Radio and television mirror (July-Dec 1942)

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How To Manage A SMALL FARM And Make It Pay All of us long some day to own a small tarm, whether it be for permanent residence or as a week-end haven where we may enjoy the relaxation of rural life. With war now upon us and inflation, depression, and food shortages threatening we may find the solution in a firoperly operated small farm where we can eat reguarly and abundantly, sleep soundly, have no money worries and live a healthy outdoor life. Five Acres and Independence is a book that may change your entire life, give you that independence, that security you're working so hard to achieve. It tells what kind of farm to rent or to buy; how to choose it; how to finance it; what and how to plant; choice and care of livestock, poultry, bees, etc.; essentials of fruit and vegetable growing; fertilizers; irrigation; spraying; cultivation; harvesting; storage; sale of products and by-products. Every page is packed with proved ways to make the small farm selfsupporting and profitable. 412 pages, abundantly illustrated with workable plans and diagrams. Only $2.50 postpaid. Don't miss this opportunity, but send today for your copy of Five Acres and Independence. It is written by M. E. Kains, formerly special crop culturist of U.S.Dept. of Agriculture. BARTHOLOMEW HOUSE, Inc. Dept. RM-8, 205 East 42nd St., New York, N HERE'S A QUICK WAY TO EARN MONEY SELL PERSONAL CHRISTMAS CARDS WITH NAME IMPRINTED-biff selection -*• IHV low as 50 for $1. Also gorgeous 21-card /■ " \ ^SUPREME Christmas Box Assortment, $1— S I pays up to 100 Tc profit. A real money-maker, isational fast-sellers: Gift Wrappings, ' etc. Write TODAY for samples on approval. CARDINAL CRAFTSMEN, Dept. 548, Cincinnati, Ohio MONCYl FABRICS SAMPLES KTKtt TABLECLOTH Stainproof! Waterproof! Women buy on sight! Many gorgeous patterns! Looks expensive, long wearing, low priced. No washing or ironing. Wipe clean with damp cloth! Fast seller. Big commissions. Also complete big-profit line dresses, shirts, hose, lingerie. GET FREE SAMPLES! c™T\nV%? nished. Complete dress line included FREE. Send no money. Write today! B. J. MELVILLE CO., Dept. 3274, Cincinnati, Ohio EASY WAY.... ints Hair UET BLACK This remarkable CAKE discovery, TINTZ Jet Black Shampoo, washes out V dirt, loose dandruff, grease, grime and | safely gives hair a real smooth JET BLACK / S TINT that fairly glows with life and lustre. ^Don't put up with faded dull, burnt, off color hair a minute longer. TINTZ Jet Black Cake works gradual . . . each shampoo leaves your hair blacker, lovelier, softer, easier to manage. No dyed look. Won't hurt permanents. Full cake 50c {3 for $1). TINTZ comes in Jet Black, light, medium and dark Brown, Titian, and Blonde. Order today ! State shade wanted. CCTHIft ftllO |U|^\|L|p,y Just pay postman plus postOLHI# IPlw IVIvPlli I age on our positive assurance of satisfaction in 7 days or your money back. (We Pay Postage if remittance comes with order.) Don't wait — Write today to TINTZ COMPANY, Dept.l-H.207 N. MICHIGAN, CHICAGO CANADIAN OFFICE: Depl.l-H, 2 2 COLLEGE STREET, TORONTO SUFFERERS FRDM MITrlH IGCALV SKIN TROUBLE) MAKE THi0Ntl»D€R mOll spoteS Prove it yourself no matter how long you have suffered or what you have tried. Beautiful book on psoriasis and Oermoil with amazing, true photographic proof of result* sent FREE. Write for it. SEND FOR , GENEROUS y TRIAL SIZE >* Don't mistake eczem; for the stubborn, ugl embarrassing scaly ski., disease Psoriasis. Apply non-staining Dermoil. Thousands do for scaly spots on body or scalp. Grateful users, often after ?ears of suffering, report he scales have gone, the red patches gradually disappeared and ~^^Hp^^P"^" o« t» they enjoyed the thrill of a clear skin again. Dermoil is used by many doctors and is backed by a positive agreement to give deanite benefit in 2 weeks or money is refunded without question. Send 10c (stamps or coin) for generous trial bottle to make our famous "One Spot Test". Test it yourself. Results may surprise you. Write today for your test bottle. Give Druggist's name and address. Print name plainly. Don't delay. Sold by Liggett and Walgreen Drug Stores and other leading Druggists. LAKE LABORATORIES, Box 547, Northwestern Station, Dept. 3404, Detroit, Mich. AUGUST, 1942 Jamie cut him short. "Well, I don't agree with it any longer! I didn't know it would be like this, and I wish I'd never let you see that book!" And then he stopped, looking out of the window. Our eyes followed his. Warner Tholl was just getting out of his car in front of the house. Without another word, Jamie rushed outside, and we followed — just in time to see Jamie advancing menacingly on the dapper little salesman. "What are you doing here?" he growled. Nonplussed, Tholl stammered, "Why, I — I just "dropped by to make sure you'd be at the meeting tomorrow night, and maybe pick up my book, if you're finished with it . . ." "Oh yes, we've finished it," Jamie said grimly. "And I'm finished with you, too. If you don't get off this farm and stay off I'll punch every Nazi idea you ever had right out of your system!" Wild-eyed, Tholl started to back away. "But Jamie, I don't understand! I came here as a friend — " "Friend?" Jamie was scornful. "You don't know the meaning of the word. Personal emotions, you said, were for the masses. Friendship and love were for morons. Supermen don't need them. Well, I find I do. I need friendship of the right kind and I need love. I need it much more than I need you and your half-baked ideas. So get out — and don't ever come back!" He took another step toward Tholl — and Tholl didn't stop to argue any more. He got into his car and drove away in such a hurry that his gears shrieked protest. "T| AD'S eyes were shining. "That's my " Jamie!" he murmured. And both Douglas and Angus wore broad grins. Jamie saw us all when he turned around, and for a moment he was half-angry, half-embarrassed. Then he smiled too, sheepishly, but so sweetly. "I'm sorry, everybody," he said. "I've been an awful dope." One of Dad's arms went around Jamie's shoulders; the other was around mine. "Forget it, Son," he said. "We've all got blind spots in our eyes, so sometimes a printed theory strikes us as being all right, even when it isn't. But as soon as this theory is tried out on human beings, it doesn't stack up so well. Our little experience under a dictatorship taught us that. It should have taught us something else too — that Tholl's philosophy is rooted in meanness and cowardice and humiliation. It's mean because it has no consideration for the individual; it's cowardly because it owes its progress to force; it's humiliating because in the end it destroys. So from now on, let's forget dictatorship and return to the good old American way of life — and remember that no discipline is any good at all unless it comes from within ourselves. How about it, James?" Jamie's eyes met mine and they sent me a message that only I could read. But all he said, very quietly now, was, "You don't have to ask me, Dad." NEXT MONTH Watch for the dramatic cover portrait of radio's newest singing star! WOMEN WHO HAVE A BETTER CHANCE FOR HAPPINESS! Safe new way in feminine hygiene gives continuous action for hours! • Knowing the truth about feminine hygiene — the real facts — is bound to mean greater happiness for any woman! Are you sure thatTj/oar information is not out-dated or even dangerous? For today you can know! Today no woman need trust the half-truths told her by misinformed friends. Now no woman need rely on weak, ineffective "home-made" mixtures — or risk using over-strong solutions of acids which can burn and injure delicate tissues. Intelligent, well-informed women everywhere have turned to Zonitors — the new, safe, convenient way in feminine hygiene. Zonitors are dainty, snow-white suppositories which spread a greaseless, protective coating . . . and kill germs instantly at contact. Deodorize— not by temporarily masking — but by destroying odors. Cleanse antiseptically and give continuous medication for hours. Yet Zonitors are safe for delicate tissues. Powerful — yet non-poisonous, non-caustic Even help promote gentle healing. No apparatus; nothing to mix. At all druggists. CDCE Mail this coupon for revealing booklet of rltCCS Intimate facts, sent postpaid In plain envelope. Zonitors, Dept. 5806B, 370 Lexington Avenue, New York, N. Y. Take orderB ealore. "Supei 50 for $!. to 25 for SI. 25. ChrietmaB Folders $1. Cost Expensive Sheer-Sheens. 1 WrapB. Relieii Victory Line". 20 Beautiful Designs ,'ame imprinted. Sell Nationally Famous 21 Oe. Worth $2.85. Exclusive. Novel. Patriotic, s. Foils. Glitter. Emuisite Etchings. Gift. 55 Enpravinus — Personal, Bu ' Vslu Pe onal Line. No inv i approval. FREE SAMPLES, ment. Start Today. SUNSHINE ART STUDIOS, 115 Fulton SI.. Depl. MA, New York City NO DULL DRAB 1^ HAIR When You Use This Amazing 4 Purpose Rinse In one, simple, quick operation, LOVALON will do all of these 4 important things for your hair. 1. Gives lustrous highlights. 2. Rinses away shampoo film. 3. Tints the hair as it rinses. 4. Helps keep hair neatly in place. LOVALON does not permanently dye or bleach. It is a pure, odorless hair rinse, in 12 different shades. Try LOVALON. At stores which sell toilet goods 25ff for 5 rinses 10 c for 2 rinses 77