Radio and television mirror (July-Dec 1942)

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Follow this Brides Way to New Loveliness ! go on the CAMAY MILD-SOAP DIET! This exciting complexion care is based on skin specialists'' advicepraised by lovely brides! M Y FRIENDS tell me how much lovelier my complexion has become since I started following the Camay Mild-Soap Diet. I wouldn't be without Camay for a day," says beautiful Mrs. Carnohan. You, too, can be lovelier if you will only give the Camay Mild-Soap Diet a chance. For, without knowing it, you may be letting improper cleansing dull your complexion—or you may be using a soap that isn't mild enough ! Skin specialists advise regular cleansing with a fine mild soap. And Camay is actually milder than dozens of other popular beauty soaps! That's why we say, "Go on the Camay Mild-Soap Diet." Give your skin thorough cleansing with Camay night and morning for 30 days. At once— what a delicious, fresh feeling! But be faithful — and soon your complexion may have thrilling new loveliness ! This lovely bride, Mrs. Harry Carnohan of New York, N. Y., says: "I wouldn't let my skin go without the Camay Mild-Soap Diet for a single day— it has done so much for me! Why, I'd been following the Mild-Soap Diet only a short time when my friends began asking for my beauty secret! Another thing I like about Camay is that wonderful fragrance. It just seems to last and last." on Me MILD-SOAP DIET CAM Trade-Mark Re*. U. S. Pat. Off. Ay First step to a lovelier skin . . . Make a lather with Camay on your wash-cloth. Work this milder lather over your skin, paying special attention to nose, base of nostrils, chin. Rinse with warm water— then 30 seconds of cold splashings. As the days go by— new beauty 1 Simply do that every night. Then, while you sle the tiny pore openings are free to function for na ral beauty. In the morning— one more quick sessi with Camay and your skin is ready for make-up.