Radio and television mirror (May-Oct 1940)

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NEW SPARKLING DESIGNS For Spare Time Earn extra money easily taking orders from friends and others. Sell 50 large, smart Double-Fold Christmas Cards •with sender's name for only $1.00 retail. Choice of 20 attractive designs, or assorted! Every order pays liberal profit. Hundreds of men and women making splendid income. No experience needed. MANY OTHER BIG VALUES Box of 21 Assorted Christmas Folders retails SI; you make SOc profit. Gift Wrappings, Religious and many others. Every Assortment larger — more cards — bigger value. Send for FREE Sample Outfit. General Card Co., 400 S. Peoria St., DepU P-S06, Chicago, IlL NEURITISES To relieve the torturing pain of Neuritis, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, or Lumbago in few minutes, get NURITO, the fine formula, used by thousands. No opiates. Does the work quickly — must relieve cruel pain to your satisfaction in a few minutes or your money back. Don't suffer. Ask your druggist today for trustworthy NURITO on this guarantee. of Insect Bites— HeatRash Stop'^Itch For quick relief from itching of insect bites, heat rash, athlete's foot, eczema and other externally caused skin troubles, use world-famous, coolmg, antiseptic, liquid D.D.D. Prescription. Greaseless, stainless. Soothes irritation and quickly stops intense itching. 35c trial bottle proves it, or money back. Ask your druggist today for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. HOW TO KEEP BABY WELL • The U. S. Government's Children's Bureau has published a complete 138-page book "Infant Care" especially for young mothers, and authorizes this magazine to accept readers' orders. Written by five of the countiy's leading child specialists, this book is plainly vritten, well illustrated, and gives any mother a wealth of authoritative information on baby's health and baby's growth. This magazine makes no profit whatever on your order, sends your money direct to Washington. Send 10 cents, wrapping coins or stamps safely, to READERS' SERVICE BUREAU. RADIO MIRROR 205 Eost 42nd Street, Dept. F-1. New York, N. Y. '"S'^PSORIASIS (SCALY SKIN TROUBLE) ^DCRmOIL MAKE THE ONE SPOT TEST. Prove it yourself no matter how long you have suffered Or what you have tried. Beautiful book on Psoriasis and Dermoit with amazing true photographic proof of results also FREE. SEND FOR vGENEROUS Atrial size FREE ^ Don't mistake eczema for the stubborn, ugly embarrassing scaly skin disease Psoriasis. Apply no n staining Dermoil. Thousands do for scaly spots on body or scalp. Grateful users, often after yeai's of suffering, report the scales have gone, the red patches gradually disappeared and they enjoyed the thrill of a clear skin again, Dermoil is used by many doctors and is backed by a positive agreement to give definite benefit in 2 weeks or money is refunded without question. Generous trial bottle sent FRKE to those who send in their Druggist's name and address. Make our famous "One Spot Test" yuur Belf. Write today for your test bottle. Print name plainly. Results may surprise you. Don't delay. Sold by Liggett and Walgreen Drug Stores. LAKE LABORATORIES, Box 547, Northwestern Station, Dept. 1004. Detroit, Mich. '?tk ^IMPROOF EYELASH DARKENER SWIM, perspire or cry and always be certain yourlashes and brows remain attractively dark. Use "Dark-Eyes" instead of ordinary mascara. One application lasts 4 to 5 weeks. Ends daily make-up bother. Never runs, smarts, smudges or harms lashes. Indelible. Try iti SI at dept. and drug stores. . INDELIBLE DARKENER "^ ^/ "Oarh-Eyes," 2110 W. Madison St. Dept. 38-H4. Chicago I enclose 25c (coin or stamps) for generous^ trial package of "Dark-Eyes" and directions. Name Town . Address, , State . same man she had seen Annette talking to that afternoon in the store. "This is Robbin Pennington, Elizabeth," Annette was saying. "Robbin — Mrs. Perry." She searched his face, afraid she would find there some trace of recognition. But no, his deep-set blue eyes were untroubled. He did not release her hand immediately. "Mrs. Perry?" he repeated after Annette. "I had an entirely different picture of you." Yes, Elizabeth said inwardly, I know that. All the while she was forcing herself to return the polite, indifferent greetings of the other guests, Elizabeth was conscious of