Radio today (Apr-Dec 1939)

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Smite totes Remote Control Receiver The RCA 5X5 is a combination super-net receiver, tuning 540-1,720 kc, and remote-control unit. A phonograph input jack makes it possible to use the receiver as an amplifier or a wireless record player. Most interesting feature of the circuit is the remote control system. One half of the twin-triode, 12SC7, functions as a TNT oscillator at a frequency, which is adjustable between 540 and 800 kc. A control switch in the rear of the chassis puts plate voltage on this oscillator when this switch is in the "remote" positon, and at the same time shunts the secondary of the output transformer through a resistance, of five ohms and opens the voice-coil circuit. The remainder of the receiver circuit functions normally with the switch in the remote position and the audio frequency voltages derived from any signal that happens to be tuned in by the 5X5 will modulate the 540 kc. oscillator, the 35L6GT being the modulator tube. The modulated RF is connected to the power line through a tuned circuit. If nearby receivers connected to the same power line are tuned to the frequency of the control oscillator, the station which has been tuned in on the 5X5 will be heard in the remote receiver. The power line filter-coupler serves to keep RP out of the remote receiver power supply and to give better coupling between the control oscillator and the input circuit of the remote receiver. Television Books in NRI Course In line with its policy of maintaining a complete and up-to-date course, the National Radio Institute of "Washington, D. C, announces that a new series of text books concerning television theory and practice has been added to the training in radio and television which all N.R.I, students receive. The following titles of these text books give a general idea of the subjects covered: Requirements of a Television System The Theory of Light Geometric and Electronic Optics Uses for Optics in Electronics and Television Practical Electronic Control Equipment Essential Circuits in a Television Receiver Cathode Ray Tubes for Television Receivers Antennas, Pre selectors, Frequency Converters and Sound Channels for Television Receivers Video I.F. Amplifiers, Video Detectors and Automatic Gain Controls Video Frequency Amplifiers and DiC. Restoring Circuits Impulse Separators, Sweep Circuits and Power Supplies for Television Receivers Cabinet for Servicemen Dumont Electric Co., 514 Broadway, New York, N. Y., have announced a new plan whereby dealers and servicemen may obtain a metal cabinet for carrying their stock of small hardware and parts. The cabinet has 6 drawers, each divided into three sections and is so constructed that it may be interlocked with other cabinets, making it possible to construct a master unit comprising 4 to 10 cabinets. Dumont is giving the cabinets free to servicemen purchasing 100 electrolytics through their jobbers at regular discounts. It is not necessary for the serviceman to purchase the entire 100 at one time. RCA MODEL 5X5 SERIES I 60=^ \ ,»4 3£^ k^ 6 PLF 10 POWER LINE FILTER-COUPLER QP.D.T_ i * — "Sk. ,_, RADIO «r ~Z „G TO CONTROLLED RECE