Radio and television mirror (July-Dec 1942)

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MARY ANDERSON In Paramount' s "Bahama Passage" uses GLOVER'S Use GLOVER'S, with Massage, for Loose Dandruff, Excessive Falling Hair and Itchy Scalp! WE want you to prove to yourself that Glover's famous application will help you have more attractive hair! Hundreds of thousands of men and women have used Glover's for many years, and their continued use shows that Glover's gets results! Try GLOVER'S with massage, for Dandruff, Itchy Scalp, anc Excessive Falling Hair. You'll actually feel the exhilarating effect, instantly. Ask your Druggist for Glover's Mange Medicine and the new GLO-VER Beauty Soap Shampoo. MAIL COUPON TODAY! Send today for generous complete FREE application of GLOVER'S MANGE MEDICINE and the new GLO-VER Beauty Soap SHAMPOO, in hermetically sealed bottles (by coupon only.) Informative booklet on Scientific Care of Scalp and Hair, included FREE! GLOVE R'S GLOVER'S, Depu_5J59_ 460 Fourth Ave., N.Y. Send FREE samples, Glover's Mange Medicine and new Shampoo. I enclose 10< to cover packaging, handling and postage. NAME ADDRESS Continued from page 4 the air." That isn't true, however. The fact is that Foster was selected to be a commentator because all his life had been devoted to the pursuit and study of world news. He had been a globetrotter and newspaper man for some twenty years before he entered radio. He's a native of Connecticut and a graduate of Dartmouth. His newspaper career first took him from Connecticut to California and back again, then to Europe and after that to the islands of the Pacific where he lived for some time, gaining knowledge that is immensely valuable in these war-time days. He made his radio debut seven years ago, and was first heard only locally, but his background of experience and travel gave his broadcasts such an air of authority that he soon became a New England favorite, and the Yankee and Mutual networks made arrangements to have him heard coast to coast. Foster now lives in Concord, Massachusetts, where his great-grandfather fought during the Revolutionary War. He was married in 1921 to Marguerite Lane of Butler, Misssouri, and now the Fosters have two daughters— Shirley, twenty, and Sarah Ann, sixteen. Most nights the four of them can be found gathered around the bridge table. They're all such expert players that about the only house guest with courage to take a hand is their teacher and friend, Ely Culbertson. One of the commentator's most cherished possessions is the medal of distinction of the Order of Ahepa, national Greek education society, which he was awarded this spring for "giving to the Greek people, more than any news commentator in America, a complete day-to-day picture of the Greek-Italian war." Robert Lunn presents the Talking Blues, his own special kind of music, over WSM. Meet Mr. Meek, the comedy serial, may return to the air this fall. * • * With Bess Johnson leading the way, the entire cast of The Story of Bess Johnson marched into Red Cross headquarters the other day to donate their blood. * * * Jean Holloway, who writes most of the dramatic spots on Kate Smith's variety program and also works in the CBS script department, was married last month to Fred L. Benson, musician's rank, United States Navy. The groom is stationed at the Great Lakes Naval Training Station in Illinois, but Jean will continue living in New York for the duration, carrying out her writing assignments for Kate Smith and CBS. * * * Gertrude Berg, author-star of The Goldbergs, has given up city life and moved to a house in Bedford Hills, N. Y. She bought the house and a twenty-five-acre estate several months ago and has been having a wonderful time supervising its rebuilding and modernization. * * • The Arch Obolers are the parents of a five pound one ounce son, born last ! RADIO AND TELEVISION MIRROR