Radio today (Apr-Dec 1939)

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THE MOST SIGNIFICANT NAME IN TELEVISION ! Philo T. Farnsworth, Pioneer in Television and Founder of Farnsworth Television and Radio Corporation. FARNSWORTH The only organization which has devoted its entire attention to ELECTRONIC TELEVISION RESEARCH and DEVELOPMENT over a period of 13 YEARS. 1922 1926 1927 1928 1929 1934 1938 1939 . Farnsworth conceives the basic principles of modern Electronic Television. . Farnsworth laboratories for developing Electronic Television established. (October) . Farnsworth transmits a wholly Electronic Television picture. . Farnsworth transmits motion pictures by Electronic means. Farnsworth Television Incorporated is formed. (March) Farnsworth gives general public demonstration of Electronic Television at Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. (August) Farnsworth Television & Radio Corporation formed, succeeding Farnsworth Television Incorporated. (December) . Farnsworth acquires factories to manufacture television transmitters, receivers and allied products. (March) TODAY, with the advantage of 13 years of unrivaled research and development, Farnsworth enters the field of manufacturing, prepared to create a position in the new industry commensurate with its leadership in research. Organization is rapidly nearing completion at the Farnsworth factories in Fort Wayne and Marion, Indiana, for production of television transmitters and receivers, radio sets, radiophonograph and other allied products. FURTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS will be made which will be of vital interest to forward-looking DISTRIBUTORS and DEALERS. FARNSWORTH TELEVISION & RADIO CORPORATION 3700 Pontiac Street Extended FORT WAYNE. INDIANA