Radio and television mirror (July-Dec 1942)

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GRAY HAIR • ♦ etnd jC&oA lO Tietwi 1fOu4ta&i • Now, at home, you can quickly and easily tint telltale Btreaka of gray to natural-appearing shades — from lightest blonde to darkest black. Brownatone and a small brush does It — or your money back. Used for 30 years by thousands of women (men, too) — Brownatone Is guaranteed harmless. No skin test needed, active coloring agent is purely vegetable. Cannot affect waving of hair. Lasting — does not wash out. Just brush or comb it in. One application imparts desired color. Simply retouch as new gray appears. Easy to prove by tinting a test lock of your hair. 60c at drug or toilet counters on a money-back guarantee. Retain youryouthful charm. Get BROWNATONE today. D/\l I FINISHED^ f-C IfvlL-L. (2 Roiis 28c> la 4 Rolls 55c. Send friends' rolls with yours. Save Money. 16 prints with 3 enlargement coupon 25c; 30 reprints 50c. OVERNIGHT STUDIO. 65 PEARL. ALBANY. WISC. FREE CATALOG Finest quality. Over 300 artistic designs. Write for our attractive tree catalog and select a beautiful pin or ring for your class or club. OepL J. METAL ARTS CO., Rochester, N. Y. Sell Pe^tdtnva£ mttivi™ CHRISTMAS CARDS Earn Extra Income daily. Show sme_ . Personal Christmas Cards with name — 60 A /or SI. Another biff money-maker— (clamorous Box21 assorted Christmas Folders. Sells for $1. 100^ profit. . Manyotherboxes. A maz in ^values. Sampleson approval, j WALTHAM ART PUBLISHERS. Dept. 624 " 160 North Washington Street Boston, Mass. I Fistula Facts— FREE 40-page FREE BOOK — tells facts about Fistula, Rectal Abscess, Piles and other rectal and colon disorders; also related ailments and latest corrective treatment. Thornton & Minor Clinic, Suite 1005, 926 McGee, Kansas City, Mo. ARTHUR MURRAY'S THE LATEST DANCE STEPS Arthur Murray's Dance Book contains over 30 photographs and diagrams that show you exactly how to do the Waltz, Fox Trot, Rhumba, La Conga, Tango, Collegiate Dip, Shag, Lindy Hop and other popular dances. The price of ARTHUR MURRAY'S DANCE BOOK is amazingly small —only 25c and we pay the postage. Send for your copy today. Bartholomew House, Inc., Dept. RM-IO, 205 E* 42nd St., New York, N. Y. PHOTO RIHC ANY PHOTO OR PICTURE of Sweetheart, Relative or Friend reproduced permanently in this beautiful onyx like ring _. featuring the New Magnified Setting! Will last a lifetime! Indestructible! Waterproof! Enclose strip of paper for ring size. Pay postman plus a few cents (Expertly painled postage. If you send cash we pay postage. 95. „*r,\ Canadians: Send Money Order! (Photos Returned) Photo Nlovette Ring Co., Dept. C-22, 519 Main St., Cincinnati, O. i or hneno 48. CHECKED in A Jiffy Relieve itching caused by eczema, athlete's foot, scabies, pimples and other skin troubles. Use pure, cooling medicated D.D.D. Prescription. Greaseless, stainless. Soothes, comforts and checks itching fast. 35c trial bottle proves it — or money back. Ask your druggist today for 0. 0. D. Prescription. CUT OUT AND MAIL THIS AD FORBWASST FOODS £ PRODUCTS SEND NO MONEY! Just cut out an d mail this ad with y oar name and address for big $5.00 Assortment of fall size packages of Foods, Groceries. Soaps, etc. — yours ABSOLUTELY FREE I Show products to friends, neighbors — earnbig cashprofits infullor spare time, taking orders for bargains in more than 200 home necessi ties. No experience needed. You don't pay nsonecent. I supply everything — ABSOLUTELY FREE -to start you eamiogmoney including big £6.00 Assortment of actual Products and easy , money-makingplanB. Cut this — ad out NO W and mail it with your name and address for your big FREE Assortment. ZANOL 5139 Monmouth Cincinnati, Ohio ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■* OCTOBER, 1942 can't remember leaving the office or going down in the elevator. I stood in the street and looked at the jostling, hurrying crowds. Millions and millions of people. Among them, somewhere, the person I loved. He'd been deadly serious, then, the night he said if I left to go on the road, our marriage was finished. It was finished, and I was just about finished too. But, even when you've died inside, you go through the motions of living — just as I did in the months that followed. It seemed that my five months on the road had done me good professionally. Joe had no trouble finding small parts for me in fairly good Broadway plays. And as time went on, the parts got bigger and better. I'd read stories about actresses who had given up love for a career, and now I laughed, ironically, because I was one of them without meaning to be. At any rate, I didn't have the love and I did have the career. I saw my name on the playbills, and sometimes my picture in the