Radio today (Jan-Dec 1938)

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"MUSIC YOU WANT" PROGRAMS 1,000,000 listeners! OLDEST VICTROLA CONTEST designed to bring live prospects to you! ,\*C; !l VALUE MERCHANDISE Right Quality . . Right Prices! NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING that sends pre-sold prospects to youi store! MAGAZINE ADVERTISING in 23 powerful publications with 92,130,794 readers per issue! MAGIC KEY PROGRAM 9,000,000 listeners every Sunday! 40th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION which was celebrated in a big way — with sales! VICTOR RECORD SOCIETY 47,831 members to date to visit RCA Victor dealers regularly! oUr Pff °°^ fo rh £ f Jn rfjis t~ Aas 3*°Di>« NBC Bl„?J'"'d«y ■> ^fcfc^ "^ "'do, Sarf. RCA Manufacturing Co., Inc., Camden, N. J. December, 1938