Radio and television mirror (Jan-June 1942)

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Ill E P o IL U < u SUNDAY Eastern Time 8:00 CBS: News 8:00 NBC-Blue: News 8:00 NBC-Red: Organ Recital 8:30 NBC-Blue: Tone Pictures 8:00' 9:00 CBS: The World Today 8:00 9:00^NBC: News from Europe 8:151 9:15 CBS: From the Organ Loft 8:15 9:15 NBC-Blue: White Rabbit Line 8:15 9:15 NBC-Red: Deep River Boys 8:30 9:30 NBC-Red: Words and Music 9:00 10:00 CBS: Church of the Air 9:00 10:00 NBC-Blue: Musical Millwheel 9:00 10:00. NBC-Red: Radio Pulpit i I 9:30 10:30 CBS: Wings Over Jordan 9:30 10:30 NBC-Blue: Southernaires I 10:00 11:00 CBS: News 10:00 11:00 NBC-Blue: News 10:05 11:05 10:1511:15 CBS: Vera Brodsky NBC-Blue: Al and Lee Reiser 8:15 8:30 10:30 11:30 |CBS: Invitation to Learning 8:30 10:30 11:30 MBS: Radio Chapel 8:30 10:30 11:30 NBC-Blue: Revue in Miniature 8:30 10:30 11:30 NBC-Red: Music and Youth I I I 9:00 10:00 12:00 CBS: Syncopation Piece 9:00 11:00 12:00 NBC-Blue: Foreign Policy Assn. 9:00 11:00 12:00 NBC-Red: Down South 9:15 11:15 12:15 NBC-Blue: I'm an American 9:30 11: 9:30 11: 9:30 11: 10:00 12: 10:00 12: 10:1512: 10:15 12: 10:3012: 10:30 12: ll:Oo| 1: 11:00 1: 11:001 1: 3012: 3012: 30 12: CBS: Salt Lake City Tabernacle NBC-Blue: Radio City Music Hall NBC-Red: Emma Otero CBS: Church of the Air 1:L-, 1:00 NBC-Red: Upton Close 11:30 11:30 12:00 12:00 12:00 12:15 12:30' 12:30 12:30 1:00 1:15 1:30 1:30 2:00 2:00 00 00, 00 2 30 30 MBS: George Fisher NBC-Red: Silver Strings NBC-Blue: Josef Marais NBC-Red: The World is Yours 2:00 2:00 2:00 2:15 2:30 4 2:30 4 2:30! 4 2:45 4:45 3:00 3:00 3:05 5:05 3:30 3:30 5:45 3:30 9:15 4:00 8:30 4:15 5:45 6:15 4:30 4:30 7:30 5:00 5:00 8:00 8:00 5:30 5:45 5:55 6:00 6:00 9:00 6:00 9:15 8:15 6:30 6:45 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:30 7:30 CBS: Spirit of '42 00 NBC-Blue: Great Plays -.00 NBC-Red: Sammy Kaye 2:30 CBS: The World Today 2:30 NBC-Red: University of Chicago Round Table 3:00 CBS: N. Y. Philharmonic Orch. 3:00 NBC-Blue: Wake Up America 3:00 NBC-Red: Bob Becker 3:15|NBC-Red: H. V. Kaltenborn 3:30 MBS: Disney Song Parade 3:30 NBC-Blue. Tapestry Musicale 3:30 NBC-Red: Listen America 4:00'NBC-Blue: Sunday Vespers 4:15'NBC-Red: Tony Wons 4: 4 30 CBS: Pause that Refreshes 30 NBC-Blue: Behind the Mike 5:00 CBS: The Family Hour 5:00 NBC-Blue: Moylan Sisters 5:00 NBC Red: Metropolitan Auditions 5:15 NBC-Blue: Olivio Santoro 5:3o'mbS: The Shadow 5:30 NBC-Blue: Wheeling Steelmakers 5:30 NBC-Red: Nichols, Family of Five 5:45 CBS. William L. Shirer 6:00 CBS. SILVER THEATER 6:00 NBC-Red: Catholic Hour 6:05 NBC-Blue: New Friends of Music :30'CB5: Gene Autry :30 MBS: Bulldog Drummond 6:45 8:15 8:45 NBC-Blue: Pearson and Allen NBC-Red: The Great Gildersleeve NBC-Blue: Mrs. F. D. Roosevelt NBC-Blue: News from Europe NBC-Red: Jack Benny :15 CBS: Public Affairs :30 CBS: Screen Guild Theater :30 NBC-Blue: Capt. Flagg and Sgt. Quirt :30|NBC-Red: Fitch Bandwagon lOo'cBS: HELEN HAYES :00 NBC-Blue: Blue Echoes ;00 NBC-Red: CHARLIE MCCARTHY :30 CBS: Crime Doctor :30 NBC-Blue: Inner Sanctum Mystery :30 NBC-Red: ONE MAN'S FAMILY :45 MBS: Gabriel Heatter :55'cBS: Elmer Davis :00 CBS: FORD HOUR :00 MBS: Old Fashioned Revival :00 NBC-Blue: Walter Winchell 00 NBC-Red: Manhattan Merry-GoRound 9:15 NBC-Blue: The Parker Family 9:30 NBC-Blue: Irene Rich 