Radio and television mirror (July-Dec 1942)

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CBS photos by Siegal WYN STRAFFORD — handsome only son of a proud Philadelphia family — fell in love with and married his stenographer, Kitty Foyle, although he knew his family would not approve of the match. Their opposition was so bitter that Kitty fled to New York, and while Wyn would like to defy his parents and join her, he hasn't the courage to do so. (Played by Clayton Collyer) DECEMBER, 1942 KITTY FOYLE, independent and honest, is from a family as poor as Wyn's is rich — and believes that Wyn would be a better person if he had not been born to wealth. Rather than let Wyn be dominated by his family, she is willing to give him up — and rather than have him return to her out of a sense of duty, she hasn't told him she is to have a baby. (Played by Julie Stevens) 43