Radio and television mirror (July-Dec 1942)

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Aeep t/ie Blitz, from /our Baby ! BUY WAR SAVINGS BONDS-STAMPS This advertisement has been prepared, and the space donated, entirely without cost as a patriotic gift to the Government JOIN EMBROIDERY GUILD ino memberehip lee. Barn extra income I u -,_n eellinc Stamped Art Needlework. Buy j flf AflE I rholeeale — sell retail. Quick profits. AIbo f - ' "' ' Dress Goods line. Experience unnecessary. Get easy plan and FREE Catalog. EMBROIDERY GUILD. 740 Broadway, Dept. 706, New York. N. V. 'JmowyJ FREE •^ De Luxe Natural Tone Enlargements 2 for only 29c ea. plus postage. Send No Money; just send this ad with £ any photo. Pay after arrival. Free 6x9" Studio Folder •w witheachOilCoIoredEnlargement.Negs.20c.Dept.S-46 New York Art Service, 5800 MoshoUi Ave.f W.Y.C. "^'whirling spray^ -^ SYRINGE < Free Booklet — The Marvel Co., Dept. 457, New Haven, Conn. FISTULA FACTS Do you suffer pain, torture and broken health of neglected Piles, Fistula or related rectal and colon ailments? Write today for 122-page FREE BOOK. Learn facts. The McCleary Clinic, C1005 Elms Blvd., Excelsior Springs. Missouri. WHY WEAR DIAMONDS? When Diamond-Dazzling. Blue-White genuine Zircons from the Mines of faraway MyBtic Siam are so effective and inexpensive. Thrilling beauties that stand acid, cut glass and are full of diamond FIRE! Exquisite mountings! Write for FREE Catalog. Address: NATIONAL ZIRCON CO. Dept. 9 Wheeling, W. Va. ^PSORIASIS MAKE THE ONE SPOT TEST (SCALY SKIN TROUBLE) DGRITIOIL Prove it yourself no matter how long you have suffered or what you have tried. Beautiful book on psoriasis and De r mo 1 1 with amazing, true photographic proof of results sent FREE. Write for it. SEND FOR GENEROUS i TRIAL SIZE M Don't mistake cczen for the stubborn, ug embarrassing scaly skin disease Psoriasis. Apply non-staining Dermoil. Thousands do for scaly spots on body or scalp. Grateful users, often after years of suffering, report the scales have gone, the red patches gradually disappeared and they enjoyed the thrill of a clear skin again. Dermoil is used by many doctors and is backed by a positive agreement to give definite benefit in 2 weeks or money is refunded without question. Send 10c (stamps or coin) for generous trial bottle to make our famous "One Spot Test". Test it yourself. Results may surprise you. Write today for your test bottle. Give Druggist's name and address. Print name plainly. Don't delay. Sold by Liggett and Walgreen Drug Stores and other leading Druggists. LAKE LABORATORIES, Box 547, Northwestern Station, Dept. 3604, Detroit, Mich. OCTOBER, 1942 a veil drop, a barrier arise. The message was gone, hidden, and he was left puzzled and unhappy. At last he could endure the mystery no longer. They were dancing. He drew Ruth to him. "Tomorrow," he said, "we're driving out of town after the show. We're going some place where we won't be known." She felt the possessiveness in his voice, and although she did not speak he knew that once again she was tense with that— that— He could not put a name to it, but it was very like fear. "I'm fed up with this eternal playacting— in the theater and out of it," he protested. "I have things to tell you that aren't in any play; things I want to say without a musical score arranged by a press-agent and the whole town staring!" "Oh, Jay!" She did not look up; would not meet his eyes. "Let's leave well enough alone. Let's be grateful for what we have!" "It isn't well enough!" he insisted. "And we could have so much more." He planned how they would drive out into the country where the air would be spicy from the fir trees and there would be only the lights of their car and the stars and moon to guide them. He planned supper at a cabin where fish caught in a nearby stream were cooked over an open fire and where the coffee made at your table was always ready at the very instant you couldn't resist its rich aroma any