Radio and television mirror (July-Dec 1951)

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28 Are you in the know ? Which keeps your velvet duds date-worthy? I I A steam iron I I Cellophane tape □ Mothballs Those velvets and velveteens you're strutting in, nowadays, need to be de-wrinkled. De-linted. Never iron velvet ; hang your duds in a steam-filled bathroom. Cellophane tape wrapped around your fingers (sticky side out), picks up lint. Date-worthy clothes must have good care. And doesn't it make good sense, on "those" days, to care what kind of sanitary protection you have? Insist on Kotex. That special safety center gives extra protection. Keeps you de-uusteiedl What to do about kingsize pores? Q Mask 'em with makeup I I Make like an owl I I Tighten up Can your complexion take a daytime closeup? If not, you needn't play the night-owl circuit (to avoid "revealing" light). And heavy makeup's no go. To help belittle large pores, suds your face thoroughly, and often; then "tighten" with cold splashings and a good astringent. Come calendar time, you can take your place in the sun or limelight, confidently. For those special, flat pressed ends of Kotex prevent revealing outlines. No fear that anyone "knows" — with Kotex! '. If his "competition" calls you what's your cue? □ Be brief 0 Linger on the line 1 I "Sorry, wrong number" B-T-T-ring! And you chat for hours with the buzz boy — while your date smoulders on the family sofa. Think he's impressed? Ha . . . ha. Be brief! Else next time you're waiting for his call, don't ask for whom the bell rings. It's not for you. But at problem time, one of the 3 Kotex absorbencies will seem "made to order" for you. Try Regular, Junior, Super (different sizes, for different days) . You'll wonder why you never thought of trying all 3 before ! How to win a reputation as a top-flight hostess — O Hire a caterer Q Take an airlines job Q Give a "twenties" party Want to throw the most-fun party of the season? Plan a costume jamboree — with gals rigged in their Moms' old "twenties" outfits. (And maybe the boys' Dads could supply plus-fours.) Have a Charleston contest; with prizes. And even if calendar problems threaten you, don't retreat. Choose Kotex. With that new downy softness that holds its shape, you're set for hours of comfort — for Kotex is made to stay soft while you wear it. So, as a confident hostess — you'll be "the bee's knees"! To gals-in-the-know, does "Junior" mean — D A prom D A dress department U A type of sanitary protection A certain type of togs may be devoon for your gal -pal -but for you 'tain't necessarily so, because different gals have different needs. On problem days, as well. That's why Kotex comes in 3 absorbencies. And if you prefer a slightly narrower napkin, you'll want to choose Junior Kotex. Many girls find it gives just the right absorbency; fits more comfortably. Buy Junior Kotex in the Green Box. More wosne/? c/?oose /COTEX* f/jan a// of tier saw terry n0/?fa'ns 3 ABSORBENCtES; REGULAR. JUWOR. SC/PBR T. M. REG. U. S. PAT. OFF.