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!_' Eastern DaylJght Time
in 8:30 A.M. ■ NBC-Red: Gene and Glenn " 9:00 8:00 CBS: Woman of Courage
9:05 8:05 NBC-Blue: BREAKFAST CLUB
9:45 8:45 CBS: Bachelor's Children
10:00 9:00 CBS: Pretty Kitty Kelly 9:00 NBC-Red: The Man I Married
10:15 9:15 CBS: Myrt and Marge 9:15 NBC-Blue: Vic and Sade 9:15 NBC-Red: Midstream
10:30 9:30 CBS: Hilltop House 9:30 NBC-Blue: Mary Marlln 9:30 NBC-Red: Ellen Randolph
10:45 9:45 CBS: Stepmother 9:45 NBC-Blue: Pepper Young's Family 9:45 NBC-Red: Woman in White
11:00 10:00 CBS: Mary Lee Taylor 10:00 NBC-Red: David Harum
10:15 CBS: Life Begins 10:15 NBC-Red: Road of Life
10:30 CBS: Big Sister 10:30 NBC-Red: Against the Storm
10:45 CBS: Aunt Jenny's Stories 10:45 NBC-Blue: Affairs of Anthony 10:45 NBC-Red: The Guiding Light
12:00 Noon
12:15 P.M. 11:15 CBS: When a Girl Marries 11:15 NBC-Red: The O'Neills
11:30 CBS: Romance of Helen Trent 11:30 NBC-Blue: Farm and Home Hour
11:45 CBS: Our Gal Sunday 11:45 MBS: Carters of Elm Street
CBS: The Goldbergs
12:15 CBS: Life Can be Beautiful 12:15 NBC-Red: Mrs. Roosevelt
1:30 12:30 CBS: Right to Happiness
1:45 12:45 CBS: Road of Life
2:00 1:00 CBS: Young Dr. Malone 1:00 NBC-Red: Light of the World
2:15 1:15 CBS: Girl Interne 1:15 NBC-Red: Arnold Grimm's Daughter
2:30 1:30 CBS: Fletcher Wiley 1:30 NBC-Red: Valiant Lady
2:45 1:45 CBS: My Son and I 1:45 NBC-Red: Hymns of All Churches
3:00 2:00 CBS: Society Girl 2:00 NBC-Blue: Orphans of Divorce 2:00 NBC-Red: Mary Marlin
3:15 2:15 CBS: It Happened in Hollywood 2:15 NBC-Blue: Honeymoon Hill 2:15 NBC-Red: Ma Perkins
3:30 2:30 NBC-Blue: John's Other Wife 2:30 NBC-Red: Pepper Young's Family
3:45 2:45 NBC-Blue: Just Plain Bill 2:45 NBC-Red: Vic and Sade
4:00 3:00 NBCRed: Backstage Wife
4:15 3:15 NBC-Red: Stella Dallas
4:30 3:30 NBC-Red: Lorenzo Jones
4:45 3:45 NBC-Red: Young Widder Brown
5:00 4:00 CBS: By Kathleen Norris 4:00 NBC-Red: Girl Alone
5:15 4:15 NBC-Red: Life Can be Beautiful
5:30 4:30 NBC-Red: Jack Armstrong
5:45 4:45 CBS: Scattergood Baines 4:45 MBS: Little Orphan Annie 4:45 NBC-Blue: Bud Barton 4:45 NBC-Red: The O'Neills
6:00 5:00 CBS: News, Bob Trout 5:00 NBC-Red: Lil Abner
6:05 5:05 CBS: Edwin C. Hill
6:30 5:30 CBS: Paul Sullivan
6:45 5:45 NBC-Blue: Lowell Thomas
7:00 6:00 CBS: Amos 'n' Andy 6:00 NBC-Blue: EASY ACES 6:00 NBC-Red: Fred Waring's Gang
7:15 6:15 CBS: Lanny Ross 6:15 niR' -Blue: Mr. Keen
7:45 6:45 NBC-Red: H. V. Kaltenborn
8:00 7:00 CBS: EDWARD G. ROBINSON 7:00 MBS: La Rosa Concert 7:00 NBC-Blue: The Aldrich Family 7:00 NBC-Red: Johnny Presents
8:30 7:30 CBS: Court of Missing Heirs 7:30 NBC Blue: INFORMATION PLEASE 7:30 NBC-Red: Pot O'Gold
9:00 8:00 CBS: We, the People 8:00 NBC-Blue: Cavalcade of America 8:00 NBC-Red: Battle of the Sexes
9:30 8:30 CBS Professor Quiz 8:30 NBC-Red: McGEE and MOLLY
10:00 9:00 CBS Glenn Miller 9:00 MBS: Raymond Gram Swing 9:00 NB( Red: BOB HOPE
10:30 9:30 NBC-Red: Uncle Walter's Doghouse
■ Mimi Aguglia and Tito Vuolo of The Goldbergs cast. Tune-In Bulletin for May 28, June 4, 11, 18 and 25!
