Radio and television mirror (July-Dec 1942)

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/ GOTTA PATE, MOM • ••I have to have Noxzema for my Powder Base — it gives such a smooth, long-lasting foundation; as a night cream it helps smooth and soften my skin — helps heal externallycaused blemishes. / OOTTA SHAVE, DON'T / ? ... I can't do without Noxzema. It helps soften my tough beard, gives me a swell, cool, comfortable shave; and my skin doesn't feel tender and sore afterward! ... I wish all mothers knew how grand Noxzema is for baby's tender skin when it is chafed or irritated by "diaper rash." It cools and soothes so quickly and helps promote healing! ... and Noxzema's wonderful for those minor "kitchen" burns and for rough, chapped hands, too! Keep a jar in the kitchen, the bathroom, on your dressing table. Let this famous family favorite help you, too! • Try Noxzema as above— and for the relief of many similar externally-caused skin troubles. Over 15 million jars, are used every year! IMPORTANT} While the supply lasts, you can get <he big 75tf jar of Noxzema for only 494 (plus tax)! Due to wartime limitations, this yearly offer may never be made again! Take advantage of it. Get Noxzema at any drug or cosmetic counter today! November, 1942 Vol. 19, No. 1 THE MAGAZINE OF RADIO ROMANCES CONTENTS WHERE ARE YOU, DEAREST? He had to learn the truth before his soldier's leave was up WHAT WILL PEOPLE SAY? This was her bridal home-coming! WAIT FOR TOMORROW Begin reading this thrilling novel of a girl's heart-breaking problem LOVE IS FOR KEEPS Zelda suddenly realized the cruel thing she was doing LET YOUR HEART DECIDE Now she was free to find love ROAD OF LIFE— IN LIVING PORTRAITS By special request — the people of this exciting radio drama YOUR HAND IN MINE Tragedy put Marie on the right road to happiness ONE LIFE TO SHARE The real life romance of Bill Stern, NBC's ace sports commentator PEPPER YOUNG'S FAMILY Peggy chooses the memory of love rather than a broken marriage BIG SISTER Presenting, in portraits, the people of a famous radio story 'HIS" FAVORITE DESSERT Kate Smith's special recipes to add perfection to your dinner 13 14 16 20 24 27 33 37 40 42 44 Caveat HOBBIES FOR VICTORY Dave Elman 3 FACING THE MUSIC Ken Alden 4 WHAT'S NEW FROM COAST TO COAST Dale Banks 8 BEAUTY IN WAR-TIME Dr. Grace Gregory 10 INSIDE RADIO 45 THE GIRL ON THE COVER 49 OVERHEARD 54 ON THE COVER — Marjorie Bell, CBS actress Color portrait by Ben De Brocke FRED R. SAMMIS Executive Editor DAN SENSENEY Editor BELLE LANDESMAN Associate Editor JACK ZASORII Art Editor Ernest V Heyn, Editorial Director of RADIO MIRROR, has been granted leave of absence to serve as a captain in the Army of the United States. As time and his duties permit, he mill contribute special feature articles to these pages. . ™^ n/TTuTjnp nnhlishpd monthlv bv MACFADDEN PUBLICATIONS, INC., Washington and; RADIO MIRROR, publisheamontmy ^"^'g^^ess. Advertising and Editorial Offices: 205 East South Avenues, Dvn*en,j. N«w nT Eto FtesideT feydock Miller, Secretary; Chas. H. Shattuck.l 42nd Street New York N. Y C U .Elder president ■ wayoocK i ^ gy ^ E Treasurer; Walter Hanlon, Advemsrn| ^ecror. ^im^o ^ Hollywood, 7751 Sunset Blvd., Lee Jr., Mgr. Pacific Coast omces. ^"Vrfass matter September 14, 1933, at the Post Office at Dunellen, Andrews, Manager. Entered as second cj|f9ma^e£ ^emuei United States and Canada 15c SubNew Jersey, unflei .the _Ac .of March 6, 1«79 ^possessions Canada and Newfoundland, $2.50 per scription price &-5°gsr3!f£ inDoSn1can Republic Spain and Possessions, and Central and South year in Cu„^tI™ HBnfl7Kd«ral British, Dutch and French Guiana. All other countries American countries^ excepting Jsr tisn nonuuias, jd, , submitted at the owner's risk, S3.50 Per year White ^Manuscripts, wiotograp unavai]able f£ accompamed by sufficient first-daw every effort win be madm to return u Contribut0rs are especially advised to be sure to retain postage and e^xplicit name anuauu^ unnecessary risk The contents . of this copies, of *eir contributions ,ocnerwi« fcroup) may not be printed; either wholly or in part, magazine (Member °fMactaauen women s ^"^ publications, Inc. Title trademark registered TOutepe^eT6ffl?^clp^ight'alJo to Canada" registered at 'stationer's Hall, Great Britain, in U. S. Pag^^jJthe UY #. A. by Art Color Printing Company, Dunellen, N. J. RADIO MIRBOB