Radio and television mirror (July-Dec 1951)

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MONTH cream of the comic crop MY FAVORITE HUSBAND When someone asked Lucille Ball, star of CBS's My Favorite Husband, how she and her husband, bandleader Desi Arnaz, managed with four dogs, two kittens, and an uncounted collection of birds, her reply was: "Really, that's not many — at one time we had twenty cats showing up regularly for three meals per diem." My Favorite Husband: Sat. 9:30 P.M., EST, CBS. THE GOLDBERGS Someone asked Gertrude Berg, author and star of The Goldbergs CBS-TV show, if she would ever run out of subject matter for her scripts. "Not as long as people are people," she answered. "Just living itself is a new script every 24 hours." The Goldbergs: Mon., 9:30 P.M., EST, CBS-TV. MR. DISTRICT ATTORNEY Ed Byron, director of NBC's Mr. District Attorney, on meeting some of the All-America football stars guesting on We, the People, was disappointed that there was no representative this year from his own Alma Mater, a certain Midwest college. A former player himself, Byron recalled those days of topheavy subsidization of athletes. "When I tried out for the team I was so small the uniform didn't fit and the helmet came so far over my eyes I couldn't see. But they had me calling signals — I was the only one who could count in English!" e Mr. District Attorney, Wed., 9:30 P.M., EST, HOPALONG CASSIDY The expected has finally happened. Bill "Hopalong Cassidy" Boyd and his famous white steed have been set to music. Vocalist Margaret Whiting has recorded the first Hopalong Cassidy music, a lullaby, "Hoppy, Topper and Me." NBc'tv Cassidy' Sun 6:00 PM EST, PALL WHITEMAN REVLE "Pops" Whiteman, star of his own Paul Whiteman Revue, arrived at rehearsal one Sunday "dressed to the teeth" in hunting regalia. Coming straight from his farm, "Pops" carried a thermos of coffee in one hand, and a lunch pail with two pheasant sandwiches in the other. Paul Whiteman Revue, Sun., 7:00 P.M., EST, No other type liquid antiseptic-germicide tested for the douche is SO POWERFUL yet SAFE to tissues as ZONITE! Failure to practice complete hygiene (including internal feminine cleanliness) may even result in ruining a girl's married happiness. Too often she simply doesn't know what to put in her fountain syringe. If only a young wife would realize how important it is to put zonite in her douche for health, womanly charm, after her periods — for married happiness. If only she'd realize there's a womanly offense graver than bad breath or body odor. She seldom detects this odor herself, yet it's so apparent to others around her. And always remember this: no other type liquid antiseptic-germicide tested for the douche is so powerful yet so safe to tissues as zonite. ZONITE'S Miracle Action The zonite principle was developed by a famous surgeon and a scientist. It's the first in the world to be so powerfully effective yet absolutely safe to tissues. Scientists tested every known antisepticgermicide they could find on sale for the douche and no other type was so powerful yet safe as zonite. zonite is positively non-poisonous, non-irritating. You can use zonite as directed as often as needed without the slightest injury. Gives BOTH Internal and External Hygienic Protection zonite dissolves and removes odorcausing waste substances. It promptly relieves any itching or irritation if present. It helps guard against infection and kills every germ it touches. You know it's not always possible to contact all the germs in the tract but you CAN be sure zonite immediately kills every reachable germ and keeps germs from multiplying. Instructions with every bottle. At any drugstore. > FOR NEWER emmme Auaiene / Nome J** J Address. ( City. FREE! NEW! amazing enlightening new klet containing frank discussion intimate physical facts, recently ed — mail this coupon to ( Zonite Products Corp., Dept. R.M-31, / 100 Park Avenue, New York 17, N.Y.* *Offer good only in the U.S. ©1951 z.p.c. .State. 75