9:30, NBC-Red: American Album of Familiar Music 9:45 NBC-Blue: Dinah Shore 9:00 10:00 CBS: Take It or Leave It 9:00 10:00 NBC-Blue: Goodwill Hour 9:00 10:00 NBC-Red: Hour of Charm 9:30 10:30'CBS: Columbia Workshop 9:30.10:30 NBC-Red: Sherlock Holmes 8:00 10:00 ll:Oo'cBS: Headlines and Bylines 8:00 10:00 11:00 NBC: Dance Orchestra True Boardman writes most of those romantic dramas on Silver Theater. HAVE YOU TUNED IN ... The Silver Theater on CBS at 6:00 p.m., E.S.T., Sunday nights, sponsored by the International Silver Company and starring the best actors of Hollywood in original comedies and dramas which are usually written by a young man named True Boardman. True is a specialist in writing half -hour plays to fit the particular abilities of screen stars. He has to his credit a list of seventyfive original airplays — or did when this was written, and it will be more by. the time you read it. He's not as proud of that record, though, as he is of being able to give any actor a script that is tailored tightly to his measure. For instance, the Silver Theater signs up some movie celebrity — say Clark Gable — for a future program, and True has the job of writing a play for him to act in. "I sit down and think about Gable," True says, "about his mannerisms and personal history. After a while an appropriate plot begins to come into my mind — a plot that just calls for Clark Gable to play the leading man." Maybe the reason True is able to see his stories in terms of the actors and actresses who play in them, is that he was an actor himself before he became a writer. He made his dramatic debut at the age of four by wandering onto the stage of a theater where his actor-father was playing. Soon after that he got into movies, and grew up in Hollywood, playing important roles in "Shoulder Arms" with Charlie Chaplin and "Daddy Longlegs" with Mary Pickford. Later on, he was on Broadway and in touring stock ompanies, and didn't get interested in writing until he turned to radio. He's still interested in acting, and occasionally does dramatic roles on programs originating in Hollywood. In addition, he frequently puts on a good one-man show at Silver Theater rehearsals, raging, begging, and arguing with actors to show them exactly how he wanted a line to sound when he wrote it. True is married, and has a five-year-old daughter named Penny, who thinks it's pretty silly that all of Daddy's stories are about "a man that falls in love with a girl." He says he expects she'll get the idea a little better a few years from now. Meanwhile, True himself would rather write an original story, one made up by himself, than to adapt a movie or stage play; and would rather write a story with a psychological background than anything else. He has dozens of books on psychology, and is happiest when he's reading one of them. MONDAY 1:30 8:45 10:30 12:45 12:45 12 8 8 h (i 8:00 2:30 8:45 8:45 Eastern Time 9: 9: 9: 9i 9: 9: 9 9; 9 9 10 10 00 10 :15 10 15 10 :00 10 10 30 NBC-Red: Gene and Glenn 00 NBC-Bue: BREAKFAST CLUB 15 CBS: School of the Air 45 CBS: stories America Loves 45 NBC-Red: Edward MacHugh I 10 ; 10 i 10 110 I 10 )10 11:15 10 10 00 11 00 11 00 11 15 11 15 11 30 11 30 11 45 11 00 12 00 12 15 12 15 12 15 12 30 12 30 12 12 12 :00 :00 :15 :15 :15 :30 :30 :30 10 :45 10 :45 10 :ao 11 :00ll :15lll :15ll :15,11 :30 11 :3011 :4511 :45|11 :00 12 :00 12 :00 12 :15'l2 rl5|12 :30 12 :30 12 :45 12 :00 :00 :00 CBS: 00 NBC :15'CBS: 15 NBCIS NBC ,30 CBS: :30 NBC30|NBC :45 CBS: ;45:nbc lOo'cBS: :00 NBC 2:00 3:45 5 8:00 6 8:00 10 8:00 6 8:15 6 8:30 5:55! 