Radio and television mirror (July-Dec 1942)

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Treat of the Month! DON'T MISS TONIGHT AND FOREVER Thrilling book-length true novel of two people who wanted, so desperately, to live the youthful dreams they'd almost forgotten. But their marriage was only a prelude to happiness, disappointment — and a remarkable surprise! Complete in the August issue of TRUE STORY Magazine! ALSO A Dozen Delightful Stories of Romance — Two Complete True Novelettes — Three Gripping Serials — Absorbing Special Features and Departments! True Story Buy Your Copy Today! AUGUST ISSUE NOW ON SALE &*» Sell CHRISTMAS CARDS EXTRA L CASH New "PRIZE" 21-Folder Assortment stest$l seller. Unusually attractive designs: friendly greeting's: novel features. You make up to 50c. Extra Cash Bonus. 11 popular assortments. Big variety Personal Christmas Cards with name. New designs, iowas SO for $1. Liberal profits. Experience unnecessary. Start earning at once. Spare or full time. Write today for SAMPLES ON APPROVAL. CHILTON GREETINGS, 147 Essex, Dept.p-23. Boston, Mass. FREE ENLARGEMENT Just to get acquainted with new customers, we will beautifully enlarge one snapshot print or negative, photo or picture to 8x10 inches — FREE — if you enclose this ad. (10c for handling and return mailing appreciated.) Information on hand tinting in natural colors sent immediately. Your original returned with your free enlargement. Send it today. GEPPERT STUDIOS, Dept. 246, Des Moines, la. Earn '25 a week AS A TRAINED PRACTICAL NURSE! Practical nurses are always needed! Learn at home in your spare time as thousands of men and women —18 to 60 years of age — have done through Chicago School of Nursing. Easy-to-understand lessons, endorsed by physicians. One graduate has charge of 10-bed hospital. Nurse Cromer, of Iowa, now runs her own nursing home. Others prefer to earn $2.50 to $5.00 a day in private practice. YOU CAN EARN WHILE YOU LEARN Mrs. B. C, of Texas, earned S474.25 while taking course. Mrs. S. E. P. started on her first case after her 7th lesson; in 14 months she earned $1900! You, too, can earn good money, make new friends. High school not necessary. Easy payments. Equipment included. 43rd year. Send coupon now! CHICAGO SCHOOL OF NURSING Dept. 188. 100 East Ohio Street, Chicago, III. Please send free booklet and 16 sample lesson pages. Name City_ .^Age _State_ In Love with a Lie Continued jrom page 18 matters to a head, who precipitated the incident that showed me what had happened to my Jamie. I'll never forget that moment. It was evening. Dad and the boys had come in from working late in the fields, and we were all at the dinner table. Delicious smells came from the kitchen, where Mrs. Fraul, the Lockheads' cook for many years, was dishing up. According to invariable custom, Dad glanced around the table, then bowed his head. The simple, beautiful words fell from his lips: "Bless, O Lord, these Thy gifts, which we are about to receive from Thy bounty, through Christ our Lord. Amen." The whispered "Amen" ran around the table like an echo. Then Mrs. Fraul came in with a steaming platter of fried chicken, and there was an anticipatory bustle. "Fried chicken," Dad said. "Want a drumstick, Kathie?" Kathie didn't answer. She was staring at Jamie. "Daddy," she said slowly, "why didn't Jamie bow his head when you said grace?" Dad smiled. "If your own head was bowed, Kathie, how could you have seen what Jamie was doing?" "I peeked," Kathie said, unabashed. "Jamie didn't bow his head at all. He didn't join his hands, either. He just looked at the wall. He looked . . . cross." Dad's knife and fork, ready in his hands, were slowly being lowered to the table. He was looking at Jamie in a puzzled, hurt way. And Jamie ■ — I saw with a cold feeling in my heart — was sitting very straight, staring past his father, while an angry red crept up into his face. "Didn't you bow your head, Jamie?" Dad asked. Not in anger, but as if he couldn't quite believe what Kathie had said. JAMIE did not answer. One hand, on the table, fiddled with his fork. The others at the table sat in taut silence. "I spoke to you, James," Dad reminded him quietly after a pause, and Jamie made a quick, violent movement. "No!" he said shortly. "I didn't." "But why?" Dad's voice was still kind, but now there was a tinge of sternness in it too, reminding me of the stories I had heard about him — of how, despite his usual gentleness, he could be terrifying in his rare angers. "We have said grace at this table since before you were born. Is there any reason why you no longer bow your head to it?" "There is," Jamie said defiantly, "but you wouldn't understand it." "I could try. Suppose you tell us, Son," Dad said, "what's bothering you? And what's been bothering you for the last few months?" So Dad had noticed, I thought, that Jamie had changed, in some indefinable way! Still defiant, Jamie said, "Nothing's bothering me. I know what I'm doing. I'm just — fed up with old habits, that's all." My heart stopped for the fraction of a beat. "Old habits." Could he mean that I — our marriage — was an old habit? Was he tired of me? NCW under -arm Cream Deodorant safely Stops Perspiration 1. Does not harm dresses, or men's shirts. Does not irritate skin. 2. No waiting to dry. Can be used right after shaving. 3. Instantly checks perspiration for 1 to 3 days. Removes odor from perspiration, keeps armpits dry. 4. A pure white, greaseless, stainless vanishing cream. 5. Arrid has been awarded the Approval Seal of the American Institute of Laundering, for being harmless to fabrics. in *Hffi'iiuj* ARRID 39^ajar (Also in 10£ and 59fS jars) Buy a jar of ARRID today at any store which sells toilet goods. WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE Without Calomel— And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rarin' to Go The liver should pour 2 pints of bile juice into your bowels every day. If this bile is not flowing freely, your food may not digest. It may just decay in the bowels. Then gas bloats up your stomach. You get constipated. You feel sour, sunk and the world looks punk. It takes those good, old Carter's Little Liver Pills to get these 2 pints of bile flowing freely to make you feel "up and up." Get a package today. Take as directed. Effective in making bile flow freely. Ask for Carter's Little Liver Pills. 10c and 25d. $&NEW0fai6fota60i>id6 EARN EXTRA MONEY Amazing; idea sells fast! EMBOS $goo Korffeous Name -Imprinted Christ I -nas Cards. B0 for SI. You make bip ■ profit. Also make money ehowinp 11 new Box Assortments, SI. 00 each, and Personal StationeryNo experience needed. Samples sent on approval. FRIENDSHIP STUDIOS, 430 Adams, Elmira.N.Y. AUGUST. 1942 73