Radio and television mirror (Jan-June 1941)

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School of the Air 9:45 CBS: Bachelor's Children 9:45 NBC-Red: Edward MacHugh 10:00 CBS: By Kathleen Norris 10:00 NBC-Red. This Small Town 10:15 CBS: Myrt and Marge 10:15 NBC-Blue: Vic and Sade 10:30 CBS: Stepmother 10:30 NBC-Blue: Mary Marlin 10:30 NBC-Red: Ellen Randolph 10:45 CBS: Woman of Courage 10:45 NBC-Blue: Pepper Young's Family 10:45 NBC-Red: The Guiding Light 11:00 CBS: Short Short Story 11:00 NBC-Blue. I Love Linda Dale 11:00 NBC-Red: The Man I Married 11:15 CBS: Martha Webster 11:15 NBC-Red: Against the Storm 11:30 CBS Big Sister 11:30 NBC-Blue: The Wife Saver 11:30 NBC-Red The Road of Life 11:45 CBS Aunt Jenny's Stories 11:45 NBC-Red: David Harum 12:00 CBS KATE SMITH SPEAKS 12:00 NBC-Red: Words and Music 12:15 CBS When a Girl Marries 12:15 NBC-Red: The O'Neills 12:30 CBS. Romance of Helen Trent 12:30 NBC-Blue: Farm and Home Hour 12:45 CBS Our Gal Sunday 1:00 CBS Life Can be Beautiful 1:15 CBS Woman in White 1:30 CBS Right to Happiness 1:45 CBS Road of Life 2:00 CBS: Young Dr. Malone 2:00 CBS-Red: Hymns of All Churches 2:15 CBS. Girl Interne 2:15 NBC-Red: Arnold Grimm's Daughter 2:30 CBS: Fletcher Wiley 2:30 NBC-Blue Rochester Orchestra 2:30 NBC-Red: Valiant Lady 2:45 CBS: My Son and I 2:45 NBC-Red: Light of the World 3:00 CBS: Mary Margaret McBride 3:00 NBC-Blue: Orphans of Divorce 3:00 NBC-Red Mary Marlin 3:15 CBS: Jan Peerce 3:15 NBC-Blue: Honeymoon Hill 3:15 NBC-Red Ma Perk'ns 3:30 CBS A Friend in Deed 3:30 NBC-Blue: John's Other Wife 3:30 NBC-Red Pepper Young's Family 3:45 CBS: Lecture Hall 3:45 NBC-Blue: Just Plain Bill 3:45 NBC-Red: Vic and Sade 4:00 CBS. Portia Faces Life 4:00 NBC-Blue: Mother of Mine 4:00 NBC-Red: Backstage Wife 4:15 CBS: We, The Abbotts 4:15 NBC-Blue. Club Matinee 4:15 NBC-Red: Stella Dallas 4:30 CBS Hilltop House 4:30 NBC-Red: Lorenzo Jones 4:45 CBS: Kate Hopkins 4:45 NBC-Red Young Widder Brown 5:00 CBS; The Goldbergs 5:00 NBC-Blue Children's Hour 5:00 NBC-Red: Girl Alone 5:15 CBS The O'Neills 5:15 NBC-Red. Lonj Journey 5:30 NBC-Red. Jack Arms rong 5:45 CBS Scattergood Ba nes 5:45 NBC-Blue: Tom Mix 5:45 NBC-Red: Life Can be Beautiful 6:00 CBS News, Bob Trout 6:05 CBS Edwin C. Hil! 6:15 CBS Hedda Hoppe. 6:30 CBS Paul SuJIivan d:45 CBS The World Today 6:45 NBC-Blue: Lowell Thomas 7:00 CBS Amos 'n' Andy 7:00 NBC-Red: Fred Waring's Gang 7:15 CBS. Lanny Ros: 7:30 CBS: BLONDIE 7:30 MBS: The Lone Ranger 7:30 NBC-Red: BURNS AND ALLEN 8:00 CBS: Those We Love 8:00 NBC-Blue: I Love a Mystery 8:00 NBC-Red: The Telephone Hour 8:30 CBS: Pipe Smoking Time 8:30 MBS: Boake Carter 8:30 NBC-Blue: True or False 8:30 NBC-Red: Voice of Firestone 9:00 CBS: LUX THEATER 9:00 NBC-Blue: You're in the Army Now 3:00 NBC-Red: Doctor I.Q. 9:30 NBC-Blue: John B. Kennedy 9:30 NBC-Red: Show Boat 10:00 CBS Guy Lombardo 10:00 NBC-Red Contented Hour — 7:30 9:30 10:30 NBC-Blue: Radio Forum ■ Arthur Fields, Woody Guthrie and Fred Hall of Pipe Smoking Time. Tune-In Bulletin for December 30, January 6, 13 and 20! December 30: It you're not already a Girl Alone fan, now's the time to start. Begin the story on page 12 of this issue, and tune in the program at 5:00 this afternoon on NBC-Red. January 6: You can find out all about nuts and the business of growing them by tuning in the CBS American School of the Air this morning. January 13: Raymond Gram Swing returns to his program on MBS tonight at 