Radio and television mirror (July-Dec 1942)

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September, 1942 Vol. 18, No. 5 CONTENTS ^veciajL fexxJUvrcb BECAUSE YOU NEED ME 13 She couldn't say the words that would have sent him away HALF A MARRIAGE John Baxter 14 Now she realized that true happiness must be paid for with sorrow PEPPER YOUNG'S FAMILY Madeline Thompson 16 Begin reading radio's beloved drama as a heart-warming story FARAWAY MELODY Marge Kerr 20 He hates the world, she thought. He even hates me! PORTIA FACES LIFE 22 Meet radio's woman lawyer and the people of her story — in living portraits I'LL ALWAYS REMEMBER 26 In a moment of anger Cassie had unleashed forces she could not control STARS IN OUR HEAVEN Will Oursler 30 When he looked at her she knew he had forgotten there were two kinds of women "YOU BELONG HERE" Jack Sher 33 Those were the words which brought Laurette Fillbrandt happiness PRESENTING STELLA DALLAS 34 Just as you've pictured them — Stella and Laurel, in color portraits HELPMATE ." 36 In spite of Steve's assurances, Linda still feared the future BELLE OF THE NINETIES 39 A stunning color portrait of Beatrice Kay THE DEVIL SAT DOWN AND CRIED Walter Bishop 40 A delightful novelty rhythm — Radio Mirror's hit tune of the month BARGAINS IN MEAT . Kate Smith 42 Economical meals . to help your budget WHATS NEW FROM COAST TO COAST Dale Banks 4 YOUR NECESSARY LUXURY Dr. Grace Gregory 8 FACING THE MUSIC Ken Alden 10 INSIDE RADIO ......... 43 SHE LOST HER FRENCH ACCENT 46 OVERHEARD 51 A TIP ON TIPPING 52 ON THE COVER — Diane Courtney, Blue Network Singing Star. Color portrait by De Brocke ERNEST V. HEYN Editorial Director FRED R. SAMHIS Executive Editor J>AN SENSENEY Editor BELLE UNDESMAN Associate Editor JACK ZASORIN Art Editor RADIO AND TELEVISION MffiROR, published monthly by MACFADDEN PUBLICATIONS, INC.,' Washington and South Avenues. Dunellen, New Jersey. General Business, Advertising and Editorial Offices: 205 East 42nd Street, New York, N. Y. O. J. Elder, President; Haydock Miller, Secretary; Chas. H. Shattuck, Treasurer, Walter Hanlon, Advertising Director. Chicago office, 221 North La Salle St., E. F. Lethen, Jr., Mgr. Pacific Coast Offices: San Francisco, 420 Market Street, Hollywood, 7751 Sunset Blvd.. Lee Andrews, Manager. Entered as second-class matter September 14, 1933, at the Post Office at Dunellen, New Jersey, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Price per copy in United States and Canada 15c. Subscription price in United States and Possessions and Newfoundland $1.50 a year. In Canada, Cuba, Mexico, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Spain and possessions, and Central and South American countries, excepting British Honduras, British, Dutch and French Guiana, $1.50 a year all other countries, $2.50 a year. While Manuscripts. Photographs and Drawings are submitted at the owner's risk, every effort will be made to return those found unavailable if accompanied by sufficient first-class postage, and explicit name and address. Contributors are especially advised to be sure to retain copies of their contributions; otherwise they are taking unnecessary risk. The contents of this magazine (Member of Macfadden Women's Group) may not be printed, either wholly or in part, without permission. Copyright. 1942, by the Macfadden Publications, Inc. Title trademark registered in U. S. Patent Office. Copyright also in Canada, registered at Stationer's Hall, Great Britain. Printed in the U. S. A. by Art Color Printing Company, Dunellen, N. J. 2 RADIO AND TELEVISION MIRROR