Radio and television mirror (July-Dec 1951)

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WHAT EASTER MEANS TO ME BY MARGARET ARLEN WCBS' Margaret Arlen broadcasts daily except Sunday at 8:30 A.M. and is seen M-F at 11:15 A.M. EST, CBS-TV. As a woman, it would be futile to deny that Easter does bring to mind a new bonnet, or perhaps that important new Spring suit. But Easter, to me, is not primarily a time for donning new costumes. More important is the urge to re-clothe the spirit. Easter comes at a time of the year perfectly suited to new beginnings. After a long and dreary winter in New York, for example, it's genuinely inspiring to walk through Central Park, to watch all the signs of the new season. Even a big city seems to come alive at this time — and I guess I do, too. My childhood days back in North Carolina are undoubtedly responsible for my feelings about Easter. Dad is a Baptist minister there, and has been preaching for more than forty-five years. Naturally, this was one of the most important Sundays of the year for him. I remember the early dawn services, with their promise of new life. The rising sun bringing out of the earth its eternal newness seemed to call forth from our spiritual reserves the breathlessness of another Spring. For these reasons, Easter seems an appropriate time for resolutions. Last year, I attended eight o'clock Mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral on Easter morning, and three hours later attended Protestant services at Riverside Church. I also visited a midtown synagogue. The mode of the services varied, but the bond of religion seemed stronger than ever to me on that Easter Sunday. It was a day of peace, and harmony, of hope and rejoicing. To help preserve that spirit of Easter throughout the entire year . is my personal "Easter .Resolution" for 1951. Before j/o c/r c/dcs(rf7gr ma/rres /ftd&e Sc//& yoc/ /hs/!rc/cf~/>era6oc//~ THESE INTIMATE PHYSICAL FACTS? No other type liquid antiseptic-germicide tested for the douche is SO POWERFUL yet SAFE to tissues as ZONITE! Every modern mother will instruct her daughter on the importance of putting zonite in her fountain syringe for hygiene (internal cleanliness), for her health, womanly charm — for married happiness. And every grown-up young lady must be made to realize there's an offensive odor graver than bad breath or body odor which she herself may not detect but is so apparent to people around her. What a comfort it must be for a mother to be able to assure her daughter that: no other type liquid, antisepticgermicide tested for the douche is so powerful yet safe to tissues as zonite. Developed by a Famous Surgeon and Scientist Modern women no longer have to use dangerous products, overstrong solutions of which may gradually cause seri ) 1951 Z.P.C. Zom'te FOR NEWER feminine Aypiene 'Offer good only in the U. S. and Canada ous damage. Nor will they want to rely on weak, homemade solutions — none of which have zonite's great deodorizing and germicidal action. The zonite principle was the first in the world that was powerful, enough yet positively non-irritating, non-poisonous . You can use zonite as directed as often as you wish without the slightest risk of injury. ZONITE'S Miracle-Action j zonite actually dissolves and removes odor-causing waste substances. It gives external protection from odor, too! zonite helps guard against infection and kills every germ it touches. You know it's not always possible to contact all the germs in the tract but you can be sure zonite immediately kills every reachable germ and keeps germs from multiplying. Buy zonite today! FREE! NEW! For amazing enlightening new Booklet containing frank discussion of intimate physical facts, recently published — mail this coupon to Zonite Products Corp., Dept. RM-41, 100 Park Avenue, New York 17, N.Y.* . State. 25