Radio today (Jan-Mar 1939)

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Call Location £.2 fe £a 1 £ WJAG ..Neb 1060 0 WJAR Providence ..R.i. 890 O WJAS Pittsburgh . ...Pa 1290 O WJAX Jacksonville ...Fla 900 O WjBC Bloomlngton ..111 1200 H WJBK Detroit .Mich 1500 H WJBL ...IU 1200 H WJBO Baton Rouge ..La 1120 M WJBW New Orleans ..La 1200 H WJBY ..Ala 1210 H WJOX ..Miss 1270 O WJEJ Hageratown . ..Md 1210 H WJHL Johnson City. Tenn 1200 H WJIM Lansing ... .Mich 1210 H WJJD ...III 1130 U WJMS Irenwood . . Mich 1420 H WJNO WPalm Beach Fla. 1200 H WjR Detroit .Mich 750 W WJRO Tuscaloosa . ..Ala 1200 K WJSV Washington . .D.C. 1460 T WJTN Jamestown . N.Y. 1210 H WJW .Ohio 1210 H WJ2 New York: . .N.Y. 760 W WKAO San Juan . . .P.R. 1240 0 WKAR E. Lansing .Mich 850 0 WKAT Miami Beach Fla I.5WI J WKBB E. Dubuque ...111 1500 H WKBH WKBN Toungstown .Ohio 570 M WKBO Harrlsburg ..Fa 1200 H WKBV Richmond . . ..Ind 1500 H WKBW Buffalo .N.Y. 1480 S WKBZ Muskegon . . Mich 1500 H WKEU ..Qa 1500 H WKOK ..Pa 1210 H WKRC Cincinnati . ..Ohio 550 O WKST New Castle ..Pa 1250 K WKY Okto. Cltj . ...Okl 900 O WKZO Kalamazoo . ..Mich 590 O WLAO Nashville . . . .Tenn 1470 S WLAK Lakeland . . ..Fla 1310 H WLAP Lexington . . ..Ky 1420 H W LAW Lawrence Mass 680 0 WLB Minneapolis ...Min760S WLBC Muncie Ind 1310 H WLBL Stevens Pt Wis 900 S WLBZ Bangor Me 620 M WLEO Erie Pa 1420 H WLLH Lowell Mass 1370 H WLNH Laconia . ...N.H. 1310 H WLS Chicago Ill 870 W WLTH Brooklyn .. .N.Y. 1400 M WLVA Lynchburg ....Val2fl0H WLW Cincinnati ... Ohio 700 W WMAL Washington ..D.C. 630 K WIYIAft Chicago Ill 670 W WMAS Springfield .Mass 1420 H WMAZ Macon Ga 1 180 0 WMBC Detroit Mich 1420 H WMBD Peoria Ill 1440 0 WMBG Richmond Va 1350 M WMBH Joplin Mo 1420 H WMBI Chicago Ill 1080 S WM BO Auburn N.Y. 1310 H WMBR Jacksonville ..Fla 1370 H WMBS TJniontown Pa 1420 H WMO Memphis Tenn 780 0 WMCA New York ...N.Y. 570 0 WMEX Boston Mass 1500 H WMFD Wilmington .N.C. IJ70 8 WMFF Plattsborg ..N.Y. 1310 H WMF6 Hlbbing Minn 1210 H WMF J Daytona Bch .Fla 1420 H WMFO Decatur Ala 1370 H WMFR High Point .N.C. 1200 H WMIN St. Paul ...Minn 1370 H W M M N Fairmont ...W.Va890O WM PC Lapeer Mich 1200 H WMPS Memphis ...Tenn 1430 M WMSD Sheffield Ala 1420 H WMT Cedar Rapids 600 0 WNAC Boston ......Mass 1230 0 WNAD Norman Okl 1010 0 WNAX WNBC WNBF WNBH WNBX WNBZ WNEL WNEW WNLC WNOX WNYC WOAI WOO WOI WOKO WOL WOLS WOMI WOMT WOOD WOPI WOR WORC WORK WORL WOSU WOV WOW WOWO WPAD WPAR WPAX WPAY WPEN WPG WPIC WPRA WPRO WPRP WPTF WQAM Yankton New Britain Binghamton New Bedford Springfield . Saranac Lake San Juan . . New York.. New London Knoxville . New York . San Antonio Davenport . Ames Albany . . . Washington Florence Owensboro Manitowoc Gd Rpds . Bristol . . . Newark . . . Worcester York Boston . . . Columbus . New York . Omaha Ft. Wayne Paducaa . . Parkersburg ThsmasvlUe Portsmouth Philadelphia Atlantic City Sharon Mayaquez . . Providence Ponce Raleigh Miami . . . . ..S.D. 570 0 Conn 1380 K .N.Y. 1500 H Mass 1310 H ...Vt 1260 