Radio stars (Oct 1936-Sept 1937)

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RADIO STARS of me as well. My diction made my teachers throw up their hands in horror and one of them labored with me inces santly. " 'Chocolate,' he would say, mincing each syllable and making the second O sound like a delicate lady who had just seen a mouse, and I would glare at him and say, 'Chawklut' with all the full flavor of my East Side bringing-up. It would go on for hours, 'chocolate,' 'chawklut,' 'chocolate,' 'chawklut' until he finally gave up in despair. "For four years I was at the school and when it was over I was on my own again. It was hard, after the security I had known, to have to make the family's and m.y own living again. In the beginning I thought it would be easy. After all, I had a voice and I had had training, but after those first few weeks of sitting in every office on Broadway for hours at a time I began to wonder. "There were the almost engagements that never came, and most of the time I didn't even get into the inside office, for the girl at the desk would take one look at niy inexpensive clothes and wave some glamorously-dressed girl in, instead. There was the time one of the boys from Philadelphia told me they were casting for a second lead for Jubilee, to get over there right away and be sure to use his name. A man put me on the stage and asked me to sing. " "You've got a nice voice,' he told me. 'But you don't make a good enough appearance on the stage.' "I couldn't help feeling a little bitter then. After all, how could any girl make a good stage appearance in a printed silk dress that had cost two dollars and ninety-eight cents? "But afterwards, when I was at the Metropolitan, singing Esmeralda in The Bartered Bride, prancing around in the little ballet dress I wore for the role, that same man turned to the boy who had sent me to him two years before : '■ 'Xow why don't I ever find a grrl like that when I'm casting a show?' he asked, and the boy couldn't answer him for laughing." It was during these two years when she was trying to get a professional footing that Natalie was to meet another boy. Different, this time, from all the other boys she had met, because this tall young Irishman with the laughing blue eyes and sandy hair did something to her heart that none of the others had ever done. She didn't want to go to the party she was invited to that night. She was so very tired! They insisted, so she went, tired as she was from that weary trouping up and down Broadway. Then she saw him and somehow she wasn't tired any more. They sat and talked together, almost as though there wasn't anyone else in the room. When it was time to go home he didn't even ask if he could, he just took his hat and went with her. After that, Bill was the beginning and end of everything she thought or did or dreamed. It didn't seem so bad, coming home at night without a job, with Bill there to laugh her fears away and tell her, with that Celtic optimism of his, that some day the breaks would come. And he'd get up and do a little imitation of her, the airs YOU'RE a pretty girl, Mary, and you're smart about most things. But you're just a bit stupid about yourself. You love a good time — but you seldom have one. Evening after evening you sit at home alone. You've met several grand men who seemed interested at first. They took you out once — and that ivas that. WAKE UP, MARY! ■ • • There are so many pretty Marys in the world who never seem to sense the real reason for their aloneness. In this smart modern age, it's against the code for a girl (or a man, either) to carry the repellent odor of underarm perspiration on clothing and person. It's a fault which never fails to carry its own punishment — unpopularity. And justly. For it is a fault which can be overcome in half a minute — with Mum! No bother to use Mum. Just smooth a bit of Mum under each arm — and slip into your dress without a minute lost. No waiting for it to dry; no rinsing ofT. Use It any time; harmless to clothing. If you forget to use Mum before you dress, just use it afterwards. Mum is the only deodorant which holds the Textile Approval Seal of the American Institute of Laundering as being harmless to fabrics. Soothing and cooling to skin. You'll love this about Mum — you can shave your underarms and use it at once. Even the most delicate skin won't mind! Effective all day long. Mum never lets you down. Its protection lasts, no matter how strenuous your day or evening. Does not prevent natural perspiration. Mum just prevents the objectionable part of perspiration — the unpleasant odor — and not the natural perspiration itself. Don't let neglect cheat you of good times which you were meant to have. The daily Mum habit will keep vou safe! Bristol-Myers Co., 630 Fifth Ave., N. Y. USE MUM ON SANITARY NAPKINS Know what complete freedom from doubt and fear of this cause of unpleasantness can rcallv mean. MUM TAKES THE ODOR OUT OF PERSPIRATION 75