Radio stars (Oct 1935-Sept 1936)

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RADIO STARS SAYS HOSTESS HOSTESS AND A DENTIST BATTEE OVEB ^ A T-BONE It SAYS DENTIST CBm£ t/ie civilized way to build firm gums is IPANA and MASSAGE) HOSTESS: "Your picture is disgraceful. No girl with a spark of intelligence or breeding would ever eat like that!' (But your dentist disagrees— emphatically.) DENTIST: "That picture is a perfect lesson in the proper exercise of teeth and gums. I hope millions of people see it. If more people chewed as vigorously, there would be far fewer gum disorders — fewer evidences of that dental warning 'pink tooth brush'." Check up on your own menu, and you will see the dentist's point. The modern menu is a soft-food menu. It deprives teeth and gums of the work and exercise and stimulation they need. No wonder gums grow weak and tender— no wonder "pink tooth brush" is such a common warning. "Pink Tooth Brush" is serious The first sign of that tinge of "pink" calls for a visit to your dentist. You may be in for serious trouble. But he is far more likely to tell you to take better care of your gums, to give them more stimulation, more exercise. And he may tell you — he usually does — to switch to Ipana Tooth Paste and massage. Follow his ad vice. Rub a little extra Ipana into your gums every time you brush your teeth! For Ipana is especially designed to help your gums as well as clean your teeth. You'll soon notice an improvement in the health of your gums. New circulation wakens lazy tissues. Gums grow stronger. They feel firmer. They look better. So switch to Ipana today. The first ten days of Ipana and massage will show an improvement. And thirty days will convince you that you should have changed to this modern, sensible health measure long ago. 3