7 00 8 DO 8 30 30 00 00 00 00. is' 9 :15 :15 :15 :30 :30 :45 :45 :00 :oa :15 :15 :30 :30 :30 :45 :45 :45 :ao :00 :00 :15 :15 :15 j30 :3a :45 :45 :00 :00 :00 :1S :15 :30 :45 '45 :45 :00 :00 :00 :15 :1S :15 :30 :30 :30 ;45 :45 :00 :15 :30 :30 :45 :45 :00 :00 :00 :15 :30 :30 :30 :0a :00 :00 :00 :30' l30i :30 :55 :00 :00 :ao :30 :30 30 CBS: NBCNBCCBS: :30'NBC :45'CBS: :45 NBC 00 CBS: :00 MBS :00 NBC :15 CBS: NBC CBS: NBCCBS: CBS: MBS: CBS: MBS: NBCCBS: MBS CBS: MBS: CBS: NBCCBS: NBCCBS: NBCNBC 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5:00 5 5 CBS: NBCNBC CBS: NBC NBCCBS: NBCNBCNBCNBC NBCNBCCBS: NBC:00 NBCNBCNBC NBCCBS. MBS: NBCCBS: NBCNBC CBS: NBCNBC CBS: NBCNBC CBS: NBCCBS: CBS: CBS: 6:30 NBC 15 IS 15 5:30 ■30 30 5 5 5:45 5 45 6:00 6:15 6:30 6-45 6:45 6:45 CBS: NBC NBC 7:00 CBS: 7:00 NBC7:00 NBC7:15JCBS: 7:30'CBS: 7:30|MBS: 7:30 NBC8:00 CBS: 8:00MBS 8:00 NBC8:00 NBC8:30 CBS: 8:30 NBC8:30, NBC 8:55 CBS: 9:00 CBS 9:00 MBS 9:00 N BC 9:30 X lU' 9:30 :00'l0:00 :00 10:00 :00 10:00 \B( :OOjlO:00 NBC15IiO:1sImBS NBC CBS MBS Hymns of All Churches Red: Bess Johnson Myrt and Marge Blue: Helen Hiett Red: Bachelor's Children Stepmother Blue: A House in the Country Blue: Help Mate Woman of Courage Red: The Road of Life Treat Time Red: Mary Marlin The Man I Married Blue: Alma Kitchell Red: Right to Happiness Bright Horizon Red: The Bartons Aunt Jenny's Stories Red: David Harum KATE SMITH SPEAKS John B. Hughes Red: Words and Music Big Sister Red: The O'Neills Romance of Helen Trent -Blue: Farm and Home Hour Our Gal Sunday Life Can Be Beautiful : We Are Always Young Woman in White : Government Girl -Blue: Ted Malone Vic and Sade : Front Page Farrell Road of Life : I'll Find My Way Young Dr. Malone Red: Light of the World Girl interne Red: The Mystery Man Fletcher Wiley Blue: Into the Light Red: Valiant Lady Kate Hopkins Blue: in Care of Aggie Horn -Red: Arnold Grimm's Daughter A Helping Hand Bue: Orphans of Divorce -Red: Against the Storm News for Women -Blue: Honeymoon Hill -Red: Ma Perkins Blue: John's Other Wife -Red: Pepper Young's Family Blue: Just Plain Bill Red: Vic and Sade Concert Orchestra Blue. Arthur Tracy Red: Backstage Wife Blue: Club Matinee Red: Stella Dallas Red: Lorenzo Jones Mark Hawley Boake Carter Red: Young Widder Brown Mary Marlin Blue: Adventure Stories Red: When a Girl Marries The Goldbergs Blue: Secret City Red: Portia Faces Life The O'Neills Blue: Wings on Watch Red: We the Abbotts Scattergood Baines Blue: Tom Mix Edwin C. Hill Hedda Hopper Frank Parker Blue: Lum and Abner The World Today Blue: Lowell Thomas Red: Paul Douglas Amos 'n' Andy Blue: Old Gold Show Red: Fred Waring's Gang Lanny Ross Blondie The Lone Ranger Red: Cavalcade of America Vox Pop Cal Tinney Blue: I Love a Mystery Red: The Telephone Hour GAY NINETIES Blue; True or False Red; Voice of Firestone Elmer Davis LUX THEATER Gabriel Heatter Red; Doctor I. Q. Blue: For America We Sing Red: That Brewster Boy Orson Welles Raymond Gram Swing Blue; Merry-Go-Round Red: Portraits in Music Spotlight Bands INSIDE RADIO -Telling You About Programs and People You Want to Hear MABC-H, 1942 41