longer. He didn't plan the things he would say, however. He left them to his heart. HP HE next night he hurried to get out ■* of make-up. Fifteen minutes after the final curtain had rung down he was knocking, loud and eagerly, on Ruth's dressing-room door. A man he never had seen before opened the door for him. Behind that man stood Ruth. Her eyes were beseeching. "Jay," she said, "I want you to meet Mark Ralston." She pushed her hair back nervously and he saw the diamond, full of fire, on her finger. Saw it — and knew, at last, why there had been that barrier between them. Mark Ralston grabbed his hand. "I enjoyed your performance a lot," he said. "Fact is, I've just been telling Ruth you were a little too convincing at times!" All night Jay lay awake pushing time before him. And in the morning he knew Ruth had lain awake and impatient for the morning too. "I didn't know Mark was coming last night," she said quickly. "He drove up — and surprised me!" "Pleasantly?" His voice was cold. His face was dark. She ignored the thrust. "Jay," she said, "listen. ... I want you to know the last two months have been the best months of my life, because I've worked with you and had you for my friend. . . ." "Wait a minute," he interrupted. "I wasn't your friend — never, not from the very first. There's nothing remotely platonic about my feeling for you! I'm in love with you. Always will be!" "You don't make it any easier for me to tell you I'm engaged to Mark Ralston," she said. "This feeling we have for each other counts for nothing then?" he demanded. She shook her head. "It counts tremendously, Jay," she said. "If I had known anything could be so warm TEETHING PAINS RELIEVED : QUICKLYi WHEN your baby suffers from teething pains, just rub a few drops of Dr. Hand's Teething Lotion on the sore, tender, little gums and the pain will be relieved promptly. Dr. Hand's Teething Lotion is the prescription of a famous baby specialist and has been used by mothers for over fifty years. One bottle is usually enough for one baby for the entire teething period. DR. HAND'S TEETHING LOTION Just rub it on the gums Buy it from your druggist today FREE ENLARGEMENT Just to get acquainted with new customers, we will beautifully enlarge one snapshot print or negative, photo or picture to 8x10 inches — FREE — if you enclose this ad. (10c for handling and return mailing appreciated.) Information on hand tinting in natural colors sent immediately. Your original returned with your free enlargement. Send it today. GEPPERT STUDIOS, Dept. 346, Des Moines, la. Hair OFF Happy! Face Lips Chin Arms Legs I had ugly hair . . . was unloved . . . discouraged. Tried many different products . . . even razors. Nothing was satisfactory. Then I developed a simple, painless, inexpensive method. It worked. I have helped thousands win beauty, love, happiness. My FREE book, "How to Overcome the Superfluous Hair Problem", explains the method and proves actual success. Mailed in plain envelope. Also trial offer. No obligation. Write Mme. Annette Lanzette. P. O. Box 4040, Merchandise Mart, Dept. 285, Chicago. Earn '25 a week AS A TRAINED PRACTICAL NURSE! Practical nurses are always needed! Learn at hou in your spare time as thousands of men and worm — 18 to 60 years of age — have done through Chicago School of Nursing. Easy-tounderstand lessons, endorsed by physicians. One graduate has charge of 10-bed hospital. Nurse Cromer, of Iowa, now runs her own nursing home. Others prefer to earn $2.50 to $5.00 a day in private practice. YOU CAN EARN WHILE YOU LEARNI Mrs. B. C, of Texas, earned S474.25 while taking course. Mrs. S. E. P. started on her first case after her 7th lesson; in 14 months she earned $1900! You, too. can earn good money, make new friends. High school not necessary. Easy payments. Equipment included. 43rd year. Send coupon i CHICAGO SCHOOL OF NURSING Dept. lKio 100 Eut Ohio Street. Chicago. III. Please send free booklet and 16 sample lesson paxes. N a me_ A«-e City State 85