Radio and television mirror (July-Dec 1941)

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KIDNEYS MUST REMOVE EXCESS ACIDS Help 15 Miles of Kidney Tubes Flush Out Poisonous Waste If you have an excess of acids in your blood, your 15 miles of kidney tubes may be over-worked. These tiny filters and tubes are working day and night to help Nature rid your system of excess acids and poisonous ' When disorder of kidney function permits poisonous matter to remain in your blood, it may cause nagging backache, rheumatic pains, leg pains, loss of pep and energy, getting up nights, swelling, puffiness under the eyes, headaches and dizziness. Frequent or scanty passages with smarting and burning sometimes snows there is something wrong with your kidneys or bladder. Kidneys may need help the same as bowels, so ask your druggist for Doan's Pills, used successfully by millions for over 40 years. They give happy relief and will help the 15 miles of kidney tubes flush out poisonous waste from your blood. Get Doan's Pills. 12 YOUNG MOTHER HELPS FOR 10c A dozen leaflets, written by Mrs. Louise Branch, our own Baby Page Editor, have been reprinted and available to readers, all 12 for only 10c. Send stamps or coins, mentioning: the ages of your children, to: Reader Service, Dept. RM074, Radio and Television Mirror Magazine, 205 East 42nd Street. New York. EASY WAY.... Tints Hair UET BLACK This remarkable CAKE discovery, V TINTZ Jet Black Shampoo, washes out V dirt, loose dandruff, grease, grime and safely gives hairareal smooth JET BLACK TINT that fairly glows with life and lustre. Don't put up with faded dull, burnt, off color hair"" a minute longer. TINTZ Jet Black Cake works ^ gradual . . . each shampoo leaves your hair blaclier, lovelier, softer, easier to manage. No dyed look. Won't hurt permanents. Full cake 50c (3 for $1). TINTZ comes in Jet Black, light, medium and dark Brown, Titian, and Blonde. Order today! State shade wanted. CITKIft Klft IMftKli^Y JustPa>' postman plus post WhllU Pl^/ IVIwPIIL 1 age on our positive assurance of satisfaction in 7 days or your money back. (We Pay Postage if remittance comes with order. ) Don't wait —Write today to TINTZ COMPANY, Dept. 844, 207 N. MICHIGAN, CHICAGO CANADIAN OFFICE: Dept,844, 22 COLLEGE STREET, TORONTO PSORIASIS ISCALY SKIN TROUBLE! MAKE THE ONE SPOT TEST. DCRmOIL Prove it yourself no matter how long you have suffered or what you have tried. Beautiful book on Psoriasis and Dermoil with amazing true photographic proof of results also FREE. disease Psoriasis. Apply \'*jL.iJ* non-staining Dermoil. \iK#*\«t* Thousands do for scaly \ ^Tjrf SEND FOB \GENEROUS ^ TRIAL SIZE FREE spots on body or scalp. Grateful users, often after years of suffering, report the scales have gone, the red patches gradually disappeared and they enjoyed the thrill of a ^^^^^^^^ clear skin again. Dermoil is used by many doctors and is backed by a positive agreement to give definite benefit in 2 weeks or money is refunded without question. Generous trial bottle sent FREE to those who send in their Druggist's name and address. Make our famous "One Spot Test" yourself. Write today for your test bottle. Print name plainly. Results may surprise you. Don't delay. Sold by Liggett and Walgreen Drug Stores. LAKE LABORATORIES, Box 547, Northwestern Station, Dept. 2104. Detroit, Mich. rlF YOU SUFFERS DISTRESS FROM FEMALE WEAKNESS which makes you TIRED, NERVOUS If painful distress of functional monthly disturbances makes you feel weak, dragged out, cranky at such times — start taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound at once. Pinkham's Compound-made especially for women -not only relieves monthly pain (headache, cramps, backache) but helps build up resistance against such tired, nervous feelings. Hundreds of thou I sands of women remarkably helped. IWORTH TRYING! JULY, 1941 recognize. But when Anthony drove up she had turned back to the dining room to sit with Grace Gaines. The doorbell rasped in muffled tones back of the kitchen door. "I'll go," Ellen said quickly, intercepting Hethers. She was in Anthony's arms before she could speak to him, she was kissing him as she choked back her tears and her words of explanation. It was this moment of holding him close to her that brought crystal clear the complete realization of the depth of her love. If she ever let him go now, all meaning of life must go with him. "Ellen," Anthony said, his lips against