0 N.Y. 1290 H .PR. 1290 0 .N.Y. 1250 O Conn 1500 H .Tenn 1010 0 ..N.Y. 810 0 .Tex 1190 W la 1370 H la 640 S .N.Y. 1430 M .D.C. 1230 0 . .S.C. 1200 H . ..Ky 1500 H ..Wis 1210 H .Mich 1270 M .Tenn 1500 H ..N.J. 710 W .Mass 1280 M ...Pa 1320 0 ..Mass 920 M ...Ohio 570 N .N.Y. 1130 0 ...Neb 590 0 ...Ind 1160 T ...Ky 1420 H W.Va 1420 H ...Ga 1210 H .Ohio 1378 H ...Pa 920 0 .N..T 1100 S ...Pa 780 K .PR 1370 H ..R.I. 630 M .PR. 1420 H ..N.C. 680 S ...Fla 560 0 WQAN Scranton Pa 880 M WQBC Vicksburg ...Miss 1360 0 WQDM St. Albans ...Vt 13900 WQXR New York .N.Y. 1550 0 WRAK Williamsport ..Pa 1370 H W RAW Reading Pa 1310 H WRBL Columbus Ga 1200 H WRC Washington ..D.C. 950 0 WRDO Augusta Me 1370 H WRDW Augusta Ga 1500 H WREC Memphis Tenn 600 0 WREN Lawrence Kan 1220 0 WRGA Rome Ga 1500 H WRJN Racine Wis 1370 H WRNL. Richmond Va 880 M WROK Rockford Ill 1410 M WROL Knoxville ...Tenn 1310 H WRR Dallas Tex 1280 M WRTD Richmond Va 1500 H WRUF Gainesville Fla 830 S WRVA Richmond ValllOS WSAI Clneinnatl ...Ohio 1330 0 WSAJ Grove City Pa 1310 H WSAL Salisbury Md. 1200 K WSA N Allentown Pa 1 440 M WSAR Fall River . .Mass 1450 0 WSAU Wausau Wis 1370 H WSAY Rochester ...N.Y. 1210 H WSAZ Huntington .W.Va 1190 O WSB Atlanta Ga 740 W WSBC Chicago Ill 1210 H WSBT South Bend ..Ind 1360 M WSFA Montgomery ..Ala 1410 M WSGN Birmingham . Ala 1310 H WSIX Nashville ...Tenn 1210 H WSJS Winston-Salem NC 1310 H WSLI Jackson Miss 1420 H WSM Nashville Tenn 650 W WSMB New Orleans ..La 1320 0 WSM K Dayton Ohio 1380 j WSNJ Bridgeton N.J. 1210 H Call Location 5* J fe.3 P. W80C Charlotte ...N.C. 1210 H W8PA Spartanburg ..S.C. 920 0 WSPO Toledo Ohio 1340 0 WSPR Springfield .Mass I 140 M WSTP Salisbury ...N.C. 1500 H W3U I Iowa City I a 880 H WSUN St. Petersburg Fla 620 0 WSVA Harrisonburg . .Va 550 11 WSVS Buffalo N.Y. 1370 F WSYB Rutland Vt 1500 H WSYR Syracuse N.Y. 570 O WTAD Quincy 111900 0 WTAG Worcester . . .Mass 580 0 WTAL Tallahassee ...Fla 1310 H WTAM Cleveland . . .Ohio 1070 W WTAQ Green Bay . .Wis 1330 O WTAR Norfolk Va 780 0 WTAW College Sta ..Tex 1120 M WTAX Springfield ....D1I2I0H WTBO Cumberland ...Md800K WTON Minneapolis ..Min 1250 0 WTEL Philadelphia ..Pa 1310 H WTHT Hartford ...Conn 1200 H WTIO Hartford ...Conn 1060 W WTJS Jackson Tenn 1310 H WTMJ Milwaukee Wis 620 O WTMV E. St. Louis. Ill 1500 H WTNJ Trenton N.J. 1280 M WTOC Savannah Ga 1260 0 WTOL Toledo Ohio 1200 H WTRC Elkhart Ind 1310 H WVFW Brooklyn ...N.Y. 1400 M WWAE Hammond ....Ind 1200 M WWJ Detroit Mich 920 0 WWL New Orleans ...La 850 T WWNC Asheville . . . .N.C. 570 0 WWRL Woodslde ...N.Y. 1500 H WWSW Pittsburgh ... .Pa 1500 H WWVA Wheelng .. .W.Va. 1 160 8 WXYZ Detroit Mich 1240 0 UmetumGteateit ytpvkGoHma \ Va£ue! OnC*/ '/1000th Second Candid Undek f/OO^s NEW! FASTER f4.5 LENS! NEW! Built-in VIEW-FINDER ♦ FOUR Good Reasons Why A VmIvzX Department Means BIG PROFITS SMALL INVESTMENT! UniveX cam. eras and accessories are the lowest-priced in all photographic history! It takes a small investment to stock and display