Radio and television mirror (July-Dec 1951)

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kle in his black eyes — but I do see what he means. I'm the dreamer in the family now, I've got to give myself a push in the direction of picking out a career. It's not for nothing that Daddy's radio program is called Father Knows Best. He sure does. He's a picture star and a radio star, but somehow we never think of him as a celebrity. We're always amused when people act like he is. I remember once when Barbara and I were much younger, we saw him cornered on a street in Beverly Hills while a group of kids pounced on him for his autograph. "What's an autograph?" Barbara asked him. Then, "Why do they want yours?" Daddy told her it was just an idea some people had. They got these bright-covered autograph books and they went around asking their friends to sign them, so that they could keep the signatures to remember their friends by. Immediately we both wanted autograph books. It seemed like a fine idea. Rather ruefully Daddy took us to a stationery store and bought us some. He told us, much later, that he had had horrible visions of us pestering all his actor friends who came to our house. But we never asked any of them for their autographs. This situation puzzled Daddy, and prompted him to ask us about it. "Carol, haven't you ever used those autograph books I gave you and Barbara?" "Of course we have." I said. "See — mine's all full up. So is Barbara's." We showed Daddy our books, page by page. He looked more puzzled than ever. All the names were strange to him, so we explained. "These are the names of all our friends. This one's the cleaner. And this is the laundryman — you know him, Daddy. That's the boy down at the soda fountain. And this is my gym teacher's." Daddy didn't say anything for a moment. He looked quite thoughtful. "You've got the right idea," he said finally. "Those names mean a lot more to you than a bunch of actors. Do you suppose there is a little space somewhere, so this actor could sign his name?" We found him a place, and let him sign. The only actor in our books. You can see from all this that we think Daddy is a very special person. He's fun to play Canasta with — we taught him. He's fun to duck in the pool, and he's a whiz at fixing steaks in our barbecue. He loves his home and from time to time he'll bring a tiny package home from town, and we'll know it is another miniature lamp for mother's lamp collection that she keeps on shelves in our front window. That's sort of symbolic in a way, I guess. Just like a houseful of daughters waiting to welcome him when he comes up the path, he has a window full of lamps winking at him instead of the traditional one lamp to light him home. He says his lucky number is five — the four of us, and mother. And after all, Father Knows Best. 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