Radio today (Jan-Mar 1939)

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PLAY SAFE! Before you sell or recommend an all-wave doublet antenna system, using couplers for a number of outlets from a single antenna make sure it is a "MULTICOUPLER" System, licensed under the patents of Amy, Aceves & King, Inc. When you sell a Master Antenna System, be sure it's the "Multicoupler" System licensed under patents of AAK. All -Wave Doublet Multicoupler ' ' Antenna Systems . . . designed especially for APARTMENT HOUSES, RESIDENCES, HOTELS and INSTITUTIONS of all kinds. The ONLY system that will adequately provide standard Broadcast and Short Wave reception for an average of 20 radio sets on one aerial, with Noise Reduction. Our engineering service is furnished with all installations. Write for complete information AMY, ACEVES & KING, inc Consulting Engineers . Specialists in Radio 11 W. 42ND STREET NEW YORK U AERIALS ARE EASY TO SELL EASY TO INSTALL Write for new catalog oi Ward's complete line oi low-priced manufacturers approved aerials for car and homealso get on mailing list for free magazine packed with selling and service tips. PRODUCTS CORP WARD BLDG. CLEVELAND, 0. RECEIVING SETS-Confd PILOT RADIO CORP., 37-06 36th St., Long Island City, N. Y., "Pilot"— BP, F, H, PR, AM, COM P0RT0MATIC CORP., 1013 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y., "Portomatie" — PR PRESTO RECORDING CORP., 139 W. 19th St., New York, N. Y., "Presto"— COM PRO— Hammarlund Mfg. Co. RADIOBAR CO. OF AMERICA, Trenton, N. J.— PR RADIO ENGINEERING & MFG. CO., 26 Journal Sq., Jersey City, N. J.— UHF RADIO LABORATORIES, INC., 2701 California Ave., SGiittlc Wash M RADIO LAMP CO.', 1313 W. Randolf St., Chicago, 111. — H, lamp style RADIO MFG. ENGINEERS, INC., 306 1st Ave., Peoria, 111., "RME"— AM RADIOMARINE CORP. OF AMERICA, 75 Varick St., New York, N. Y.— COM, M RADIO NAVIGATIONAL INST. CORP., 500 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y.— AV RADIO PRODUCTS CORP., 3800 W. Cortland, Chicago, 111. — A, BP, H, PR RA0I0 TRANCEIVER LABS., 86-27 115th St., Richmond Hill, N. Y., "Radio Tranceiver Labs." — AM, BP, UHF RAD0LEK CO., 601 W. Randolph St., Chicago, 111., •Radolek"— A, AM, BP, F, H, PR RCA MFG. CO., Front & Cooper Sts., Camden, N. J., "RCA-Victor"— A, AM, BP, FAC, H, M, P, PR, T REGAL AMPLIFIER MFG. CO., 14 W. 17th St., New York, N. Y.— F, H, BP, PR REMLER CO., LTD., 2101 Bryant St., San Francisco, Calif., "Remler"— F, H J. & L. SARA CO., 123 Liberty St., New York, N.Y., "Sara" — H, n E. M. SARGENT CO., 212 9th St., Oakland. Calif., "Sargent" — AM, COM SCHIRESON BROS., 226 N. Main St., Los Angeles, Calif.— A, H, PR E. H. SCOTT LABORATORIES, INC., 4450 Ravenswood Ave.. Chicago, 111., "Scott" — H, PR, F SEARS. ROEBUCK & CO., 925 So. Homan St., Chicago, 111., "Silvertone"— AM, A, BP, F, H, PR SENTINEL RADIO CORP., 2222 Diversey Pkwy., Chicago, 111., "Sentinel" — A, BP, F, H. PR, T SETCHELL-CARLSON, INC., 2233 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn., "Setchell-Carlson" — BP, F, H, M. PA SILVERTONE— Sears, Roebuck & Co. SIMPLEX RADIO CO., Sandusky. Ohio, "Simplex"— F, H SKY CHIEF RADIO CORP., 345 E. 37th St., New York, N. Y., "Sky Chief"— H. PR SKYRIDER— Hallicrafters, Inc. S0N0RA ELECTRIC PHONOGRAPH CO., INC., 132 West 22nd St.. New York, N. Y., "Sonora" — PR S0N0RA RADIO & TELEVISION CORP., 2626 W. Washington Blvd.. Chicago. III., "Sonora" — A. BP, F, H, PR, T SPARKS-WITHINGTON CO., E. Ganson Ave., Jackson, Mich., ■■Sparton"— A, F, H, PR SPART0N — Sparks-Withington Co. STEWART-WARNER CORP., 1826 Diversey Pkwy.. Chicago, III., "Stewart-Warner — A, BP, F, H. PR, T STR0MBERG-CARLSON TELEPHONE MFG. CO., 100 Carlson Rd., Rochester, N. Y., "Stromberg-Carlson" — F, H, PR SUPER-PRO— Hammarlund Mfg. Co. L'TATRO MFG. CO., 417 W. Water St., Decorah. la.— BP, F TINY TIM— Dunn-Hall Co. TOM THUMB— Automatic Radio Mfg. Co. TRAV-LER RADIO & TELEVISION CORP., 1036 W. Van Buren St., Chicago, III., "Trav-Ler" — A, BP, F, H, PR TREB0R RADIO CO., Pasadena. Calif.. "Trebor"— A, H TROUBADOUR— Ultramar Mfg. Corp. TROY RADIO MFG. CO.. 1144 S. Olive St., Los Angeles, Calif., "Troy"— A, BP, F. H, PR TRU-DIAL — Mission Bell Radio Co., Inc. TRUETONE— Western Auto Supply Co. ULTRAMAR MFG. CORP., 303 W. Monroe St., Chicago, 111., "Ultramar," "Troubadour" — A, BP, F, H, KT, PR UNITED AMERICAN BOSCH CORP.. 3664 Main St., Springfield, Mass.— A. F, H, P UNITED MOTORS SERVICE, 3044 W. Grand Blvd., Detroit, Mich., "Delco"— A, F, H UNIVERSAL BATTERY CO., 3410 So. LaSalle St, Chicago, 111., "Universal"— A, F, H VICTROLA— RCA Mfg. Co. JVEW TRIM-MAST AERIALS Trim mast antennas are made in over 100 styles and types suitable to all kinds of aerial installations from Auto Radii Home Radio. RUST PROOF NON DIRECTIONAL Above illustrates our Housetop Antenna Model 3000 CHECK SOME OF THESE FEATURES of the Extensive AVNET Aerial Line • New Design improves performance • Double construction, long lite • Modern, streamlined appearance. PRICED RIGHT A few territories still left for wide awake jobbers and dealers. Write today for our exclusive franchise. Free catalog upon request. The CHARLES AVNET CO. Manufacturers of Home and Auto Radio Aerials 156 CHAMBERS ST. NEW YORK RADIART VIBRATORS now GUARANTEED YEAR RBDIBRT FIRST in Quality FIRST in Design PROTECTED PROFITS 46 RADIO YEAR BOOK