the full line. LITTLE SPACE REQUIRED! Be cause UniveX cameras and projectors are amazingly compact and streamlined— a dramatic, eye-compelling display can be presented on one counter — or in one small booth! NO SERVICING! UniveX cameras and projectors are easy to understand; simple to operate! No technical knowledge is needed on the part of your clerks. And you have no servicing problems, for all servicing is handled by your customers direct with the factory! NATIONALLY ADVERTISED! Consistent, dynamic advertising tells the dramatic UniveX story of value, performance and results in the magazines read by your customers! Your UniveX counter and window displays will bring in more traffic . . . more sales . . . more profits! For complete details regarding UniveX products, prices and promotional plans write Universal Camera Corporation; New York, Chicago, Hollywood. FAIR TRADE PROTECTED IN 43 STATES TRICOR f3.5 LENS Photoflash Synchronizer Built-in Automatic Film Transport Here's the only completely AJI-Anwnan Made camera that gives you the speed, the performance and the prize-winning results you d expect only from the most expensive foreign makes! Thmk ot halting a 200-mile-per-hour racing automobile. A shutter with l-lOOOth-of-a-second speed gel' .(-true, sharp, clear! Think of taking perfect nighttime shots -indoors or out! The built-in photoflash synchronizer snitch mokes it eosy! Think of cutting your costs in half! The most economical UnntX 33 mm. film, makes it possible! No longer need you envy those who own expen ■ sive foreign-made speed cameras. See the amazing UniveX Mercury today! Many dealers offer convenient, easypayment terms. Or send coupon for FREE booklet! CHECK THESE FEATURES! Allmet.1 focal plan* .hutter: I Built-in opliccl view-6nderl i Automatic film iraneport — double expoturea itnpoeaible! i Interchangeable 1 When you visit the New York World's Fair, don't mitt the dramatic presentation of the entire UniveX line in the Communications Building) USES 69< FILM! Here's the new 1939 movie cam. era that gives you the simplicity of operation ... the dependable performance ... the thrilling life-like results you'd expect only from high-priced cameras. So dependable is this new i i~;..' — T •, UniveX. with fast /4.5 lens and built-in optical v„w.finder ,ha, we mee satisfactory results, or a new roll of film free " are easy to take with the new UniveX' Ifcai 'Va " "£'"* snaPsh°'*! And with the 69r I UniveX film roll, your movies actually cost less than snapshots! I flllvAmV'"'s Rr«'«< movie value, because „ , makcs m°re m°"' cameras than any other manufacturer. Ask your dealer today to show you ■o„aTvah0na,,J,rW "W UnivtX wi,h '» "national features. Many dealers now offer the new UniveX on convenient easy payment terms. UNIVIX MOVII CAMIIA MICIS 1TART *925 •■US id.. ... **"•« rem "■Mill,,, (M c«"l»ra. 'emlii Reproductions of typical UniveX ads which are now appearing tn National Magazines. lU. Sncatt To Oum The NEW 1939 UnivtX MARCH. 1939 3!