Radio today (Jan-Mar 1939)

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/ >N »1« oscw LTRA HIGH QUENCY SIGNALS WHERE YOU WANT THEM 24Ueuu idas/! J50/ MEGACYCLES »*** \s\on H,'naso* e/c\es nn*e fco,°'»Pp ,\oY*t0 ton9e aa*° ^50 n** ^conVr°°Ic^9. ^od**V ton ^o\ qocn c»es ^ °,dfon9e ©no T oveT o«n isioo m<> du\o Yion id*©* to tnn9 5^\S use 0sed *** f !:.««* *eods rt«\n« dV ^:> r^. \\n 1*^CV — W«'wd* on ,^enn«» «d •**' ,\ded «ot io\ P°' v/e» \o \oc* eo*e e^c»n« eos^ ,ot^ ibiVi*V Model 772 5000 VOLT TELEVISION AND RADIO ANALYZER Sensitivity 20,000 ohms-per-volt. input impedance 100 megohms on top range. Specially designed low-leakage jacks. Breakdown voitage in accordance with AIBE safety standards. . . 11,000 volts. Current readings down to Yz microampere. NOTE — present owners of 20,000 ohms-per-volt analyzers can bring them up-to-date with the compact WESTON 5,000 volt Televerter ... an inexpensive multiplying unit which fits the carrying case Model 669 VACUUM TUBE VOLTMETER— measures gain in video and sound amplifying channels— peak voltages in thyraton (sawtooth) generators in oscillator circuits — grid potentials on cathode ray tubes — as well as other essential measurements in all sound receivers. Essential for all branches of television, for police radio, aircraft, maintenance trucks, etc. SEND COUPON FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION Weston Electrical Instrument Corporation 597 Frelinghuysen Ave;, Newark, N. J. Send bulletin describing the Model 787 Ultra High Frequency Oscillator and other WESTON Instruments. Name AddressCity -State