Radio today (Jan-Mar 1939)

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INSULATION MANUFACTURERS CORP., 565 W. Washington Blvd.. Chieago, El.— F, M. P, T, VC INSUL1NE C08P. OF AMERICA, 25 Park Place, New York, N. Y.— SO, T E. F. JOHNSON, Waseca, Minn., "Johnson"— C. SO KURZ-KASCH CO., Dayton, Ohio— PL LAMICOID— Mica Insulator Co. LOCKE INSULATOR CORP., S. Charles & Cromwell Sts., Baltimore, Md. — C, SO LUMARTH— Celluloid Corp. MANUFACTURERS SCREW & SUPPLY HOUSE. 215 W. Illinois St., Chicago, I1L— T. VC MEISSNER MFG. CO., Mt. Carmel, El.— SO MICA INSULATOR CO., 200 Varick St., New York. N. Y., "Lamicoid"— PL, VC, T, M, F MICARTA FABRICATORS, INC., 4619 Ravenswood Ave., Chicago, HI.— F, PL, T MYCALEX CORPORATION OF AMERICA. 7 E. 42nd St., New York, N. Y., "Mycalex" — C MYCALEX — Electronic Mechanics, Inc. MYCALEX — Mycalex Corp. of America NATIONAL VULCANIZED FIBRE CO., Wilmington, Del., "Phenolite"— F, P New HICKOK DYNAMIC MUTUAL CONDUCTANCE TUBE TESTER with readings in MICROMHOS! MODEL 51-X Tests — All types of tubes, including Loktol, 50 volt, ballast and Pilot Lamps. Measures — Micromhos, A.C. & D.C. Volts, Ohms, Milliamperes, Capacity, Inductance, Output and Decibels. Special Features — Patented uniform single scale for indicating A.C. and D.C. Voltages; Electronic (not copper oxide) Rectifiers eliminate burnt out rectifiers; positive noise test to demonstrate noisy tubes. Tester indicates "Good," "Replace," "Doubtful" as well as readings in Micromhos. Remember, it is not Dynamic Mutual Conductance unless it reads in Micromhos. Mail the Coupon for complete catalog of Hickok Radio Testing Equipment. HICKOK ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENT CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO HICKOK ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENT CO., 10486 Dupont Ave., Cleveland, Ohio Gentlemen: Please send your catalog to Name Address City.... State. OH MOID— Wilmington Fibre Specialty Co. PHENOLITE— National Vulcanized Fibre Co. POLYSTYRENE— Bakelite Corp. THE RICHARDSON CO., 2738 Lake St., Melrose Park, Chicago, 111., "Insurok" — PL SACKHEIM BROS. CORP., 215-219 W. Illinois St., Chicago, I1L— F, P, T, VC SPAULDING FIBRE CO., INC., 310 Wheeler St, Tonawanda, N. Y., "Spauldite." "Armite," "Spauldo" — F, P SPAULDITE— Spaulding Fibre Co., Inc. SPAULDO — Spaulding Fibre Co., Inc. STUPAK0FF LABORATORIES, INC., 662T Hamilton Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. — C SUPERIOR INSULATING TAPE CO., 3100 Lambdin Ave., St. Louis, Mo. — Friction Tape, Rubber Tape SYNTHANE CORP., Highland Ave., Oaks, Pa,, "Synthane" — PL TILT0N ELECTRIC CORP.. 15 E. 26th St., New York, N. Y— T TURBO— William Brand & Co. UNIVERSAL MOLDING CO., 16th & Vermont Sts., San Francisco, Calif. — PL WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC & MFG. CO., East Pittsburgh, Pa. — PL WILMINGTON FIBRE SPECIALTY CO.. Wilmington. Del.. "Fyberoid," "Ohmoid" — F, PL LABORATORY & PRODUCTION TEST EQUIPMENT -(2)~Qy~^*^ Bridges B Condenser specialties C Field strength meters F Frequency measuring devices ■ FM Frequency standards . . . . FS Inductance specialties L Interference locators I Meters (laboratory type) . . . M Microvolters MV Oscilloscopes O Resistance specialties R Sound level meters SL Standard signal A.F. gen. . ■ SA Standard signal R.F. gen. ■ ■ ■ SR Vacuum tube volt meters . . . VT Wave analyzers WA ACOUSTIC CONSULTANTS, INC., 1270 Sixth Ave.. New York, N. Y., "Phonometer" — SL AMERICAN COMMUNICATIONS CORP., 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y.. "American" — I VICTOR J. ANDREW, 7221 S. Francisco Ave., Chicago, HI.