Radio and television mirror (July-Dec 1942)

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But Bill was running and he caught up to us quickly and I had to stop. "They called me from the sentry booth," he gasped. Are you all right? But what — who?" "He hasn't any home," I said hurriedly. "Parents in the hospital. I found him. I'll keep him till — till his parents — " My voice started to break and I stopped. He was looking at me. "Bill —Bill — you were so right. Tonight in that raid, I went wild with fear. I — I wasn't any good for anyone. I'm — I'm everything you said." 'THHERE was the ghost of a smile on -* his lips. "But, Sylvia, you couldn't be everything bad. Look at that — little boy here. You found him, didn't you? You're taking him with you. Why — you're wonderful!" I shook my head. "No, Bill. That panic I knew. It was terrible. It was — " But I couldn't tell him about it. I wanted only to run away from him. Bill grinned. "Sylvia, lots of us know panic when we first face danger. But we get over it when we get used to it. And sometimes — well, some times panic shows us things all in a flash. Shows us — what's real and what isn't." In the light of the new sun we were looking into each others' eyes and I didn't want to look away any more. I wanted him to take me into his arms. I smiled at him and said, "I was angry last night, Bill. So were you. You see I was angry because I — I — " "Because you loved me." I could only nod and Bill said, "Sylvia, this is sudden and crazy. But we've had orders. We're pulling out tomorrow night. Sylvia — would you — would you marry me? There's just time to make arrangements for the license and all and I'd — well — I'd be happy — " I smiled at him. "You're sure I am the person you love? It isn't — like you said last night — somebody else?" His dark eyes were grave. "It is somebody else, Sylvia. But the somebody— it's still you." And he didn't wait any longer for an answer. He simply reached out and drew me in his arms and I felt his lips on mine. I'd probably have to explain it to little Bob. But that would be later. Give Me Your Heart Continued -from page 32 Fisher got out with two small packages, and came to the door. "This here's a surprise, Miz Morris. Mr. Morris asked my missus would she bake a chicken and a cake for your party — " "Oh," I said, and took them. "But the things from the station — " ''Coming right up." He turned back to the truck. I put down the chicken and the cake. We wouldn't need them. "Bring the champagne right on back to the kitchen," I called. Just then, Peter came striding out of the lab with Joey behind him. He looked at Mr. Fisher unloading cartons. "Champagne! Say, what is this?" "It's for the party. I ordered it from Mario's in Detroit. Be careful of that box, Mr. Fisher — it's caviar." Peter stepped up beside me. His eyes were stormy. "You ordered it? How are you going to pay for it, Ellen?" His voice was loud and clear, and left a little silence trailing after it. I CHARGED it to Father, if you must know," I said defiantly. Wanda and Joey had grown very quiet. "After all I've said— Mr. Fisher, put that stuff back on the truck, take it to the station, and send it back to the city." "Leave it where it is, Mr. Fisher!" I turned on Peter. "You got away with this once before, but you're not going to do it now. You're not going to ruin my party!" Mr. Fisher stood uncertainly, looking from Peter to me. Joey and Wanda withdrew tactfully into the bedroom. "There will be party enough without this — this hundred dollars worth of stuff you ordered behind my back. It's going to be returned," Peter said evenly, "if I have to carry it every step of the way myself." The farmer started putting the DECEMBER, 1942 boxes back in the truck. "How dare you?" I cried. "How dare you humiliate me in front of people like this? How dare you make a scene? You and your stupid pride!" "Look here, Ellen, I'm sorry to make a scene. But Joey is my oldest friend. He knows how I feel. You know, too. And I'm sorry you think it's ruined the party. But I won't have — " "Oh, I hate you!" I cried furiously. "I wish I'd never married you!" Peter's face twitched with the effort to control his anger. He looked at me a moment. "I'm going back in the lab," he said quietly. "When you've cooled off enough to stop acting like a spoiled child we'll go on with the party." I stared after his retreating back. Then the truck started up with a roar and somehow that sound tore away the last shred of self-possession I had left. Such a rage as I had never known filled me. Stronger than I, stronger than anything, it sent me blindly across the room after Peter. I thrust open the laboratory door. He was standing there with his notes in his hands. His eyes, still angry, met mine. "You and your work," I screamed. "That's all you live for. That's all you love. I'll show you what I think of you and your work!" I snatched the notes from him. With a quick, savage gesture I tore them once across, then again. I flung them at his feet. His face had gone dead white. He didn't move. He looked at the torn papers on the floor, then back at me. If there was ever hate in a man's eyes, it was then. "My work," he said in a choked voice. "You've ruined my work. You — you — Get out! Get out of here before I do something—" "Don't worry! I'll get out — for good!" I ran out, slamming the door, and into the bedroom. Wanda and Joey AT 2 gentle, sale lor children AT 12 keeps hair light, golden AT 22 helps hair from darkening AT 42 brightens laded blonde hall Tru New Jl Minute \ Home Shampoo! Specially made for blondes. Helps keep light hair from darkening — brightens faded blonde j hair. Not a liquid, it is a fragrant powder that quickly makes | a rich cleansing lather. Instantly removes the dingy, dust -laden I film that makes blonde hair| dark, old-looking. 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