Radio and television mirror (Jan-June 1941)

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Hill Paul Sullivan The World Today Blue: Lowell Thomas Red: Henry Cooke Amos 'n' Andy Blue: EASY ACES Red: Fred Waring's Gang Lanny Ross Blue: Mr. Keen Helen Menken Red: H. V. Kaltenborn Court of Missing Heirs Wythe Williams Blue: Ben Bernie Red: Johnny Presents FIRST NIGHTER La Rosa Concerts Blue: Uncle Jim's Question Bee Red: Horace Heidt Elmer Davis We, the People Blue: Grand Central Station Red: Battle of the Sexes Professor Quiz Blue: John B. Kennedy Red: McGee and Molly Blue: Bishop and the Gargoyle Glenn Miller Raymond Gram Swing Red: Bob Hope Invitation to Learning Red: Uncle Walter's Doghouse Blue: Edward Weeks CBS News of the World ■ Ted Collins takes it easy while watching a Kate Smith rehearsal. Tun-In Bulletin for January 28, February 4, 11, 18 and 25! January 28: Tuesday is the "Wellsprings of Music" day on the CBS School of the Air, and today you'll hear French-Canadian melodies. February 4th: Listen to the Court of Missing Heirs tonight at 8:00 on CBS — there's no telling when you'll have the thrill of hearing your name or that of a friend on it. February II: Are you one of the millions that wouldn't miss a chapter of Life Can Be Beautiful? If not, do yourself a good turn and follow the crowd by tuning in on CBS at 1:00 or NBC-Red at 5:45. February 18: Sailors' songs and chanties are featured on the CBS School of the Air this morning. . . . For good comedy tonight, tune in Fibber McGee and Molly on NBC-Red at 9:30. February 25: Gene Krupa's band opens tonight at the Meadowbrook, broadcasting over NBC. Gene is still the apostle of the hottest kind of swing. ON THE AIR TODAY: Ted Collins, read kinds of night life he has no use at all, and ing the news on Kate Smith's mid-day never attends Broadway hot spots, program over CBS, sponsored by Swans Ted's married to the lovely blonde Down Cake Flour and Diamond Salt. Jeannette Collins, and has an eighteenA stocky little Irishman with a broad year-old daughter named Adelaide. Until grin and a boundless store of energy is a year or so ago the Collinses lived on one of radio's most important and sue Long Island; then they moved to a big cessful men. But because he is Kate apartment on Central Park West, near Smith's manager and business associate, Ted's and Kate's office on Columbus you don't hear as much about him as you Circle. The office is in the same building should. When Kate says, "Well, Ted, where Ted worked as an executive of the what's new?" on her noon-day talk today, Columbia Recording Company, when he and he begins reading the latest bulletins, first heard Kate sing. As his bankroll inyou'll be listening to a man who really creases, Ted likes the daily reminder, enheeded the old proverb about opportunity tering the building, of the times that knocking but once on everyone's door. weren't so easy. When Ted first heard Kate sing, that was His partnership with Kate — whom he opportunity. It didn't have to knock calls Kathryn — has been just about pertwice. feet. At the very beginning, they agreed Ted was born in New York a little over that Kate would sing and Ted would handle forty years ago, and learned as a kid that all business matters, and they've both if you couldn't lick the biggest guy on the stuck religiously to that agreement. Ted block you weren't going to get very far. has furthered other careers besides Kate's, Those early years gave him a spirit of in but he's done it so unobtrusively that dependence he's never lost. He still takes he's never received much credit for it. no nonsense from anyone — neither from Another thing Ted did for which he's never sponsors, advertising agencies, or network had the credit (or blame, if you feel that executives. way about it) was to originate the guestHe went to Fordham University and is star idea when he had Kate and Ben Bernie still one of its most loyal rooters. He loves appear on each other's shows, sports of all kinds, and prides himself on When you first meet Ted, you think he's possessing a strong and healthy body. It fairly hard-boiled and tough. That isn't so. would be an excellent idea for him to He's really one of the tenderest-hearted build himself a penthouse atop Madison men on Broadway, and will always lend a Square Garden, because he spends about helping hand to anyone needing a break — three evenings a week there. For other because once he needed one himself. S^/^e£go7o 44 RICHARD GORDON— who plays "The Bishop" in tonight's serial on NBC-Blue, The Bishop and the Gargoyle. Richard started his career in 1898 as a reporter and cartoonist for a Bridgeport, Conn., paper. In 1900 he switched to the stage, and began a long succession of increasingly important Broadway roles. In 1930 he joined NBC's staff of actors, and won fame as Sherlock Holmes — but after a while he refused to play the part any longer for fear of being typed. He and his wife (she was his leading lady in 1905) live in Piermont, N. Y., in a home with a big basement where Richard pursues his hobby of carpentry. RADIO AND TELEVISION MIRROR