Robbin Pennington's scrutiny. She accepted a glass of sherry and forgot to taste it. Somewhere over on the other side of the room were John and Annette; she heard John's deep, unaffected laugh. . . . Perhaps she had been foolish; perhaps she should have let him and Annette come alone. At least, if she had, she wouldn't be standing here now, feeling out of place and faintly ridiculous. But Robbin Pennington offered her his arm when dinner was announced, and he seated her between himself and Mortimer Prince, a white-haired, florid-faced old gentleman who seemed singularly unassuming for a man reputed to possess millions. Annette and John were seated at the other end of the table. I T was easy to keep a conversation ' going between Mortimer Prince and Robbin Pennington, and for the first time Elizabeth began to feel at ease — until she was once more made acutely conscious of herself by Robbin's musing remark: "You are so much less domestic than I'd been led to expect, Mrs. Perry." There it was again — that word domestic! Never until today had it occurred to Elizabeth that it might be possible to insult a woman by calling her "domestic." She might have countered, but didn't, by telling him that he was not at all what she had expected, either. When people described Robbin Pennington they naturally used the words "man about town . . . playboy." He didn't look like a playboy to her. More like a man she would choose for a friend. In his late thirties, he had the serious eyes, the sensitive features of an idealist and dreamer. They wandered back into the living room, and Robbin sat beside her on the couch, where they drank coffee from small cups. Watching John and Annette across the room, he said, "Do you mind having me tell you what a capable husband you have, Elizabeth? I don't think I've ever made a better investment than the stock I hold in the Perry store." Elizabeth was amazed at the ease with which she could talk to this man. They had known each other scarcely an hour, yet already, following his smiling suggestion, they were using first names. And, a little later, she was neither surprised nor offended when he said directly: "You know, Elizabeth, I don't like Annette Rogers. At the risk of poking into what is none of my business, I want to warn you against her." With any one else she might have pretended to be surprised. Instead, she replied quietly, "Thank you. But I think I know what you mean." "Yes ... of course you do. As a "MODESTY CONDEMNED ME TO AGONY! The Embarrassing Trouble Many People Suffer! Terrible, indeed, is the price of "modesty" when you suffer from Piles — even simple Piles. Simple Piles can torture you day and night with maddening pain and itching. They tax your nerves; drain your strength; make you look and feel old and worn. Millions of men and women suffer from simple Piles. Mothers particularly, during pregnancy and childbirth, are subject to this trouble. TO RELIEVE THE PAIN AND ITCHING What you want to do to relieve the pain and itching of simple Piles is use Pazo Ointment. Pazo Ointment really alleviates the torment of simple Piles. Its very touch is relief. It quickly eases the pain; quickly relieves the itching. Many call Pazo a blessing and say it is one thing that gives them relief from the distress of simple Piles. SEVERAL EFFECTS Pazo does a good job for several reasons. First, it soothes simple Piles. This relieves the pain, soreness and itching. Second , it lubricates the affected parts. This tends to keep the parts from drying and cracking and also makes passage easier. Third, it tends to shrink or reduce the swelling which occurs in the case of simple Piles. Yes, you get grateful effects in the use of Pazo ! Pazo comes in collapsible tubes, with a small perforated Pile Pipe attached . This tiny Pile Pipe, easily inserted in the rectum, makes application neat, easy and thorough. (Pazo also comes in suppository form for those who prefer suppositories.) TRY IT FREE! Give Pazo a trial and see the relief it affords in many cases of simple Piles. Get Pazo at any drug store or write for a free trial tube. A liberal trial tube will be sent you postpaid and free upon request. Just mail the coupon or postcard today. GROVE LABORATORIES, INC. Dept. 119-MF-2, St. Louis, Mo. Gentlemen: Please send me free PAZO FREE! T^nm^ Afl^r^s^ Thi ■i offer is good t nlyinU.S. AUGUST. 1940 67