Radio and television mirror (July-Dec 1942)

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By DR. GRACE GREGORY PERFUMES, cologne, and all the lovely toilet fragrances are wonderful morale builders, especially these hot summer days. The great perfume houses realize this, and they are really doing wonders in their efforts to make our favorite fragrances available to us at prices we can afford. True, we may have some difficulty in getting importations when our present stock is gone. But right here at home we have artists in perfume second to none, and this season brings us the usual variety of new odeurs. First, remember it is a good thing to have several fragrances. By all means match those that you are using at the same time — perfume, toilet water, dusting powder, and so on. But it is necessary to change from time to time, or you and your friends will cease to be aware of the fragrance. It is a simple psychological fact that when we become accustomed to any odor, however beautiful, we literally cease to smell it. Remember always that perfumes must be subtle. Most men say they dislike to have a perfume meet them head-on. They feel that it should linger like a lovely memory after you have passed them. Women who select one favorite perfume and stick to it are especially in danger of putting on too much as they become less and less sensitive to that particular fragrance. For day, and for casual occasions, use toilet water and Eau de Cologne. These are the informal fragrances, and are much less expensive than the concentrated perfumes. Study the most effective way of using fragrances. One distinguished perfume authority cites with approval the French rule, "Perfume from the inside out." That is very sound. <£ RADIO MIRROR * * HOMMEMY The discriminating woman uses her perfumes subtly and cleverly, says Laura Deane Dutton, new singing star of the Blue Network's program, Fifteen Minutes from Broadway, heard Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays. "From the inside out" begins with a perfumed bath. There are lovely foam or bubble baths that cost from 10c to a dollar and last for weeks. After the bath, a perfumed dusting powder, and a perfumed deodorant where it will do the most good. Then, your undies. Keep sachets, or lavender or spice balls in the drawers where your undies are kept. And when you put them on, spray lightly with the toilet water or perfume for the day. Your dress will keep the fragrance subdued and lasting. See to it that your perfumes and toilet waters are properly cared for. Keep them in a cool, fairly dark place. ' I If the sun slants across your dressing table half the day, that is no place for perfumes. And keep them stoppered tight. There is a trick with incense that is highly economical. Buy some oriental incense and burn a cone of it in an ash tray on the floor of your closet, with the door shut. For quite a while everything hanging in your closet will have a touch of oriental fragrance that blends well with any perfume or other odeur you may be using. DECIDEDLY the national emergency has wrought nothing but good in the field of American fragrances. Our own perfume masters have been stimulated to achieve new heights. The first. American luxury perfume has arrived. A certain house of perfumes and cosmetics bought up the entire harvest of mystery gardenias and evoked a truly exquisite fragrance which has set the pace for other perfume masters. By all means, have your fragrances — they build up the morale and are a necessary luxury — but use them discriminated and economically. RADIO AND TELEVISION MIRROR.