Radio and television mirror (July-Dec 1942)

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Forget"blue days" ever existed... try \ Holly-Pax. Beyourown true.confident self with these extra-small tampons. They're so comfortabley ou hardly Icnow you're wearing them! Dainty, invisible Holly-Pax are easy to use; no applicator is required. In convenient, economical packages for 10c, 20c and 59c at all stores. Try this modern sanitary protection today! P0ISED...RELAX WITH HOLLY-PAX J Send for free booklet: "New Facts You Should Know about Monthly Hygiene" \Z\fK 20t Holly-Pax Box H-16D Palms Station Hollywood, Calif. ANY PHOTO ENLARGED Size 8x lO inches or smaller if desired. Same price for fall length or bust form, groups, landscapes, pet animals, etc., or enlargements of any part of group picture. Safe return of original photo _ guaranteed. 3 for $1.00 SEND NO MONEY *£{«*S 47 !: /■_!.' Pay postman 47c plus postage — or send 49c < order and we pay postage. Big 16 x 20inch enlargement sent G.O.D. 78c plus postage or send 80c and we pay postage. Take advantage of this amazing offer now. Send your photos today. Specify size wanted. STANDARD ART STUDIOS 100 East Ohio Street Dept. 1S52-P. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS STOP CORN MISERY! Doctor's Fast Relief Costs But A Few Cents Don't suffer! Dr. Scholl's Zino-pads instantly stop tormenting shoe friction; lift aching pressure; relieve your misery mighty quick. Thin, soft, soothing, cushioning. Prevent corns if used at first sign of sore toes from new or tight shoes. Separate Medications included for removing corns. Costs only a few cents a treatment. Insist on Dr. Scholl's! D-rScho//s Zino pad 74 Stan and I. Two people loving each other. I couldn't deny it, even if I'd wanted to. It was welling up within me, unquenchable. We loved each other. We would always love each other. A strange, ecstatic shiver ran through my body. A shiver of release, of liberation. I was free, free to find my happiness, to find my love. Curious, how you follow your heart. I hadn't really meant to, but now I found myself so close — only a block away from that funny little restaurant. Stan would be there now. Doubtless very gloomy and downhearted and disgusted with the world and especially with me. I could call Vern from the restaurant. It would be hard on him, perhaps, at first. But Vern got along. He'd find someone, someone closer to the woman he really wanted. I didn't run. Maybe my feet moved somewhat faster than an ordinary walk — but it was still a walk. I pushed back the door and saw him there. His back was to me and he didn't see me. I stood behind him a moment and the stoutish Rita saw me and an expansive smile lit up her face. Stan was saying, "All right, Rita. Might as well get me something to eat. Make it ham and eggs and coffee." I walked around the table, drew out the chair and sat down. I looked at him and tears were in my eyes, but I was trying to smile. Stan just stared at me, as if he were looking at a miracle and then he said, "Tina — Tina — you're here — really you — " His dark eyes looked into mine and he knew the answer because I couldn't keep it hidden. Sheer happiness, new and sudden and very wonderful swept through us, both of us knowing but hardly daring to speak. After a long moment, I drew my eyes from him, looked up at the beaming Rita, who was watching as if we were characters in a play. "That order of ham and eggs and coffee," I said. "Better make it two." Stan reached out across the table and his hands closed tightly over mine. Wait for Tomorrow Continued from, page 19 he looked at me over his glasses until I thought I could not stand another minute of suspense. I wanted to tell him to keep his mind on other people's problems and leave mine alone. He began to dictate at last and I drew a deep sigh of relief. Once we'd swung into the morning's routine, I thought, I was safe. But suddenly he was holding out one of the letters to me. "Maybe you'd better read this one," he said, "before I answer it." Of course I had read it, the day before. But today the round, schoolgirl writing leaped up at me and made me catch my breath. "Dear Dr. Dale: My boy friend and I have been going steady nearly a year. Now he is in the Army and they say he has about six months more training before he'll be going away. We want to get married WHY WE MUST FIGHT Here is the shameful evidence! Here at last — gripping . . . dramatic . . . shocking — is collected the undeniable proof! Proof that forever damns those who craftily planned the gargantuan explosionwhichis rocking the world today. Here in graphic picture language is the inside behind-thescenes lowdown on the real reasons why war has finally come to the U. S. — to you! | Here revealed in k all its stark, ugly r\ nakedness is the f,\ chain of events ,■& forged with dia^ bolic skill — a stepby-step picture story of the birth and growth of aggression. Here for you to see are the reasons why you are at war. Why now we must fight. 250 gripping pictures. Price only $1.00 postpaid. Get your copy today. BARTHOLOMEW HOUSE, Inc. Dept. RM-11, 205 East 42nd St., New York, N. Y. OLD LEG TROUBLE t Uasy to use Viscose Home Method . Heals many old ^ leg sores caused by leg congestion, varicose veins, swollen legs and injuries or no cost for trial if it fails to show results in 10 days. Describe your 1 trouble and get a FREE BOOK. R. G VISCOSE COMPANY I 140 Nortn Dearborn Street Chicago, Illinois Jmaomq! /n/uJw/utq! HemcLnZu:! PHOTO Rinc ANY PHOTO OR PICTURE of Sweetheart, Relative or Friend reproduced perma nently in this beautiful onyx like ring featuring the New ^m /m f> Magnified Setting! Will last a lifetime! Inde ^W%. J*» structible! Waterproof! Enclose strip of paper for ring size. Pay postman plus a few cents (Eipertlfpaintrt postage, if you__send j=ash_i we^pay ^postage. 25e ertra) B or i-rionc 48 Canadians: Send Money Order! (Photos Photo Movette Ring Co., Dept. C-23, 519 Returned) lainSL.Cir innati.O. CHECKED in A Jiffy Relieve itching caused by eczema, athlete's foot, scabies, pimples and other skin troubles. Use pure, cooling medicated D.D.D. Prescription. Greaseless, stainless. Soothes, comforts and checks itching fast. 35c trial bottle proves it — or money back. Ask your druggist today for D. D. D. Prescription. Asthma Agony Curbed First Day For Thousands of Sufferers Choking, gasping, wheezing Bronchial Asthma attacks poison your system, ruin your health and put a load on your heart. Thousands quickly and easily palliate recurring choking, gasping Bronchial Asthma symptoms with a doctor's prescription called Mendaco, now distributed thru drug stores, to help nature remove thick strangling excess mucus and promote welcome restful sleep. Mendaco is not a smoke, dope or injection. Just pleasant tasteless tablets. Iron clad guaranteemoney back unless satisfactory. Mendaco is only 60c at druggists. SIMULATED "ROMANCE DESIGN' DIAMOND RINGS oo EACH Mate Bridal Pair NO MONEY Just to get acquainted we will send yon smart new yellow gold plate engagement ring or wedding ring. Romance design engagement ring set with flashing, simulated diamond solitaire with six side stones. Wedding ring' has band of brilliants set in exquisite Honeymoon Design mounting. Either ring only $1.00 or both for SI. 79 and tax. SEND NO MONEY with order, just name andj ring size. Wear ring 10 days on money-back guarantee. EMPIRE DIAMOND CO., Dept. 962MH Jefferson, Iowa RADIO MIRROR