Radio today (Jan-Mar 1939)

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THESE TUBES PAY FOR THE EQUIPMENT YOU NEED! ARCTURUS EQUIPMENT DEAL! The Arcturus Equipment Deal brings you an almost unlimited variety of the newest store and shop equipment . . . practically FREE! It enables you to make your shop more efficient, absolutely up-to-the-minute ... it actually gives you EXTRA PROFITS in the form of valuable equipmentl NEW EQUIPMENT . . . PRACTICALLY FREE! You'll find the Arcturus Deal gives you more for your money than any other. Lower Down Payments, Low Tube Requirements. Immediate Delivery — and only Standard Prices for tubesl Send for details, and your FREE copy of the ARCTURUS DEALER HELPS folder. See how simple it is to get new equipment — how your purchases of Arcturus Tubes actually pay for it — how Arcturus Cooperation helps you selll NEW TUBES NEW PROFITS! Arcturus recently introduced several new tube types . . . more are on the way! These, and the famous Arcturus GT "MIDGETS", will further increase the huge replacement market now open to Arcturus dealers. Cash in on itl "Go Arcturus"! MAIL THE COUPON! ARCTURUS RADIO TUBE CO., Newark, N. J. T,E Without cost or obligation, send my copy of the ARCTURUS DEALER HELPS Folder and details of the ARCTURUS EQUIPMENT DEAL. Name Street City State □ I am a dealer □ I am a serviceman. My jobber is Fir wut MnenieiM tail »upon eia be puted <a t laaay Mitiiri' SERVICEMEN'S GROUPS ACTIVE Business methods improved Definition of a serviceman advanced RSA CHAPTER NEWS New RSA chapters were formed in Fort Wayne, Ind., and St. Joseph, Mo., and a foundation laid for one at Pekin, HI. The Oklahoma City chapter, to keep local members up-to-date, is sponsoring a short course at Oklahoma U., conducted by manufacturers' engineers, on new circuits. Staten Island, N. Y., to furnish complete stock facilities for all members, has adopted a cooperative plan, each stocking certain types of special parts and drawing on each other when these parts are needed. From Detroit, Mich., comes the definition of a qualified RSA member. He must: Be a full-time serviceman, have a business set up, pay the taxes imposed on businesses, have commercial phone listings, and pass an oral and written business and technical examination. Philco "Mystery Control" lectures were given at New Hampshire by Mr. Morse, and at Binghampton, N. Y., by local Philco distributor, while the Rider Chanalyst was explained at Boston, Mass., Hartford, Conn., Jamestown, N. Y., Tulsa, Okla., and Steubenville, O., meetings. Speakers were active at other RSA chapters with Mr. Mohaupt speaking at Detroit on "Signal generators and frequency modulation" and at Lansing, Mich., on "The construction and use of the oscilloscope." Mr. Hicks, of Thordarson, addressed Pontiac, Mich., and Springfield, HI., servicemen on transformers. RSA publicity was furthered at Greenbay, Wis., by plans for cooperative advertising by members through press and radio, while the Chicago, 111., chapter is now publishing a house organ. Mr. Miller of New Jersey also made a publicity talk over WHBI Newark. Bert Eilers of Duluth and Noel Granger of St. Paul, Minn., reported to their chapters on visits to the national office of RSA. St. Paul decided to continue their poor credit lists, and fixed a scale of prices for auto radio installations. Washington, D. C, discussed the possibility of standardizing all service prices and doing away with free service and estimates. Newark, N. J. — Radio servicemen here have just warred on a firm advertising "Any radio repaired for only 75 cents, one year guarantee." Newspaper ads, handbills placed in mailboxes and billboards were used by this advertiser. A strong letter of protest to the newspaper publisher brought a satisfactory change in copy, and a complaint was next made to the postal authorities. Chairman Carl Rauber also lodged a complaint with the police department racket squad. As a result, the matter will be presented to the Essex County grand jury. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATIONS Servicemen of Fresno, Cal., have formed the Associated Radio Servicemen in an attempt to rid themselves of non-profit services and to increase their technical knowledge. Jack Schiefer was elected president, and information about the organization can be obtained from Earle Bancroft, 151 Howard St., Fresno, Cal. Hudson County Radio Servicemen's Assn., 22 Liberty Ave., Jersey City, N. J., has organized with Martin Seel as chairman; Joseph Potocki, sec'y; Charles Wolf, treas., and Edward Turnier, publicity. The public is being educated to use only qualified servicemen. The members of the organization no longer extend discounts to unqualified servicemen for the repair of tough jobs. PINCOR Rotary Converters Provide the most dependable means for converting direct current to alternating current. Particularly well adapted for operating radio receivers, public address systems, power amplifiers, signs, A.C. motors, etc. Available in two standard classifications "DA" and "TR" — both with or without filtei engineered for converting 6, 12, 32, 110 or 220 volts D.C. to 110 or 220 volts A.C, 40 to 2,000 watts. There is a "Pincor" converter for every requirement. Write for complete descriptions and data. PIONEER GENE-MOTOR CORP. Dept. R-2B 466 W. Superior Street Chicago. III. 42 Radio Today