Radio and television mirror (July-Dec 1942)

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QUICK RELIEF SUMMER TEETHING EXPERIENCED Mothers know that summer teething must not be trifled with — that summer upsets due to teething may seriously interfere with Baby's progress. Relieve your Baby's teething pains this summer by rubbing on Dr. Hand's Teething Lotion — the actual prescription of a famous Baby specialist. It is effective and economical, and has been used and recommended by millions of Mothers. Your druggist has it. DR. HAND'S TEETHING LOTION Just rub it on the gums Buy it from your druggist today FREE De Luxe Natural Tone Enlargements 2 for only 29c ea. plus postaee. Send No Monev: jnet send thin ad with anv photo. Pav after arrival. Free 0x9" Studio Folder wirhcach(>iirr»l>in>dF,nljir4ement.Np«B.20c.Dept.S.45 New York Art Service, 5800 Mosholu Ave. , N.Y.C. m LEARN [|ec ■|~ H. C. 1 W^ 500 S« in 12 Weeks inShopsofCoyno Learn by Doing — many earn ef^ M.M W9m w*" while learning. Free employment ^tAV* service after graduation. Youdon'tneed ad ^^ vanced education. Send for Big New Free Booh, and my"PAY TUITION AFTER GRADUATION" PLAN. ... C. Lewis. President, COYNE ELECTRICAL SCHOOL 500 South Paulina Street Dept. C2-64. Chicago. III. MINED and CUT oJKoJdi Famous WHITE Zircon, exquisite gem, alluring good-luck omen. Sparkles like a diamond, costs 98% less! Cuts glass, resists acid. FREE catalog. Write today! Buy with confidence from exclusive Blu-Brite Zircon distributor. When in N. Y. visit our showrooms KIMBERLY GEM CO., Inc. Dept. IMF. 7, 503 5th Ave. N.Y.C. "°p Scratching Insect Bites Heat Rash Relieve itching of insect bites, heat rashes, athlete s foot and other skin troubles.UsecoolingantisepticDD.D. Prescription. Greaseless, stainless. Stops itching quickly. 35c trial bottle proves it — or money back. Ask your druggist for D.D.D. Prescription. WHY WE MUST FIGHT Here is the shameful evidence! Here at last — gripping . . . dramatic . . . shocking — is collected the undeniable proof! Proof that forever damns those < who craftily planned '^, the gargantuan explo sion "which "is rocking the world today. Here in graphic picture language is the inside behind-the -scenes lowdown on the real reasons why war has finally come to the U. S. — to you! Here revealed in all its stark ugly nakedness is the chain of events forged with diabolic skill — a step-by-step picture story of the birth and growth of ag\ gression. Here for you :o see are the reasons vhy you are at war. Why now we must fight. 250 gripping pictures. Price only SI. 00 postpaid. Get your copy today. BARTHOLOMEW HOUSE. Inc. Dept. RM-8, 205 East 42nd St., New York, N. Y. AUGUST, 1942 asked sullenly. "Well — it's a limited edition ... in this country." There was scorn in the way he pronounced the last three words. The book fell open in my hands, and I began to read aloud. " 'When the church and state come into conflict, it is right and it is inevitable that the church must go down.' " I thought of the little Presbyterian church in Briarsville where we had been married. Was it inevitable that it — that plain little building, filled with dignity and kindness and comfort for tired souls — should be destroyed by a proud state? I went on, while Jamie, withdrawn, stared at the ground. " 'In times of conflict, weaklings seek refuge in a book composed by a group of racial inferiors — the Bible.' But your Dad reads the Bible, Jamie. Would you call him a weakling?" "Well, no, but . . ." I persisted. "I read the Bible, too. So did your mother. No matter what you think of me, you know she was a fine, strong woman. She was no weakling." Jamie flushed. "The book treats on a broad principle," he said stiffly. "It can't be reduced to personalities." I SAT back on my heels and stared * at him from eyes that were beginning to smart with unshed tears. Yet deep down in me, anger was rising too. I could never have believed that an idea — a thought lodged in the mind of someone I loved — would make so great a difference. It had taken Jamie from my side, made him into something alien and sinister. The familiar, homely scene, ' the hayrick and the barn behind it, wavered in front of me and grew dim, and in its place I saw torn battlefields; I heard the tramp of marching feet — tyrants' feet — and the cries of women and children, instead of the clucking of Dad's hens; and the sweet smell of the hay changed subtly into the odor of blood. "Jamie!" I cried in horror. What has happened to you?" Perhaps he would not have answered me, but before he had a chance to, Dad was standing beside us, saying heartily, "Supper's on the table, Son. What's holding it up?" He must have heard my heartbroken cry, but in the most natural manner in the world he leaned over and took the book from me. "Must be mighty interesting to keep a hungry man from his meals," he commented. Then, his attention caught, Dad read aloud another passage, " 'Democracy is the graveyard of a dead, decadent society. While the frail and the fat wail for bread and butter, the superior man feeds his mind on principles from which he draws his strength, from the order of things to come.' . . . Well!" he said. "That's putting it straight down on the line, isn't it? Where'd you get this book, Jamie?" I could hardly believe my ears. It wasn't so much Dad's words as his tone that astounded me. He sounded sincerely interested and sympathetic. Jamie kicked a pebble before he spoke, and there was suspicion in his voice. "Warner Tholl lent it to me." "Oh yes," Dad said understandingly. "Warner was out here this afternoon, wasn't he? D'you see much of him?" Warming a very little, Jamie admitted, "Oh — once a week or so. I get together with him and some of his friends in town." An hour before, I would have been relieved to know this explanation of Send us Your OLD RUGS WCLOTHING It's All So Easy — your materials are picked up at your door by Freight or Express at our expense — and a week later you • can have deep-textured, new Broadloom rugs, woven Reversible for Double Wear. ANY SIZE to 16 feet seamless by Any Length. Mail coupon or lc Postal for — STUPE1 Beautiful, Big RUG BOOK in r HLL COLORS, 26 Model Rooms. Shows 61 Early American, Oriental, 18th Century and Leaf designs — Solid Colors, Tweed blends — Ovals. Tells how we shred, merge, reclaim the valuable materials, picker, bleach, card, spin, redye and reweave. You Risk Nothing by a Trial — Our 68th year — 2 million customers. OLSON RUG CO., Chicago, New York, 'Frisco 0X.SQH Factor/ToYou Mail to 2800 N. Crawford, Chicago, N-16 for Big FREE Book in Colors. NAME _.. ADDRESS @ ORC TOWN STATE _..i9« fflCl tSttM*?00 Shales HWeL Keeps "JUST SHAMPOOED" Lightness All Week ... Costs But Few Cents v.*^ Package Includes Extra Golden Rinse 1. Specially for Blondes. Helps keep light hair from darkening, brightens faded blonde hair. 2. Not a liquid — a fragrant powder. Safe even for children's fine hair. 3. Instantly removes the dingy, dust-laden film that makes fine blonde hair dark, old-looking. 4. To give hair beautiful luster and radiance, top off shampoo with Blondex Golden Rinse. For all shades of blondes. 5. Takes only 1 1 minutes to use. Costs 10c at all drug and department stores. BLONDEX SHAMPOO AND RINSE FOR BLONDES 75