Radio and television mirror (July-Dec 1942)

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Your Chance To Read NORTHERN NURSE Great Current Best Seller Now you can read Elliott Merrick's current best seller "Northern Nurse" in vivid streamlined form. Here's your opportunity to read this great novel of a courageous woman nurse who was a real fighter and happy only when she was where the going was toughest. You'll thrill to the devil-may-care love of life that Kay Austen possessed, you'll respond to her unflinching bravery and self sacrifice in war-time nursing. Begin this heroic novel today. Everyone is talking about it. Streamlined for convenient reading, it's in the August issue of the pocket-sized publication for women— THE AUGUST ISSUE 10c SOMETHING NEW AND SENSATIONAL IN >»//» Ll SOMETHING NEW «NU 3tn»» 0£*# CHRISTMAS CARDS MAKE MONEY FAST AMAZING "OILETTE" CARDS Like cOBtly oil paintings. Designs never before offered. Gets orders fast. Gorgeous Christmas Cards with name, 50 for $1, ap. 9 other profit Assortments. New , features— clever ideas. Up to 100% profit. Write today for Samples on approval. PURO CO.. 3041 Locust, Dept. 219. St. Louis. Mo SO J FOR $■ PICTURE RING 48< Exquisite PictareRin^— madefrom anyphpto. Sample Ring only 48c. Send No Money! Mail photo* paper strip for ring size. Pay postman only 48c pins post ! age . Hand tinted lOcextra. Photo returned. Make money! Show ring— take orders. Money back guarantee. Order nu*r. PICTURE RING CO., Dept.X-3l,Cincinnati.O. I LEG SUFFERERS Why continue to suffer without attempting to do something? Write today for NewBooklet— "THE LIEPE METHODS FOR HOME USE." It tells about Varicose Ulcers and Open Leg Sores. Liepe Methods used while you walk. More than 40 years of success. Praised and endorsed by multitudes. LIEPE METHODS, 3284 N.Green Bay Ave., Dept. 48-J, Milwaukee, Wisconsin FREE . BOOKLET MINED and CUT oZlL. Famous WHITE Zircon gem. Sparkles like a diamond, costs 98% less! Cuts glass, resists acid. FREE catalog of amazing values in genuine Zircons set in men's and women's gold or silver rings. Write for your copy today! When in N. Y. visit our showrooms KIMBERLY GEM CO., Inc. Dept. MF-7, S03 Sth Ave. N.Y.C. Stainproof! Waterproof! Women buy on sight! Many gorgeous patterns! Looks expensive, long wearing, low priced. No washing or ironing. Wipe clean with damp cloth! Fast seller. Big commissions. Also complete big-profit line dresses, shirts, hose, lingerie. Complete FREE sample line furnished. Complete dress line included FREE. Send no money. Write today! „„-■»■ «■,-„ B. J. MELVILLE CO.. Dept. 3319, Cincinnati, Ohio GET FREE SAMPLES! sufKERS P S 0 R I A 5 1 S (SCALY SKIN TROUBLE) MAKE THE ONE l^PCRITtOlt SPOTt ^, $ufta*p TEST. , Prove it yourself no matter bow long you have suffered or what you have tried. Beautiful book on psoriasis and Oermoil with amazing, true photographic proof of results ;nt FREE. Write for it. Don't mistake eczema for the stubborn, ugly embarrassing scaly skii disease Psoriasis. Appl: non-staining Dermoil. Thousands do for scaly spots on body or scalp. Grateful users, often after years of suffering, report the scales have gone, the red patches gradually disappeared <**», -^ they enjoyed the thrill of a clear skin again. is used by many doctors and SEND FOR GENEROUS TRIAL .SIZE ^ „ -. _'ermoil backed by a positive agree~ -weeks or money ment to give definite benefit in 2 weeks or money is refunded without question. Send 10c (stamps or coin) for generous trial bottle to make our famous "One Spot lest . lest it yourself. Results may surprise you. Write today tor your test bottle. Give Druggist's name and address. Print name plainly. Don't delay Sold by Liggett and Walgreen Drug t tores and other leading Druggists. LAKE LABORATORIES, ox 547, Northwestern Station. DeDt. 3S04. Detroit, Mich. Faraway Melody Continued from page 21 done this to the Woody Buckley I had first met when I was eleven years old. I was in the fifth grade, in Lexington, Kentucky, when Woody's family moved to town, i saw him for the first time when the teacher brought him into the classroom and sat him down in the empty seat directly in front of me. He sat rigidly, without turning around, and I noticed that he had a stubborn