Radio and television mirror (July-Dec 1942)

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My Heart Will Follow You Continued from page 21 I withdraw the offer, if it doesn't come up to specifications." He turned back, swiftly, his face penitent. But before he could speak, I said, "Just to keep the record straight, I'll tell you that I was not drawing any lines on what I would give. There were no limits, not this time. I was drawing lines about what I could let you give. I was ready to come to you without marriage, but I was not ready to let you throw away your career. I was not ready to let you give up the plans you and your father have had so long for starting a clinic in Grey Mountain. I was not ready to let you do the thing that would make you bitter and regretful all your life." AND then I turned to go. But he seized me with passionate strong hands. "Darling, listen. You've got to listen to me." Did I say before that he was casual? There was nothing casual about even his words now. "I love you." I think it was the first time he had put it into words and they came hard even now. "You love me." He almost groaned it. "I've been out of my mind ever since I met you, wanting you. Maybe you don't know what that does to a man, but I thought — Oh, was I wrong, dear? I thought you felt the same way — " "Oh, you weren't wrong, Jay! I do. Oh, I do." I was all his again. I couldn't have left him, now. "Then why do we do this to each other?" His voice grated harshly in my ear. "Why do we let anything stop us having each other? Why?" I knew the answer, but I could not have spoken. His hands were hurting my shoulders with their fierce grip, and I welcomed pain. He went on savagely, "We've got to take our happiness. Now, while we can. What's the use of sacrifice in a world that's going mad around us? Our only chance is to think of ourselves and let the devil take the hindmost." I might have given up then to the urgency in his voice and in my own body, but for those last words. They did something to me, made things too clear. Almost in spite of myself, I was stiffening, drawing away, feeling chilled. I said, "Jay. You can't mean that. You can't mean you'd let the devil take your father, and take those poor farmers who have counted on you to help them get decent medical care for their kids — you can't let the devil take them, Jay!" Maybe in trying too hard to convince myself, I was too eloquent. Maybe I sounded theatrical, selfrighteous, stinging him to answer: "Yes. Sure, I do. They'd look out for their own chance first, wouldn't they, if they could? Well, I want mine. And I say we've got a right to grab our chance while the grabbing's good." "I don't believe it," I told him. "This isn't you talking. Not the man I love." I see now how that infuriated him. He turned away, jerked away. "All right. It isn't. Because you don't love me. You never have. If you had AUGUST, 1942 •3<m\a. SA >OTH FACE Too bad, if Dry Skin causes you Lines and Wrinkles too soon One lovely new cream gives your skin a complete daily treatment that promotes lucent satin-smoothness. It's Jergens Face Cream — made by the skin scientists who make Jergens Lotion. Think of it! Jergens Face Cream (I) cleanses your skin expertly and swiftly; (2) helps soften; (3) gives a protective foundation for your makeup; and (4) acts as a fragrant Night Cream, too, that helps against threatening dry skin. "Every Morning Routine" for Smooth Skin This will help a skin that tends to be dry. Apply a light film of Jergens Face Cream; splash with cold water. Blot gently dry. Now apply powder to a face toned-up, fresh and smooth. Younger-looking! A "One-Jar" Beauty Treatment! Just use Jergens Face Cream every dav ! 50$!, 75$!, $1.25; 25$!, 10$!. Popular? Already over 6,000,000 jars have been used! AU-PURPOSE...FOR All SKIN TYPES (grgens face cream FOR A SMOOTH, KISSABLE COMPLEXION 59