Radio and television mirror (July-Dec 1942)

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FOR SOLDIER, SAILOR or MARINE To Brothei band or heart Sam's Ul cle serv this wonderful Ring— an excellent remembrance and a gift he will treasure. As per illustration—a flashing Replica Diamond and a Service Emblem on black background signet. The following branch of the service insignias to choose from: Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Infantry, Artillery, Cavalry, AirCorps, Engineers, Signal Corps, Medical Corps, etc. Price —Sterling Silver, $2.95— 1 /30th 14 Your name or senti karat Rolled Gold merit engraved inside Plate (nontarnishRing at no extra cost, abirt $3.95, plus Can also furnish Lodge Emblems or Initials instead of Military insignias if desired. Engraving free. When ordering, give name and address, finger ring size, service insignia wanted, wording to be engraved, whether Silver or Rolled Gold Plate (yellow). Send money order or check for full amount and will deliver postpaid— or 33 l/3<y0 with order, balance C.O.D. plus C.O.D. and postage charges. Ring must be styled as per illustration or money back. NATIONAL GEM CO. P. O. Box 466 Chicago, Illinois FREE mm £ CHdRM PKOPS An enchanting perfume or irresistible charm, clinging for hours like lovers loath to part. Just a tiny drop is enough. Full size bottle 98c prepaid or $1.32 C. O. D. Directions free. One bottle FREE if two are ordered. Box 124 Dept. 251 Huntington Station. N. Y. PULVEX FLEA POWDER -also kills lice and Ticks 25* AND 50' >* Crash through to biggest shoe profits in years with sensational new soft-as glove leather Military Shoes for Men of Action — also hundreds of other fast-selling styles for men and women, for dress, work, sport. Rush name and address for FREE SAMPLE OUTFIT, and Tested Sales Plans. Victor Thomas Shoe Co., 610 W. Van Buren St., Dept. V-56, Chicago, III. POCKET RADIO* or PURSE SIZE ■***■* ■ ** ■ About Cigarette Package Size! Requires no tubes, batteries or electric "plug in" — Wt. only 1/3 lb. — Streamline plastic case. An unusual novelty — receives local stations. SIMPLE— NO UPKEEP! Costs nothing to play — ever! OWNERS REPORT 2-3 YEARS SERVICE— THOUSANDS SOLD. B. W. of Wise, says: "WORKS SWELL"—! ONE YEAR SERVICE GUARANTEE Sent complete with midget individual earphone, instructions, hook-ups, etc. — ready to listen! Easy Payment Plan as follows: SEND ONLY $1 nnCcasn M.O., Check) and pay postOCI1U ULILI Ol.UUman $1.99 plus postage on arrival or send $2.99 for postpaid delivery! Get your new Midgetnow— forreal enjoyment. Ideal gift. ORDER NOW! MIDGET RADIO CO., Dept. L-10, KEARNEY, NEBRASKA ^ppv ,. NOW! NAILS AT A MOMENT'S NOTICE NT EW! Smart, long tapering nails for everyone! Coverbroken, short, thin nails with Nu-Nails. Can be worn any length and polished any desired shade. Will not harm nor soften natural nails. Defies detection. Waterproof. Easily applied; remains firm. No effect on nail growth or cuticle. Removed at will. Set of Ten. 20c. All 5e and 10c stores. ARTIFICIAL FINGERNAILS St.. Dept. 16-P, Chicago NU-NAILS S2S1 W. Har lishing Offices were interested in. "I might have known," said Paul sourly. "Nobody wants a really serious writer these days — all they're interested in is tripe." I didn't say that maybe he'd have had better luck if he'd sent over some of his other things. I just went out quietly that afternoon and called up John Wade and asked if I could talk to him. He was most cordial. "Of course, my dear," he told me on the phone. "Come over any time this afternoon. As a matter of fact, I'd like to talk to you about that young husband of yours." The first thing I asked Mr. Wade when I was ushered into his beautifully furnished office was, "What I really want to know, Mr. Wade, is — can he write?" "He can write very well," said Mr. Wade as he seated me in a deep leather chair opposite his desk. "His trouble is that he's immature. He's never grown up. You have quite a problem on your hands, Mrs. Lansing." "I suppose so," I said nervously, "but what's the answer?" He looked at me for a long moment. "Can you take it, young lady?" "I think so," I told him. "You're an actress, are you not?" he asked