— C, FM, FS, L, B, SA ASSOCIATED RESEARCH, INC., 16 N. May St.. Chicago, 111.— B, M BENDIX RADIO CORP., 60 E. 25th St.. Chicago. 111.— F, FM, FS, I, O, SL, SA. SB B00NT0N RADIO CORP., P.O. 314, Boonton, N J.. "Q Meter," "QX Checker"— M. SA, SR WM. W. L. BURNETT RADIO LABORATORY, 4814 Idaho St., San Diego, Calif. — FM, FS CINEMA ENGINEERING CO., 7606 Santa Monica Blvd., Hollywood. Calif., "Cinema" — B, C, FM, FS, L, R, SL, SA. SR, VT CLAROSTAT MFG. CO., 285 N. 6th St., Brooklyn. N. Y.— R CLOUGH-BRENGLE CO., 2815 W. 19th St., Chicago, HL, "C-B"— B, FM, MV, 0, SL, SA, SR, VT, WA COLLINS RADIO CO., 2920 First Ave., Cedar Rapids, Iowa— FM, 0. SL, WA DAVEN CO., 158 Summit St., Newark, N. J— B, M, R, SL TOBE DEUTSCHMANN CORP., Canton, Mass.. "Tobe" — B, C, I ALLEN B. DU MONT LABORATORIES, INC., 532 Valley Rd., Upper Montclair, N. J., "Du Mont" —0 ELECTRONIC DESIGN CORP., 164 N. May St.. Chicago, HI., "Meek"— MV, 0, SL, VT EXCEL— Hickok Electrical Instrument Co. Electrical Insulations A complete line of electrical insulations for radio and related uses, including:— LAMICOID FOR INSULATION Laminated-Bakelite Fabricated Parts, No. 6028 XXXP Low Power Factor Punching Stock for high frequensy radio parts. LAMICOID FOR DIALS AND PANELS Translucent Dial Stock— for printing or engraving. Black and White Engraving Stock for panels, nameplates, etc. Graphic Lamicoid with permanent printed i\ ni-h for charts, wiring dlagrams, etc. Write for Prices. MICA FOR CONDENSERS AND RADIO TUBES Condenser Mica of highest electrical strength, low loss for high frequency condensers. We can furnish Mica split to thickness on fabricated pattern. Write for Price Bulletin 92M which describes Mica in detail. MICA SHAPES Fabricated from Domestic or Imported Mica of all descriptions . . . punched and machined to exceptionally accurate dimensions. Also raw Mica. MICANITE . . . built-up Mica insulation. Plates, Fabricated Parts, Barrier Insulations, Tubes, Washers, Tapes, etc. Write for Price Bulletin No. 106. EMPIRE TAPE Varnished Cloths, Tapes, (seamless, bias or out lengthwise) Silks and Papers, Tubing, etc. Write for Priee Bulletin No. 110. MICO INSULATIONS Varnished Cambric Tubing, Saturated Sleeving, Varnishes, Untreated Papers, Linen and Silk Tapes, etc. Write for Price Bulletin. GLASS INSULATIONS Write for information and samples of the new Varnished Fibreglas Cloth, Fibreglas and Mica sheets and untreated Fibreglas tapes and sleevings. Mica Insulator Co. 200 Varick St., New York ; 542 South Dearborn St., Chicago; 1276 W. 3rd St., Cleveland. Branches at Birmingham, Boston, Cincinnati, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle. Canada: Montreal, Toronto. MARCH, 7939 59