Radio and television mirror (July-Dec 1951)

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Only oite soap gives your skia tkis And Cashmere Bouquet's gentle lather has been proved outstandingly mild for all types of skin! Whether your skin is oily, dry or normal — here's news you'll welcome! Tests show that Cashmere Bouquet Soap is amazingly mild! Used regularly, it will leave skin softer, smoother, flower-fresh and younger looking. And the fragrance of Cashmere Bouquet is the lingering, irresistible "fragrance men love." Love is thrillingly close to the girl who is fragrant and sweet, so use Cashmere Bouquet Soap daily. Complexion Size for face and hands, the big Bath Size in your tub or shower! Complexion and H# »~. kig Bath Sizes CashmevQ BouQuet 20 Cashmere Bouquet Soap Adorns your skin with the fragrance men lovel DOES YOUR HUSBAND STILL LOVE YOU? Mary Noble is the heroine of Backstage Wife, heard M-F, 4 P.M. EST on NBC. SponsorSterling Drugs. Here are the names of those who wrote the hest letters to Mary Nohle in Novemher's daytime drama prohleni In November's Radio Mirror reader-listeners were asked to describe an incident in their lives which showed that their husbands loved them. Mary Noble and Radio Mirror editors have chosen the best letters from the numerous ones lhat had been sent in and checks have been mailed as follows: FIFTY DOLLARS and a case of Sterling Drug Products to: Mrs. J. Chittum of Dayton, Ohio FIVE DOLLARS each for the ten next-best letters has been sent to: Mrs. Wayne C. Fields Palm Springs, California Mrs. Earle L. Headley Ann Arbor, Michigan Mrs. C. D. Lee Oakland, California Mrs. Joe Abt Ringle, Wisconsin Mrs. Marvin Pickett Bloomingdale, Indiana Mrs. Irwin Greer Baldwin, Kansas Mrs. R. A. Lairgne Providence, R. I. Mrs. D. L. Browning Johnson City, Tennessee Mrs. Russell Lowes Bradford, Maine Mrs. R. Wright Bridgeport, Connecticut