me. "Yes, sir," I said. "Successful?" he asked me bluntly. "No," I answered just as bluntly. "Could that by any chance have anything to do with your loyalty to your husband?" I HESITATED a moment. I didn't *■ want to betray Paul, yet there was something about this old man that commanded complete honesty. Finally I said, "I've had chances to go into plays on the road, but I've never felt I should leave my husband." "That's the trouble," he said immediately. "You've been protecting him from the world. A sheltered plant never grows strong and free. Mrs. Lansing, you're going to have to stop protecting him." "Stop protecting him?" I asked. "But how?" "The best way — maybe the only way — is to leave him," he said gravely. "Only for a while, of course. But he'll never grow up and learn to handle life's problems by himself until you stop sheltering him. And as far as I can see, you're going to have to leave him for a while to accomplish it." "But — I — what. ..." I began. He interrupted me. "Mrs. Lansing, I'm interested in this husband of yours. He has good material in him and I hate to see it go to waste. And I like you, too — you're straightforward and honest. I'd like to help you straighten out this situation. Now, tell me — do you think you could find a dramatic part that would take you out of the city for a few weeks?" "I think so," I said. "If you will take a part in a play out of town somewhere, I will offer Mr. Lansing a position in my office — reading and helping to edit some of the manuscripts that come in." I started to object but he held up his hand peremptorily. "I know what you're going to say. You're wondering why I'm making this offer. Well, young lady, it's selfishness on my part. We need talented new writers in my business. There is a crying need for them. And if your husband can be developed into the kind of writer I am looking for, my NOW ON CBS! AMANDA OF HONEYMOON HILL Monday thru Friday, 10:30 A. M., EWT The story of a modern Cinderella marriage . . . packed with romance and human drama ! SECOND HUSBAND -A STARRING jc Helen Menken Monday thru Friday, 11:15 A. M., EWT Don't miss this dramatic story of a lovely young widow who married again. HEAR BOTH EXCITING PROGRAMS • See your newspaper for station and local time. CHRISIMRS [RRD51 FREE WITH SENDERS NAME i EXAMPLES Take orders galore. "Super Value Victorv Line". 20 Beautiful Designs 50 for $1. to 25 for $1.25. Name imprinted. Sell NationaUv Famous 21 ChrietmaB Folders $]. Co«ts 50c. Worth $2.«5. Exclusive. \ov.-l. 1'ntriotic. Expensive Sheer-Sheens. Tips. Foils. Glitter. Exquisite EtchingB. Gift. Wraps, Religious. Every da vs. 55 Engravings — Personal. Business. 21 Ass't ft. ;ipprx.v:,]. 1" IM.I . \J\] IM.ES. Super Value. Personal Line. No investment. Start Todav. SUNSHINE ART STUDIOS, 115 Fulton St., Dept. MA, New York City PICTURE RING 48' Exquisite Picture Rimr—made from any photo. Sample Ring only 48c. Send No Money! Mail photo with paper strip for nng size. Pay postman only 48c plus postage. Hand tinted lOcextra. Photo returned. McJcemoney! Show ring— take orders. Money back guarantee. Order now PICTURE RING CO., Dept.Z-31, Cincinnati, O. I LEARN ILLINERYhU • Design and make exclusive hats under personal direction of one of America's noted designers. Complete materials, blocks, etc., furnished. Every step illustrated. You make exclusive salable hats right from the start. We teach you how to start a profitable business in spare time. Low cost and easy terms. Expert milliners are in demand. Free National Placement Dept. Send today for particulars. LOUIE MILLER SCHOOL OF MILLINERY 308 N. Michigan Avenue, Dept. 36 Chicago, III. FROM POLLEN9 AGGRAVATED ASTHMATIC ATTACKS THE SEVERITY of those attacks o( Bronchial Asthma, intensified by pollen-laden air, may be reduced at this season of the year . . . use Dr. H. Schiffmann's Asthmador just as thousands have done for 70 years. The aromatic fumes help make breathing easier . . . aid in clearing the head. ..bring more restful nights of sleeping. At druggists in powder, cigarette or pipe-mixture form. Or you may send for Iree supply of all three. Dept.M60. R. SCHIFFMANN CO., Los -Angeles, Calil. OCTOBER, 1942 81