cowlick right at the end of the part in his hair. He kept smoothing it down nervously, but it sprang up again every time. That cowlick fascinated me as a little girl and, thinking about it, I looked quickly at Woody sitting beside me in the car. Yes, it was still there. He had taken his cap off, and I could see it quite plainly. It brought a lump to my throat. With an effort, I brought my eyes back to the road again and sent my thoughts through the years to our childhood. Woody's and mine. W/OODY hadn't paid any attention " to me for a long time, back in the fifth grade. My young heart was quite mangled with unrequited love. And then one day at recess time, Porky Brown, who was easily the meanest boy in school, started teasing me. It began with Porky screaming across the playground at me— "Lorraine's got a fella . Lorraine's got a fella." Woody was nearby and heard him but didn't pay any attention. I blushed, of course, and tried to ignore Porky. But he kept it up and launched into that old children's chant: "Lorraine's mad, and I'm glad, and I know how to please her — A bottle of wine to make her shine and Woody Buckley to squeeze her." I think now that Porky must have had a boyish crush on me, or he wouldn't have kept it up. Then, though, I was only conscious of a great hatred, and running toward him with my fists doubled up, I hit at him again and again. He held me off laughingly for a while, but when I kicked him on the shin, he got mad and pushed me. I fell and lay on the ground crying. Woody stepped into the fight then. He was smaller than Porky, but he marched bravely up to him. "What'd you have to go and make her cry for?" he demanded. "Aw," growled Porky, "she's just a cry-baby. And anyway, who wants to know?" "I do," said Woody. "Yeah," said Porky, "you and who else?" And he pushed Woody. Woody hit him and then they were in a struggling battling heap on the ground. I don't know what would have happened to Woody if the bell hadn't rung just then; as it was, his nose was bleeding and his shirt was torn. That night after school, I waited at the front door for Woody to come out, and walked along the street with him. He was magnificently casual and careless about the whole incident. "Gee, Woody," I marveled, "weren't you the least bit scared of Porky? He's lots bigger than you." "Naah," Woody said, "he's just a big bluff. The only thing was, I could have licked him easy except I have to be careful of my hands." "Your hands?" "Yep. I'm learning to play the W6W under-arm Cream Deodorant safely Stops Perspiration i 'A ggiiounrairSs r Guaranteed by «? Good Housekeeping y 1. Does not harm dresses, or men's shirts. Does not irritate skin. 2. No waiting to dry. Can be used right after shaving. 3. Instantly checks perspiration for 1 to 3 days. Removes odor from perspiration, keeps armpits dry. 4. A pure white, greaseless, stainless vanishing cream. 5. Arrid has been awarded the Approval Seal of the American Institute of Laundering, for being harmless to fabrics. IS THE JT ARGESf ARRID 39^< a |ar (Also in 10fi and 59 f: jari) Buy a jar of ARRID today at any store which sells toilet goods. WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE Without Calomel— And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rarin' to Go The liver should pour 2 pints of bile juice into your bowels every day. If this bile is not flowing freely, your food may not digest. It may just decay in the bowels. Then ga3 bloats up your stomach. You get constipated. You feel sour, sunk and the world looks punk. It takes those good, old Carter's Little Liver Pills to get these 2 pints cf bile flowing freely to make you feel "up and up." Get a package today. Take as directed. Effective in making bile flow freely. Ask for Carter's Little Liver Pills. 10<J and 25<f. L I ST EN -Here's Easy Way to. Christmas i Take easy orders for Personal Christmas Cards with W Gender's name, 60 for SI. Also Beason's finest 21-card SI sortment. Make Dp to 50c. Nine other assts. Etchings. Religious, Gift Wrappings, etc. Do Luxe line Personal Cards. Start earning now. Also special moneyraising plan for clobs. chnrch groups, etc. Get FREE SAMPLES. WETMORE &SUGDEN,lnc.Dept.3S 749 Monroe Avenue, Rochester, New York SEPTEMBER, 1942 81