Radio today (Jan-Mar 1939)

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Fadalette receivers •k AC-DC table type sets in onyx and alabaster cabinets. 5F50 series has a 4-tube T.R.F. chassis with 2-watt output, 4-inch dynamic speaker. Tunes 545-1650 KC. List $15.95. Series S5F50 has 5-tube superhet chassis with 2-watt output. Both sets similar in appearance. List $19.95. Fada Radio & Electric Co., 30-20 Thomson Ave., Long Island City, L I., N, Y.— Radio Today. Sound-level meter • Portable acoustic sound-level meter for use in making sound surveys and measurements of levels in all types of sound installations. Calibrated from plus 50 to 130 DB accurate to 1 DB. Self-contained and battery operated. Model 15 — net $60. John Meek Instruments, 164 N. May St., Chicago, 111.— Radio Today. Frequency meter * Precision frequency meter and monitor for checking transmissions of amateur transmitters. Calibrated for the 5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 160 meter bands. 7% -inch dial. Stabilized electron-coupled oscillator for ACDC operation. E. I. Guthman Co., 402 S. Peoria St., Chicago, 111 — Radio Today. 150 mil Bantam tubes * Line of glass bantam tubes having lowered current drain and increased filament voltage to avoid use of line dropping resistor. Tubes equivalent to standard types except for filament rating. New types are: 12A8GT, 12F5GT, 12J7GT, 12K7GT, 12Q7GT, 35L6GT, 50L6GT, 25X6GT, 35Z4GT. Hytron Corp., 76 Lafayette St., Salem, Mass. — Radio Today. Hi-capacity electrolytics * Low voltage, high capacity dry-electrolytic condensers for use with A eliminators, and other lowvoltage power supplies requiring filtering. Housed in round aluminum cans. Seven units ranging from 500 mfd. at 12 volts to 2,000 mfd. at 25 volts. Type HLV. Sprague Products Co., North Adams, Mass. — Radio Today. Prodlight * Ingenious device designed to aid servicemen in repair work. Clamps onto any test prod, to illuminate area being tested. Unit is easily carried in pocket. Furnished complete with focussing type bulb, flexible cord, standard flashlight battery, and switch equipped case. Priced at 40 cents. Radio City Products Co., 88 Park Place, New York, N. Y. — Radio Today. Meissner receiver kits * Midget receiver kits for battery operation using plug-in coils for tuning to all wavebands. Sets use 1.4 volt tubes with single 45-volt B battery and dry cell. 1, 2, and 3 tube models — all built on same chassis, so the 1 and 2-tube sets may be enlarged to 3 tubes. Complete 3-tube kit less tubes and batteries — list $6.25. Meissner Mfg. Co., Mt. Carmel, 111. — Radio Today-. Oscillograph wobbulator * 3-inch cathode ray oscillograph with electronic frequency modulator with variable bandwidth. Wobbulator fundamental frequency of 1,000 KC. Horizontal and vertical amplifiers. Linear sweep circuit for waveform observations. Model 830— net $69J.95. Triumph Mfg. Co., 4017 W. Lake St., Chicago, 111. — Radio Today. Precision resistors * Ceramic-jacketed, fully-sealed precision resistors. Non-inductively wound using reversed pie sections. Resistance values up to 3 megs in V2, 1, ljA, 2-watt ratings. Standard tolerance of 1 per cent. Wide variety of terminal styles. Clarostat Mfg. Co., Inc., 285 N. 6th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. — Radio Today. Alligator tip clip * Clip with phone-tip soldered to lower jaw. Permits clip connection or phone tip connection with single end to test probe. Clip may be had with rubber insulator. Type 85-T. Mueller Electric Co., 1583 E. 31st St., Cleveland, Ohio.— Radio Today. Eicor dynamotor * DC generator of the dynamotor type for all mobile applications. Units operate on 6 and 12 volts. Supply voltages from 200 to 600 at currents up to 250 mils. Model C20 for 6 volts with filter supplies 150 mils at 350 volts— list $68.50. Eicor, Inc., 515 S. Laflin St., Chicago, 111. — Radio Today. Transmitting inductor * Hi-Q coil for transmitters with a rotating coupling coil at the electrical center. Works into 75 ohm transmission line. Coils are wound on ribbed ceramic forms and available for all bands. E. F. Johnson Co., Waseca, Minn. — Radio Today. Field-strength meter * Meter for measuring field intensity of antennas on frequencies from 1750 to 60,000 Kc. Uses diode tube rectifier powered from single dry cell. Wavechange switch selects 6 bands. Meter indicates relative field strength. Phone jack for monitoring. Radio Transceiver Labs., 8627 115th St., Richmond Hill, N. Y.— Radio Today. January, 1939 29