blondell caring for a millionrdollar skin What a lucky break for Peg when she read how the screen stars guard against unattractive Cosmetic Skin! She began to use their complexion care— Lux Toilet Soap. Its ACTIVE lather removes cosmetics thoroughly. Peg's popular now! She's found out that every man admires a complexion that's beautifully soft and clear. out ^ xion Use Cosmetics all you wish, but don't risk Cosmetic Skin IT'S foolish to risk the tiny blemishes and enlarged pores that mean Cosmetic Skin ! Guard against this danger with Lux Toilet Soap. Its ACTIVE lather removes thoroughly every trace of dust, dirt, stale powder and rouge. Don't take chances with dangerous choked pores. Cosmetic Skin develops gradually. Protect your skin this easy way: Before you put on fresh makeup during the day— ALWAYS before you go to bed at night, use gentle Lux Toilet Soap. 63