May 28: Commen+otor H. V. Kaltenborn begins his sponsored progrann series over NBCRed tonight at 7:45, and the first one is due to come by short-wave from London — but of course it might come from almost anyv/here, because Kaltenborn goes where the news is . . . The Max Baer-Tony Galento fight is on the air tonight — NBC at 10:00.
June 4: Gene Krupa and his swing orchestra open tonight at Meadowbrook Country Club, playing over NBC and Mutual.
June I I : Two new actresses will be selected today by the Carters of Elm Street program on Mutual at 12:45. Carrie Carter has been conducting a contest, and the winners are to be announced on today's program. Prizes are a contract to appear on the show and a chance at network success. One winner will be under 25, one over.
June 18: Today's big sports event: the Poughkeepsie Regatta, broadcast over NBC.
June 25: The Republican Convention is still the big noise of broadcasting. By today the delegates ought to have really settled down to choosing a candidate.
ON THE AIR TODAY: The Goldbergs, on CBS at 1:00 P.M., E.D.S.T., sponsored by Oxydol and starring Gertrude Berg. And in the cast are two very Interesting people.
They're Mimi Aguglia and Tito Vuolo, who play Michael's grandmother and his uncle. Carlo. Both were born in Italy, both have won laurels on radio, stage and screen, and both are making their Englishspeaking debut on the air in The Goldbergs.
First — Mimi Aguglia, who rotes being called "Madame" Aguglia, because she's a Great Name of the Theater. She was even born in the wings of a theater, the St. Cecile in Palermo, Sicily, while her mother was waiting for her father, Ignoce Aguglia, to finish his day's work prompting the performers. Mimi made her stage debut at the age of five, speaking not her native Italian, but French; and went on from there to act in Europe, the United States, South America, and Mexico.
Her American debut was in 1909, in on Italian ploy. Later she appeared in English; and she also has spoken Spanish, French and Portuguese on the stage. Her greatest success was as "Salome," and the last time she appeared in Hiis part was in 1938, in the Greek Theater at the University of California. For the last year she has been living in Brooklyn and doing radio work in Italian over WOV, a foreign-language station.
The dark-eyed, vivacious Madame Aguglia was married when she was fifteen years old — and, she'll tell you proudly, she's still married to the same man. They have a home in Brooklyn, near the sea, so that when the weather is good her husband can fish — a sport which he loves and she hates. "Sitting for hour after hour, doing nossing — oh, no! Not for me!" she says scornfully in her slightly accented voice. They have three children, two of whom are in radio in California.
Tito Vuolo, Mrs. Berg's other Italian actor, is a roly-poly little man who was born in Naples and went on the stage at the age of ten to support his widowed mother. He studied singing, and made a name for himself in Italy as a comedian and singer, then came to America and was in vaudeville as a comedian for a long time. Like Madame Aguglia, he now lives in Brooklyn, in a home he owns himself, with his wife and three daughters, and like her he appears in Italian programs, which he directs himself, over New York's station WOV.
Tito is very jolly, loves lobster and good red wine, poker and parties with all his friends. Rather proudly, he admits that he never hod a chance to go to school when he was a boy, and didn't learn to read until he was fifteen, when he taught himself. He's also taught himself to speak very good, although accented, English.
ARTHUR PETERSON— beloved, kindly Dr. Ruthledge in the two serials, The Guiding Light and The Right to Happiness, on NBC-Red and CBS today. Art belongs to a theatrical family — sisters, cousins, aunts, parents and grandparents are all actors, and so is his wife. He met the latter. Norma Ransom, at a dramatic production at the University of Minnesota. He and Norma live in Chicago in winter, in the country in summer. Art has one pet ambition — to lose gust a few pounds so he can get back into an old and cherished suit. His favorite dish is tuna fish casserole — provided it has been cooked by his wife.