Radio and television mirror (Nov 1939-Apr 1940)

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Love at First Sight (Continued from page 30) it, joyously planning each detail. Then, one sunny day last May, Fibber took his Molly for a drive. Going through the famous Pass into San Fernando Valley, just over the hills from Hollywood, he turned down a shady lane and drove slowly past a white house, set in a garden. "McGee, look!" suddenly exclaimed Molly. "There's our dream house come to life. Let's drive in and pretend it is ours." So, McGee, almost bursting with excitement, turned in at the wide gate and drove through the tree-lined driveway straight up to the front door. Then he told her he had discovered this spot the day before, that it was for sale, and that he had brought her out to see it! Again, it was love at first sight for both of them and a few days before their twenty-first wedding anniversary, they were moving in. There were tears in Fibber's eyes that day, tears of happiness that Molly pretended not to see. It wasn't just that they had their own dream house at last. It was so much more. For finally, after almost a year's illness, Molly was well again — and would stay well as long as she could live here in the valley, in the warm, health-giving sunshine. Fibber and Molly, together again on the air, sharing a home they'd only been able to share in their dreams until now! OUTDOOR living— the truly California custom, is carried out in this white Monterey-type house, which gives the feeling of rooms and gardens merging together. Every room on the first floor opens onto the wide terrace, gay with lounging chairs and swings, that extends the entire length of the house in the back. Beyond the terrace is the swimming pool. Upstairs, the bedrooms open onto the front balcony, and Molly's room is in the softest shades of peach and green, the colors being repeated in the dressing room and bath. There's a fireplace for cool evenings and deep comfortable chairs. In the garden is a live oak, the largest in the valley, which has its own tradition. Long ago, so it is said, Indians traveled many miles to lean against the tree's broad trunk, believing they would absorb some of its mighty strength. McGee has built a barbecue pit, with all the picnic fixings, under the spreading branches. McGee's greatest joy is his workshop. It is fully equipped with machines and gadgets, which Molly says he's been collecting for years, and here he indulges in 'his pet hobby of carpentry. Just over a little bridge is the playhouse, very complete with a game room across the front, a corner fireplace, and a miniature kitchen. "We have nearly three acres," says McGee enthusiastically, "and that's all the responsibility I want. We're getting a terrific kick watching our fruit and nut trees, berries and grapes grow like magic. We're within nine miles of the NBC studios in Hollywood, where we broadcast. There's a contentment, a peace that is very satisfying, and as our son and daughter love it too, it looks as if we have finally found a place to stay put the rest of our lives." Nancy Kelly and JoelMcCrea in the 20th Century-Fox hit "He Married His Wife". Her hands are delightful! Cultivate romantic softness in your hands with Jergens Lotion. "LOVE is your friend when your HANDS are endearingly soft" says Your Hands need not get wretchedly rough and chapped. How other girls help prevent this . . . You'll hardly know your hands after just a few applications of Jergens Lotion — they're so much lovelier! More desirably soft to touch. Jergens supplies beautifving moisture most girls' hand skin needs, especially in winter. Gives your skin the benefit of 2 fine ingredients many doctors use to help harsh skin to satin-smoothness. Regular use helps prevent sad FOR SOFT, ADORABLE HANDS New — for satin-smooth complexion — Jergens all-purpose Face Cream. Vitamin blend helps against dull dry skin. Try it! 50*. 25f, 10*. (20th CenturyFox Star) roughness and chapping. No stickiness! Easy to apply after every handwashing. No wonder more women use Jergens than any other lotion. Have romantic, smooth '•Hollywood" hands. Start now to use this famous Jergens Lotion. 50<t, 25tf, lOtf — SI. 00, at beauty counters everywhere. Get Jergens Lotion today, sure. CUPID'S HINT Rough, red hands are so disillusioning! Jergens Lotion furnishes beautv-giving softening moisture for your skin. FREE/ • • PURSESIZE BOTTLE See — at our expense — how Jergens Lotion helps von have adorable, soft hands. Mail this coupon totLir to: The Andrew Jergens Co., 3512 Alfred St., Cincinnati. Ohio (In Canada: Perth, Ont.) A'<] Street City. FEBRUARY, 1940 53