papers, and I heard people clapping at curtain-call time; but when I went home at night to my lonely room, I knew that I wanted Paul more than any of these things. TT was just two years after the time I ■*■ had left Paul that I read the reports of his first book in the newspapers. The reviewers weren't able to agree on the book, but they all seemed to have been impressed by it, one way or another. "Immature but brilliant," was the way one paper put it. Another one said, "Paul Lansing's first novel, 'The Withered Heart,' heralds the advent of a bright new talent in the novelists' field." And a third thought it was "in execrable taste." I knew now how to find Paul — a letter sent to his publishers would reach him eventually. Instead of writing it, I bought a copy of his book and sat up all night reading it. There was a taste as of bitter almonds in my mouth when I finished the book. How he hated me! For this book was about me. Paul's woman — you couldn't call her his heroine — was I, as I appeared to Paul. A ruthless, demanding creature, she cared for nothing but herself. She married for excitement, and when the excitement wore off she left her husband in order to follow her own career. Ruthlessly, she trampled upon anyone who opposed her. And Paul's description of her, physically, was like a full-length mirror reflecting me. He had even caught the way I talked and reproduced it in the book's dialogue. But almost the worst of all, the touch of bitter sarcasm that made me feel all shriveled inside, was the book's dedication. It read, simply, "To my wife." The weeks dragged on, even filled with activity as they were. The war had made life in the theater busier than usual. There were USO shows to play, benefit performances every week; and I went down to the Stage Door Canteen at least one night a week to do my share in that fine enterprise — to talk to the boys in uniform, dance with them, and see that for a little time at least they forgot the sordid business of war. You were supposed to be casual at the Canteen, so when I saw a soldier sitting alone at a table one evening, I went over to him and asked, "May I join you?" At the sound of my voice he turned * • Now It's Fun To reduce This Common Sense Way * • There Is no magic about The Common Sense Way to an alluring figure. But If you follow the suggestions Sylvia of Hollywood has for you In her book Wo More <4(ibis you may, perhaps, challenge the beauty of the loveliest movie star! In this amazing book Sylvia tells you how to lose up to fifteen pounds next month— and lose them safely. You won't feel half starved and you won't feel weak. In ten days you'll have new life and vitality. And best of all you will see dally improvement in your figure. Send for your copy of Madame Sylvia's amazing book No More Alibis. Was $1.00 Now Only 25c This 139-page book formerly sold for $1.00 in stiff -back binding. Now published in paper cover you get the identical information for only 25c — postpaid. Mail coupon NOW. •••••••••••••••••*••••••*•• BARTHOLOMEW HOUSE, INC. Dept. RM11 305 E. 42nd Street, New York, N. Y. Send me postpaid a copy of No More Alibis by Sylvia of Hollywood. I enclose 25c. Name PLEASE PRINT City State (The 25c price of this book applies to U. S. only) ••*•••••••••••••••••••••*•* SPARE TIME MONEY ! CMSMM WllSl^A. Sell Christmas Cards of superior Artistry. 60 ■■ tl I Gorgeous Folders with name for {1 and 26 Isf ITU UIUI I for fl line. Also America's finest box assort WITH NAME ments. Special cards for men in service. Rush request for ' sample box on approval and FREE SAMPLES of imprinted s. Write quick and * .NATIONAL ABT STUDIOS. Dept. ! ) cash bonus. Douglas Bldg.. Los Angelei.Cal..orfuE.&th St.. Cincinnati. O. 00 EACH OR BOTH FOR VI 79 SIMU LAT E O ^^ ■ — DIAMOND RINGS Just to get acquainted we will send you smart new yellow gold plate engagement ring or wedding ring. Romance design engagement ring set with flashing, simulated diamond solitaire with six side stones. Wedding ring has band of brilliants set in exquisite Honeymoon Design mounting. Either ring only $1.00 or both for $1.79. SEND NO MONEY with order, just name and ring siteWear ring 10 days on money-back guarantee. Rush order now! EMPIRE DIAMOND CO.. Dept. 923M J.ff.non, Iowa 5X7 PHOTO ENLARGEMENT ANY SUBJECT OR GROUP Send any clear snapshot, photo, bust, full length, groups, scenes, baby, mother, dad. sweetheart, soldier, etc. We will enlarge to 5x7 on salon quality photographic paper FREE. Just send print ' or negative. Wc will also Include information about hand coloring by expert artists FREE FRAME OFFER Your original returned with your FREE enlargement. Send now and kindly enclose 10c for return mailing. (Only 2 to a customer.) IDEAL PORTRAIT CO. 48 K-IO. Church St. Annex. New York 83