her forehead. She told him, standing there, why she had called, told him, too, why she had left him without a word so many weeks ago. And as he understood, his arms dropped to his sides and his face assumed a rigid control that had no other emotion than repressed anger. "So I'm here on professional business," he said and Ellen had to nod her head, unable to say "Yes." He laughed, shortly. "I should have known. When you called I forgot I was a doctor and remembered only that I was the man who loved you." "Anthony!" Ellen cried. "Don't. I couldn't help it. I had to call you." "Ellen," Grace Gaines called from the dining room. "Who's there?" "The doctor," Ellen replied. "He's here — to see you." What other construction could Anthony put on Ellen's words? How could he think anything but that she did not really care for him and was merely using his love for her own purposes? Be sure to read, the thrillingly dramatic conclusion of Young Widder Brown in the August Radio Mirror, at your news stand June 25. What Do You Want to Say? (Continued from page 3) Fifth Some can have their quiz programs, musicals and comedians. But as for me I'll take that two-fisted he-man adventure serial "I Love a Mystery." Jack Packard's cynical leadership, slow-witted Reggie York and ace lock picker Doc Long combine their efforts to give a half hour of thrills and adventure, which is a rare respite from that mushy stuff that constantly fills the air. — William Kaplan, Chicago, 111. Sixth One can't help notice how Kate Smith helps to keep flowing the spirit of Americanism during her weekly program. During almost every broadcast she sings at least one popular, patriotic song. It is things like this, showing love for our country and the blessing of being an American, that make radio broadcasts of this type a worth-while feature. — Amos Dilliner, Manset, Maine. Seventh It's only wistful wishing: That Walter Winchell and Dorothy Thompson were on every evening; that Maurice Chevalier would make a come-back on the air— RIGHT NOW; that Baby Snooks and Charlie McCarthy would get together on a program. — Ruth King, Cranford, N. J. YOUNG WOMEN HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW THE young woman owes herself all the facts about intimate daintiness and attraction. Yet some are too timid to seek true facts. And others risk the use of overstrong solutions in feminine hygiene which can actually burn and scar delicate tissue. Little wonder so many fastidious women have turned to Zonitors. These dainty, snowwhite suppositories spread greaseless protective coating to kill germs, bacteria on contact. Cleanse antiseptically. Deodorize— not by temporarily masking — but by destroying odor. SATE, MODERN FEMININE HYGIENE EASIER— GIVES HOURS OF MEDICATION Zonitors give continuous medication for hours. Non-caustic, non-poisonous. Safe for delicate tissues. Don't burn. Even promote gentlehealing. And Zonitors are so easy to use. Completely removable with water. Nothing to mix; no apparatus needed. Get Zonitors at druggist's. Join the thousands who have discovered this amazingly safe way in feminine hygiene. «■% p*a revealing booklet, senf in plain wrapFkCC Per Wr"e '° Zonitors, 370 Lexing■ (on Ave., Dept. 3706-B, New York City ROLLS DEVELOPED 25c Coin. Two 5x7 Double Weight Professional Enlargements, 8 Gloss Deckle Edge Prints. CLUB PHOTO SERVICE, Dept. 19. LaCrosse, Wis. FREE Weddinq RING with every simulated diamond engagement ring "ordered now. Smart, new, ■ beautifully embossed. . Sweetheart design, yellow v».*gold plate ulated Diamond Solitaire Engage"ment ring ordered at our Anniversary Sale offer of only SI. SEND NO MONEY with order, just name, ring size. Wear 10 days on money back guarantee. Your package comes by return mail. EMPIRE DIAMOND CO., Dept. 219-P, Jefferson, Iowa BLONDES, TRY TWS11 MINUTE ;r SHAMPOO ^ ' ATH0M€ TONIGHT! Blonde hair is so lovely when it shines with cleanliness. That's why I want you to go to your nearest 10c store and get the new shampoo made specially for you. It is a fragrant powder that whips up into lavish cleansing suds. Instantly removes the dull, dust and oil-laden film that makes blonde hair drab-looking. Called Blondex, it helps keep light hair from darkening and brightens faded blonde hair. Takes but 11 minutes and you do it yourself at home. Blondex is absolutely safe, costs but a few pennies to use. May be had at 10c or drug stores. Get a package today. 71