Radio today (Jan-Mar 1939)

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I«C RESISTANCE ANALYZER and INDICATOR FOR USE WHEREVER RESISTANCE MEASUREMENTS ARE MADE An indispensable radio instrument for every ham, serviceman and experimenter. Fuse protected, fool-proof, guaranteed. Dozens of uses. Determines resistance values ; estimates tapers and values of controls; serves as voltmeter multiplier, rheostat or potentiometer; voltage divider; calibrated gain control or attenuator, etc., etc. Direct reading dial. Only 1 knob adjusts resistance from 0 to 1.0 megohm. Bakelite case 43/4"x31/(" Three fuses. Interesting 16-page instruction manual supplied with each Analyzer. Net Price (complete) $4.95 All Metal 11" long x 5 "2" deep x 5y2" high RADIO'S HANDIEST PARTS CABINET This new All-Metal IRC RESISTO-CABINET contains the first really balanced resistor assortment. Supplied complete with 59 famous IRC Resistors in practically every type and range commonly used in service work. You pay only the standard prices for the resistors. The cabinet is yours at not one cent of extra cost. The 59 resistors include popular ranges in Vz and 1watt Insulated Metallized Resistors; also 10-watt fixed and adjustable wire wounds, the latter giving every range from a few ohms up to II 10,000 ohms. Cabinet con tains four large drawers with seven compartments in each. Designed to stack solidly, one atop the other. List Value of Resistors $15.16 (The Cabinet is included) NOTE: Resisl-0-Cabinel not sold empty. INTERNATIONAL RESISTANCE CO. 40! N. Broad St., Phila , Pa. By the makers of INSULATED TnetaUL STANDARD OF QUALITY EVERYWHERE PRESENT "SOUND" OUTLETS AND THEIR PROBLEMS (Continued from page 15) Those parts jobbers who have made a success of sound selling are the ones which have established sound departments isolated from the regular replacement division. Contact salesmen have been put into the field for the purpose of selling sound equipment to industrial concerns, amusement centers and anyone requiring this type of merchandise. Wherever it has proven feasible to operate with the serviceman as a contact party, this procedure has been adopted. In cases where a serviceman or individual can sell at the list price, or the list price less a small discount, the jobber has handled this sale on a direct-to-dealer basis. When keen competition has arisen from other sources, the jobber has assumed the responsibility of the sale, paying the serviceman, or individual supplying the lead, a small commission. Of her outlets Companies Specializing in Sound Q.nly. — This type of organization is usually an extremely localized affair, whose business consists of both rental and direct sales. They have never considered any form of dealer business. Such sales agencies inform us that their major competition comes from the local parts jobber or mail-order house who sells direct to the consumer. Class A Radio or Refrigerator Dealer with a Sound Dept. — Class A radio concerns have protolems which are almost identical with those of companies specializing in sound only. These people, however, have had considerable experience already along these lines in their radio-set sales activities. The importance of proper purchasing power is immediately recognized and secured, otherwise they don't attempt to go into the P. A. business. Music Dealer with a Sound Dept. — This is a new sales agency which has become of great importance during recent years. The music trade has suddenly realized that one of the biggest P. A. consumers lies within their scope, i.e., the musician. More and more of these outlets are establishing sound departments every day. Other remaining outlets for sound equipment are not entitled to special consideration. Individuals having an opportunity to sell sound equipment by virtue of their special position must work with one of the above mentioned concerns. All sound sellers Our conclusion is that the selling of sound equipment must be handled on the same basis as automobile sales, regardless of what we may choose to call this new plan. For the sake of convenience and attractiveness, we felt that an organization ■with a name like the Clarion Institute of Sound Engineers would enable us to combine into one unit all concerns spe COMPLETE IN OtJARTERED-OAK CASE Cheeks All Types Radio Receiving Tubes Including the New 1.5 and 50Volt Series: Lcctal Base Types and the 0Z4 and other Uses Attractive Triplett Direct Reading Instrument 3" Size. (GOODBAD) Scale. • Line Voltage Adjustment Gaseous Rectifiers. • Separate Plate Tests on Diodes and Rectifiers • Neon Short and Leakage Tests • Ballast Tube Continuity • New Improved Low Loss Test Switch Suitable for counter or portable use. Sloping etched panel of silver and black. Model 431 $15.90 Checks all receiving tubes. (No ballast or gaseous rectifier test.) Tester uses dependable Readrite Meter. Quartered-Oak case same as for Model 432. Write for Catalog — Section 219 College Dr. READRITE METER WORKS. Bluffton, Ohio vO*c *•« <V?oV v?:Sr llll!li]!i1:|!«;T; IOO SIXTH AVE., NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO, ILL. • ATLANTA, GA. • BOSTON, MASS. BRONX, N. Y. • NEWARK, N.J. • JAMAICA, L. I. 50 Radio Today