Radio and television mirror (Nov 1939-Apr 1940)

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•Don't suffer.Now it's easy to remove those painful corns and prevent their coming back. Just do this: 1 Put scientific Blue-Jay pad (C) neatly over corn. It relieves pain by removing pressure. Special Blue-Jay medicated formula (D) gently loosens corn so it can be lifted right out. 2 Simply by avoiding pressure and friction which caused your corns you can prevent their coming back. Don't take chances with old-fashioned home paring that means risking serious infection — only affects the surface of a corn — leaves the base imbedded in your toe. Follow the example of millions who have gotten quick relief the easy, scientific Blue-Jay way. Don't suffer needlessly. Get Blue-Jay Corn Plasters, today — only 25c for 6., Same price in Canada. J BLUE-JAY GIVEN LADIES! 34 Pc. COLORED GLASS SET OR CASH COMMISSIONS NOTHING TO BUY SEND NO MONEY— SEND NAME AND ADDRESS Full size lace-like Rose, Blue, or Crystal Colors DHF*YOURS For SIMPLY GIVING AWAY FREE beautiful pictures with famous WHITE CLOVERINE SALVE used for burns, chaps, sores, etc. which you easily sell to friends at 25c a box (with picture FREE) and remit as explained in catalog. SPECIAL: — Choice of 20 premiums for returning only $3 collected. 44th yr. BE FIRST. Write for Salve and pictures now! "'I* SON CHEM. CO. INC.. Dept. 65-29, TYRONE, PA. Wrong foods and drinks, worry, overwork and colds often put a strain on the Kidneys and non-systemic and non-organic Kidney and Bladder troubles may be the true cause of Excess Acidity, Getting Up Nights, Burning Passages, Leg Pains, Nervousness, Dizziness! Swollen Ankles, Rheumatic Pains, and Puffy Eyelids! In many such cases the diuretic action of the Doctor's prescription Cystex helps the Kidneys clean out Excess Acids. This plus the palliative work of Cystex may easily make you feel like a new person in just a few days. Try Cystex under the guarantee of money back unless completely satisfied. Cystex costs only 2c a dose it druggists and the guarantee protects you COUGHERS! WHY BE AN OUTCAST? HERE'S RELIEF! Is coughing robbing you of life's comfort? Do friends shun you — fail to invite you to social gatherings? Are you glared at in public places because of your frequent coughing, so annoying to others? If your cough is due to a cold, try Pertussin. You will be delighted with its quick, throatsoothing effect. Pertussin helps the moisture glands in your throat to function naturally after a cold has retarded normal secretions. Many physicians have prescribed Pertussin, a safe and pleasant herbal syrup, for over 30 years. Free from harmful drugs. For generous FREE bottle, write to Pertussin, Dept. S-15, 440 Washington St., New York City. NOVEMBER, 1939 If she and Mayne were alone he would kiss her. And now and then, when they were both stupid and sleepy with the good food, and he was saying that he must go and Tamara was murmuring that she must get to bed, she would go for a moment to his chair, and settle herself on his knees, and lay her arms about his neck and rest her soft cheek against his shoulder. Then she would feel Mayne's kisses browsing over her temples and closing her eyes, and the shoddy little Valhalla kitchen would seem to her Paradise. BUT then came the last night of the run. Tamara walked home slowly in a blinding rain. Mayne, with whom she almost always had supper, had had an engagement tonight: a Hollywood manager was in town, and with him and one or two other men Mayne was having an important business conference at the Palace Hotel. Tamara felt lonely and forlorn. "Five Sons" had closed; it was going on tour without her; there was no prospect of another engagement; there was nothing ahead but life in the four dark overfurnished rooms in the Valhalla, the tumbled couches and scattered sheet music, the clumsy victrola and radio in everyone's way, the thick cheap "drapes" at the windows, the chipped china in the odorous littered kitchen. When she got home she was soaked. Miserably she undressed and got shivering into bed. She had hoped that Mayne would telephone, would try to see her if only for a moment to say "Good-night," but there was no message, and the telephone remained obstinately silent. Coral came home, equally wet and depressed, and the sisters repaired in their pajamas to the kitchen, where they brewed hot chocolate and gnawed on stale bread and butter. "Mrs. Yanger came upstairs and said Mama had borrowed five dollars from her last week," Coral said dreamily. "When was this?" "Tonight. I got it from Houston." "Do you ever pay him back all we borrow from him, Coral?" "Oh," said Coral, yawning, and laying her dyed head on the table, "he doesn't care! Where does your show go now?" "They leave for Seattle by boat Tuesday night." "Rotten you aren't going." "It makes you feel awfully flat. But they can't afford to take people along for the small parts. And I'm not very good anyway," Tamara said. "I can't act!" "What's Mayne doing?" "Well, if they come back to play Oakland he'll be down here again in about a month, but Feeney thinks they won't." "You like him, don't you, Tarn?" "Uh-huh." "Engaged?" "I don't know," Tarn said, her cheeks suddenly ablaze. "He seems crazy enough about you," Coral said generously. "But you never can tell." Coral was silent awhile. Then she said: "Lord, what a sweet break you and I got! Look at this Pauline van der Venter now — didn't you go to school with her? — going abroad with her mother to get her trousseau, and marrying Tom Spikes. Nothing but money!" 't/rcr G/« 055 'FINGERNAIL gives you the ONLY SURE WAY to BUY Nail Polish ?! FINGERNAIL-CAP on each bottle is colored with the polish itself — AND is same size, shape and contour as your own fingernail ! What a revelation to CHOOSE YOUR COLORS BY THE PATENT FINGERNAIL! Do it today. Hold DuraGloss Fingernail beside your finger. The best way to get the exact color you want ! You'll never use ordinary polish, once you've tried Dura-Gloss — it "goes on" so much better, and wears so much longer — get it today, 10c. Also a 25c Professional package. DURA-GLOSS Lorr Laboratories, Paterson, N. J. 81