Radio and television mirror (July-Dec 1942)

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Don't Gnaw it! WIPE AWAY DRIED-OUT CUTICLE GENTLY WITH CUTEX OILY CUTICLE REMOVER Don't make your cuticle sote by gnawing it... don't encourage hangnails by cutting it. Use Cutex Oily Cuticle Remover and wipe away dead, dried-out cuticle — gently! Get a bottle — begin today! Saturday is "Manicure Day" — look for the special display of Cutex accessories on your favorite cosmetic counter— Cutex Cuticle Remover, Cuticle Oil, Brittle Nail Cream, Orangewood Sticks, Emery Boards. Northam Warren, New York Used by more women than all other Cuticle Removers combined SATURDAY IS "MANICURE DAY Holly-Pax are the smallest of all tampons, scientifically designed to be easier to use, more convenient, more comfortable. HOLLY-PAX ARE AMAZINGLY EFFICIENT A really inexpensive form of sanitary protection. In packages of 10c, 20c or 59c, Holly-Pax actually costs less per month than most other sanitary protection, either napkins or tampons. Join the throngs of modern women who have gained new poise, new freedom through Holly-Pax. Send for free booklet: "New Facts You Should Know about Monthly Hygiene' 68 BALLCO PRODUCTS CO. Dept. 115 516 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Enclosed is $1 for VACUTEX, FREE Postage (if C.O.D., pay mailman $1.20). If not satisfied, I may return it in one week and $1 will be refunded. D Money Enclosed D Send Collect Mr., Mrs., Miss Address I call for you?" "What time would you like?" "I'd like to call for you right now — and let the date carry through for the next hundred years." Steve tried to laugh. "Suppose I call for you after dinner." "Suppose I invite you to dinner — will you come?" Linda asked. Then she added firmly, "You must come. We usually have dinner at seven. Come earlier if you like. Oh — I see Mother and Dad are home. I'll see you tomorrow night — at seven — or earlier. Good night, Steve." "Good night, Linda." I INDA turned and ran lightly up the ■'-'stairs. Oh, what a wonderful, wonderful evening! She tried to seal her elation within her before she faced her father and mother. She forced her steps to slowness and closed the door with a casual air. George Emerson looked up with a scowl. Linda kissed her mother and smiled at her father. Let them see her happiness if they wanted to! "That was that Harper fellow you were saying goodnight to, wasn't it, Linda?" "Yes, Dad." "You went for a walk with him?" George Emerson tried to make the question sound conversational. "Yes, I did." "You didn't say anything about him coming over — and your planning to go for a walk with him," Emerson said. "I didn't — plan it," said Linda lightly. "I don't get this at all, Linda," Emerson's voice took on a deeper tone. "Your mother was quite disturbed. Now, I know you're not a child, but just the same, you should've shown a little more consideration — you must have known we'd be upset if we came home and found you were gone." "I'm sorry, Dad. Sorry, Mother." Linda met her mother's eyes and smiled. Dad did so love to grumble. Well, he'd have to learn to get over it sometime. Linda leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes for a moment. "How did it happen you went for a walk with Harper — if you didn't know he was coming?" Emerson asked sharply. "Now Dad — he was just passing by—" "And I suppose he whistled and you went for a walk with him!" "That's exactly how it happened," Linda said quietly. George Emerson rose from his chair. "I told you before, I don't like Harper," he said. "And the fact that he came skulking around here tonight— " Irene got up and went to him. "George, choose your words a little more carefully," she said. "No," he answered. "I'm afraid Linda wouldn't understand what I'm driving at. I don't like Harper. I don't know anything about music, so I'm not saying he won't turn out to be the greatest composer in the world. But I am a man who knows people — and I don't care for his character, and your going off for a walk with him — " Linda got up, too. "I like Stephen Harper," she said. "I know something about music and I'm not sure he's going to be the greatest composer in the world. But I am your daughter and I think I know people, and I like his character and I enjoyed walking with him and RADIO AND TELEVISION MIRROR