Radio and television mirror (July-Dec 1950)

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bavins meafe ovit& MAGIC COOK BOOK THE KEY TO KITCHEN ECONOMY Prepared by the Food Editors of True Story Magazine Now — just what you have always wanted — a cook book designed to save you money! Yes, the keynote of the MAGIC COOK BOOK is economy. And with today's high prices, the need for such a guide is evident to every homemaker. Choice Recipes from Every Port of the Country The recipes contained in this book were gathered from every section of the country by the Food Editors of True Story Magazine. In most cases, these recipes were obtained by talking with housewives in their own kitchens. Other recipes were sent to the editors by interested readers. Naturally, only the most highly prized recipes were submitted for consideration. Then all the recipes were put to actual test in the True Story Kitchen. The result is a collection of 1500 proven recipes that will add sparkle to your meals and comfort to your pocketbook How to Cut Costs on Your Food Bills The MAGIC COOK BOOK saves you money in many different ways. When you plan your menus as suggested, the costs are budget-wise, yet the nutritional values are high. This is the important part of meal planning — and it is your job to get top nutritional value out of every dollar you spend on food. Here, also, are new ways to prepare low-cost dishes — also, simple ways to make inexpensive cuts of meat appetizing and attractive. Here, too, are tips on how to judge beef, pork and poultry — and information on the quantities to buy per serving. The shopper with an eye to thrift and good management will buy just what she can use. A Complete Cook Book The MAGIC COOK BOOK is more than a collection of mouth-watering recipes. It is a complete storehouse of cooking information. Here you will find in simple, easy-to-understand language, important facts on nutrition . . . special sickroom diets . . everyday menus, as well as menus for holidays and important occasions . . suggestions on cooking for two . . . lunch-box hints for children and workers . . . new ways to use package mixes . . . canning and preserving instructions . . . rules for table setting and service. Also many useful charts and tables to help make your cooking chores easier. Step by Step Instructions The recipes in the MAGIC COOK BOOK are described in the convenient step-by-step style. This is the natural way of presenting recipes — it is the way you describe a favorite recipe to a friend. You simply can't go wrong when you use these easy instructions. Beginners, as well as experienced cooks, will find this book fascinating. For here are new ways to prepare and serve mouth-watering dishes to delight your family and your friends. Send No Money You need send no money now. Merely mail coupon at once and this giant 500 page book containing 32 pages of photographic illustrations will be sent to you. When the postman delivers the book, pay him $2.98, plus a few pennies postage. Money back if not delighted. Get your copy now. CO** MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY Dept. RM-1250 BARTHOLOMEW HOUSE. Inc. 205 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N. Y Send me MAGIC COOK BOOK. When postman delivers book, I will pay him $2.98, plus a few pennies postage. Then if after reading it for 5 days 1 decide that I do not wish to keep it, 1 will return it to you and my $2.98 will be refunded immediately NAME Please Print STREET. CITY STATE □ Check here if you prefer to send $2.98 with thi9 coupon and we will pay postage — same return privilege of course. PARTIAL CONTENTS I SOU Proven Recipes • BudgetMinded Menus • Nutritional Needs • Vitamin Facts • Sickroom Diets • Table Settings • Canning Information • LunchBox Hints • Over 500 Pages • 32 Pages of Illustrations • Bound in Washable Fahrikoid Cover ONLY $2.98 AT ALL BOOKSTORES OR DIRECT FROM PUBLISHER "•»»■«■ 24