Radio and television mirror (July-Dec 1942)

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New -Texture Face Powder Makes Her Skin Look Years Younger! By ONCE THIS lovely girl looked quite a bit older. Some people actually thought she was approaching middle age. For she was the innocent victim of an unflattering face powder! It was a cruel powder, both in texture and in shadeshowing up every tiny line in her faceaccenting every little blemish and skin fault— even making the pores seem bigger, coarser! But look at her now! Can you guess her age? Would you say she is 21 — 30 — 35 ? She has changed to Lady Esther Face Powder— the powder with a new and different texture. Lady Esther Powder is deliberately planned to flatter the skin, to make it look smoother, fresher, younger! Lady Esther Face Powder is not mixed or blended in the usual way. It's blown by TWIN HURRICANES until it's much smoother, finer, than ordinary powder. But it's not the texture alone that's so different! The TWIN-HURRICANE method makes the shades different, too! Just imagine—hurricanes blow the color into this amazing powder! That's why the shades are so rich and glamorous. That's why Lady Esther Powder makes your skin look so much fresher, younger. Try this hurricane-blended face powder! See how it helps hide little lines and blemishes,, helps hide big pores and even ti.iy freckles! See how it gives instant new life and fpsshness to your skin— how it makes your skin look years younger. How to find your Lucky Shade Send your name and address on the coupon-below and you will receive all 7 new shades of Lady Esther Face Powder. Try them all! When you come to the one that is most flattering to your skin you'll know that is your lucky shade! Now more beautiful women use Lady Esther Face Powder than any other kind. SEPTEMBER, 1942 FACE POWDER Lady Esther, (79) 7134 West 65th Street, Chicago, III. Please send me by return mail your 7 new shades of face powder, also a generous tube of 4-l\ir|)Ose Pace Cream. I enclose IOC to cover the cost of packing and mailing. NAME .STATE, In Canada, ;;rite Lady Either. Toronto, Ontario