Radio stars (Oct 1935-Sept 1936)

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RADIO STARS DELICIOUS COFFEE And THAT is a good start for anyyoung lady because good co£fee IS important. With the new model DripO-lator shown opposite, fine French drip coffee is easy to make. You measure the coffee, pour in boiling water and without further attention the genuine Drip-O-lator makes perfect, full flavored coffee every time. The name is stamped in the base for your protection. Insist upon it. THE ENTERPRISE ALUMINUM CO.. MJSSIUON, OHIO THE GENUINE DRIP-O-LATOR IS SOLD By ALL LEADING CHAIN. DEPARTMENT & RETAIL STORES g/?ayH ci i r If you are diBsatiefied with your hair inquire into unique French method KNOGRAY. Any shade from one bottle. Notarefltorer. Colors roots perfectly. Can't fade. Permits Perm. Wave. ENTIRELY DIFFERENT from anything too have known. Free Book. Madame Tunnel, Dept. 8-E.256 W.3ht SL,N. Y.C. Freckles Sti£@nut*t!<s Vrec&tfe Gi&ant You can banish those ugly, embarrassing freckles quickly and surely in theprivacy of your room. Your friends will wonder how you did it. Stillman's Freckle Cream removes them while you sleep. Leaves the skin CJ/^c soft and smooth, the com OvJ plexion fresh and clear . . A JAR Tfc • acne m Pimples No one likes pimples. You can get rid of yours — have a clear skin again with Stillman's Actone. It's guaranteed to give you satisfaction. Takes only a few seconds to apply — then immediately becomes _ invisible. Write today for * 1 folder "Pimples removed" . . N) Stillman's I • AT All DRUG STORES' EREE BOOKLETS ON REQUEST THE STILLMAN CO.. Depl. II. Aurora. 111. Ike IZteak-llp of) the )&Lcken± Siltetl {Continued from page 39) or stops to console a crying youngster on the street. She is devoted to her husband. And he adores her. The most important thing in life to Helen is her marriage, her husband's happiness. Because her sisters understand and appreciate this, her work with the trio has never interfered with her marriage. But when the group breaks up, her marriage will become a full-time career. And perhaps none of the sisters will make a greater success in her chosen work than Helen. Very often the girls are asked which one is the most popular. Their quick and smiling answer is : "Patti." Patti is the baby of the family, the darling of their hearts. When she was fourteen she substituted at a broadcast for Grace when Grace was ill. Then Patti stayed on as the third member of the trio while Grace became manager. Patti is barely eighteen now, and in love. Deeply, devastatingly in love ! To her, at the moment, the future is a lovely golden haze, with a rainbow halo. Rather indefinite, perhaps, but very beautiful. But to those who know her, Patti's future seems fairly well indicated. For she is a natural comedienne. She was born with a gift for making people laugh. Singing with her sisters, she has to be careful, for one funny little gesture by Patti — a toss of her head, a lift of the hand — and the eyes of the audience center on her, amused and waiting for more. Grace, who always is present when the girls sing, says that there are more comments about Patti than about either of the other sisters. Women may be envious of Helen's dark loveliness and jealous of Jane's brilliant beauty, but they always are disarmed and captivated by the winsome Patti. Many think Patti is very beautiful. Others say it isn't beauty, but personality. Whatever it is, Patti is a charmer ! She is the adored, the well-beloved. When the trio breads up. there is no doubt that Patti will have a chance at acting in Hollywood if she wants it. She photographs excellently and works easily in front of a camera. But if she chooses to ignore Hollywood — well, many a Broadway producer has watched with longing eyes Patti's ability to steal across the footlights into the hearts of an audience. And many a sponsor knows that Patti, all by herself, could enchant a million listeners. Perhaps the hardest working of the Pickens Sisters is Grace, the eldest. She was a member of the singing trio only for the first six months of its existence, undertaking to manage its affairs after Patti proved that she could take Grace's place. The other three say that without Grace they never could have succeeded. But she vigorously denies this. Slender, delicately featured, with soft brown hair and thoughtful wide-set eyes, hers is a quiet, well-poised beauty. Talk to Grace and you feel that, at last, you have met a woman who is just and reasonable and at all times calm. When she and Helen and Jane were catapulted into their radio work four years ago, Grace had just begun a promising career as a writer. According to critics, she showed exceptional brilliance. When the singing trio breaks up and her sisters no longer need her, she plans to go back to her chosen work. Her ambition is to do fine writing — not the facile, popular stuff that is written swiftly and sold quickly, but something of real literary merit. She doesn't regret that the radio work has postponed the launching of her writing career. She feels that she has added the experiences of those years to her storehouse of knowledge and ideas — a storehouse to be tapped when she finally is able to retreat to the country and start work on her literary endeavors. Nor does Grace ever regret having given her place in the singing trio to Patti. She never loved the spotlight nor an audience's admiring attention. And she feels that she is more valuable to her sisters is their manager. As a matter of fact, Grace is more thun manager. She is critic, advisor, arranger, coordinator. And that's a large order when you're handling a trio ! Here's a typical situation : The girls have rehearsed until late afternoon. They're due at the studio in four hours. Immediately after their broadcast, they are to make a personal appearance at a Broadway theater. This means that they must go to the broadcast gowned for the theater appearance and wearing stage make-up. Helen has a six-thirty dinner engagement with her husband and a group of his friends. Patti and her pup. Spankey, were caught in a rain-storm and the shower does awful things to Patti's hair — all kinky, you know. She has to get to a hair-dresser. Jane, in the meantime, hasn't had a minute to get over to the costumers to have her white satin gown fitted. She was rehearsing for her own broadcast on the Jumbo hour when her sisters had their fittings. Jane must be at the dressmaker's before six or the gown won't be ready for the girls' appearance the following night. Grace is convinced that they should run over that new song once or twice more before the broadcast. In the midst of tr>ing to piece together this jig-saw puzzle of time, the telephone rings. It's the press agent at XRC. Can he bring a photographer over for an informal picture? It won't take a minute. He's promised an important magazine the photograph at once. The answer of course is : "Yes," — though Grace knows a photograph always takes an hour ! "When only one person is concerned," she points out, "appointments can be juggled in and it isn't so difficult to make a strenuous schedule fit into a day. But with three, no matter how careful each is, there always are mix-ups and tangles to be straightened out. "There are problems you wouldn't think of I" Grace says. "The matter of clothes, for instance. Each of the girls has a different type of figure and different coloring. 92