10:00 after a brief vacation — so tune him in and get his excellent interpretation of the news. ... A fast-moving and exciting adventure story is I Love a Mystery, on NBC-Blue at 8:00. January 20: Jimmy Dorsey's orchestra opens tonight at the Pennsylvania Hotel's Cafe Rouge, in New York, broadcasting over NBC. ering much about keeping on the melody. ON THE AIR TONIGHT: Pipe Smoking Time, on CBS at 8:30, E.S.T., rebroadcast to the West at 8:30, P.S.T., sponsored by Model Smoking Tobacco. In spite of its title, Pipe Smoking Time is just as entertaining for women as it is for men, so don't be scared away, ladies. Late in November this program, which has been on the air for several years, was given a thorough overhauling and a new cast was installed. Now it's a show unlike any other you can hear on any network. Arthur Fields and Fred Hall contribute their own songs and homely humor; Edward Roecker, baritone, sings old-time songs and new ones, too; and Woody Guthrie, Dust-Bowl refugee, strums what he calls his "git-tar" and sings ballads which he and others like him have made up. In short — a colorful assortment of entertainers. Fields and Hall have been in radio since 1925. Before that, Fields was with the famous vaudeville act, the Avon Comedy Four. He left it in 1910 to make phonograph records (the old-fashioned cylinder type) for Thomas A. Edison. In his long career he estimates that he's made more than a thousand different recordings, reaching his greatest popularity in that field during the first World War — in which, incidentally, he was a buck private. On Pipe Smoking Time, Fields does most of the singing for the team; Hall plays the piano and recites the songs without both Edward Roecker was on Pipe Smoking Time before, in the season of 1937-38, when Pick and Pat were the comedy stars of the show. As for Woody Guthrie — well, Woodie is a hobo. He was dusted out of the Oklahoma Dust Bowl in 1936, taking with him only his guitar and some tunes that he carried in his head. He went to California, but he didn't look for work there because he soon found that a couple of songs were usually good for a meal. He's been touring around the country, by foot and boxcar, ever since. John Steinbeck met him in California and arranged for him to sing a song in the movie version of "The Grapes of Wrath." Woody's voice, Steinbeck says, sounds exactly like a tire iron hitting a rusty rim, and perfectly expresses the Okie spirit. This is Woody's first commercial program, but he has recorded a number of Dust Bowl ballads, and a permanent record of his songs has been filed in the Library of Congress at Washington. Some of his songs go on for hours, because they have more than a hundred stanzas each. Woody himself doesn't know how many different ballads he knows by heart, but he figures he could probably sing and play for two or three days straight and never repeat himself. He's never tried it. Twenty-four hours is about as long as he's ever been able to hold up in a song fest. S«y Ak& 7o PERCY FAITH — Canadian-born maestro cf the Carnation Contented program tonight on NBC. Percy began his career at the age of 11, piaying the piano in a Toronto mov.e theater. In 1933 he joined the musical staff of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, and last Fall he became permanent conductor of the Carnation show. He's married and has two children, Marilyn, 8, and Peter David, 3. Complete Progr FEBRUARY, 1941 39